Intra-Lifestyles Distributor Independant. The Precise formula of 23 botanical extracts work better together to help balance and strengthen the body's eight biological systems, leaving you feeling healthier, happier and more energized! Intra is certified Safe for Athletic Use by the international Olympic Committee because it does not contain steroids or stimulants. Intra's formula has been enjoyed by millions of satisfied customers worldwide and is suitable for all ages. An ounce of Intra a day can make a world of difference! Drink Intra. Share Intra. Every Day.
Lifestyles developed a new food supplement NutriaPlus as a combination of 12 synergistic ingredients that showed amazing results in helping human health!
Proven benefits of NutriaPlus:
Reduces cell damage caused by toxic effects of pollution and chemicals *
Cell Health – reduces inflammation at the cellular level *
Keeps healthy cells healthy your entire life *
* NutriaPlus is the first natural health product to be formulated using the Zebrafish Research Model!
Zebrafish are excellent for research because:
they share 70% of the human genetic code
they share 85% of the genes that cause human disease
they are transparent – researchers can study their cells easily
they are the ideal way to see how nutrients function in the body
Now available in the Philippines, Canada, USA, and Hong Kong. But stay tuned, NutriaPlus will soon be available in other markets too!
Intra & NutriaPlus
The Antioxidant Power Of Intra And NutriaPlus
On a standardized scale, the power of Intra and NutriaPlus together produce a Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) of 1501. TAC measures the power of an antioxidant based on its ability to neutralize free radicals. Higher TAC levels equal stronger antioxidant capacity.
Better Together: The Synergy Of Intra And NutriaPlus
NutriaPlus is a breakthrough formula that complements the 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts in Intra. When both are taken together, your body can benefit from more than 250 health building properties.
The antioxidants found in NutriaPlus protect cells and have been known to fight diseases including cancer. The 23 botanical extracts found in Intra provide the body with vital nutrients. When Intra and NutriaPlus are combined, the ingredients have a powerful synergistic effect, including better absorption and increased reactions in the body.
The 12 SYNERGISTIC Ingredients in NutriaPlus:
Why should you take NutriaPlus?
• You don’t get your 5 – 7 daily servings of fruits and vegetables
• You don’t eat a balanced diet
• You skip meals
• You often eat-out at fast food restaurants
• You have stress in your life
• You live in a polluted environment
What is the best time to take NutriaPlus?
NutriaPlus capsules should always be taken with a meal as vitamins and minerals, as well as certain phytonutrients are better absorbed by the body when a small amount of fat is present.
Do I still need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables?
Absolutely! NutriaPlus is not intended to replace fresh fruits and vegetables but to help supplement the important nutrients provided in them. It is well recognized, that the majority of people do not consume the suggested servings of these foods on a daily basis. In addition, due to modern farming methods, the nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables have been compromised due to depleted soil, pesticides and unripe picking. However, fresh fruits and vegetables also provide dietary fibre and water, two important elements for good health.
Learn all about NutriaPlus and the Zebrafish Research Model and Acenzia:
Intra Herbal Juice by Lifestyles for optimal Health & Vitality
Intra is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts manufactured by Lifestyles International. As a natural food supplement intra helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems with the essential nutrients that are lacking in most modern diets.
The special blend of 23 herbal extracts found in intra work well in the formula due in part to the concept known as synergistic effect. The synergistic effect is defined as multiple herbs in a blended formulation working together to produce a greater benefit than any one of the individual components on their own. A great example of this is licorice root – this unique botanical magnifies the positive effects of other botanicals in a formulation.
Intra Herbal Juice by Lifestyles for optimal Health & Vitality
Strong in antioxidant ingredients that are specifically formulated to support the body at the cellular level.
Provides nutrients that are no longer found in our food, but are essential to our bodies.
One of the most popular herbal blends in the world today.
Helps keep the body free of modern pollutants and toxic chemicals.
Lifestyles INTRA 23 HERBS helps maintain a healthy immune system.
Helps keep the body free of modern pollutants and toxic chemicals.
Buy Intra Herbal Juice Lifestyles now!
Intra – the Christmas Gift for Loved ones
How Intra® Works in the Body
For thousands of years, the Chinese have believed the secret to life revolves around the “pa-kua” (pronounced par-kwar), an octagonal symbol that depicts the eight points of the compass. It is believed that the trigrams (eight directions) give the pa-kua its power & energy.
Only Intra® supports the Body’s 8 Biological Systems!
What is Intra?
Intra is a blend of 23 botanical extracts.
The extracts from these botanicals contain an abundance of disease fighting antioxidants, flavoring and trace minerals that are lacking in modern diets.
The creation of lifestyles intra brings modern science and traditional wisdom together to produce the world’s most unique and effective botanical blend.
As a natural food supplement, Intra’s unique formula of 23 botanical extracts work better synergistically together than each one individually, to provide your body with the balance it needs for a state of health and well being.
Suggested Use: 1 fl oz/ml to 2 fl oz/56 ml one time daily, For best results,use this product everyday.
Phytochemicals AND Phytonutrients are chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants (phyto means “plant” in Greek). Some are responsible for color and other organoleptic properties, such as the deep purple of blueberries and the smell of garlic. Phytochemicals may have biological significance, for example carotenoids or flavonoids, but are not established as essential nutrients.[1][2][3]There may be as many as 4,000 different phytochemicals.[2] BY WIKIPEDIA
Phytonutrients are all-natural, plant-based chemicals that offer tremendous health benefits. Many support normal bodily functions but there are some that have extremely powerful hormonal, antioxidant, and immunity-boosting effects that can actually help ward off disease. The following five classes of phytonutrients have well-known health-promoting and disease-fighting benefits.
Flavonoids are phytonutrients that are most concentrated in purplish red and brownish plants including berries, red cabbage, red onion, some whole grains,coffee and tea, red wine, and cocoa. They come in many different forms including flavonols and flavones. The health effects of flavonoids primarily stem from their potent antioxidant properties, as they are capable of scavenging free radicals, which play a major role in the onset of many chronic diseases. Regular intake of flavonoid-rich foods has been proven effective in the treatment and prevention of heart disease, cancer, and inflammatory disorders.
Carotenoids are extremely powerful antioxidant compounds that protect the cells, tissues, and organs of the body from free radical damage. Due to their effects on free radicals, carotenoids have been shown to protect against heart disease, high blood pressure and certain forms of cancer, amongst other chronic conditions. Common forms of carotenoids include beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and lycopene. Plant-based sources of such carotenoids include carrot, sweet potato, tomato, cantaloupe, kale, broccoli, sweet peppers, and other vegetables and fruits that are red, orange, yellow or green in color.
Isothiocyanates are one of the most effective cancer-fighting phytonutrients. They have been shown to reduce cancer risk in organs such as the lung, breast, prostate, and colorectum. Isothiocyanates are largely present in cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and horseradish. They are responsible for the bitter taste of these vegetables and they’re generally released when you chop or chew them. Regularly consuming isothiocyanates-rich foods may greatly hinder cancer development and tumor growth, especially when they’re consumed in raw form (click here for six vegetables and fruits that can effectively fight many types of cancer).
Lignans are specialized estrogen-like phytonutrients (phytoestrogens) that exert beneficial hormonal and antioxidant effects. Due to these effects, regular consumption of foods containing lignans may offer protection against cancers of the breast and prostate, colorectal cancer, and even skin cancer. Of all plant-based foods, flaxseeds and sesame seeds are the richest sources of lignans including secoisolariciresinol, pinoresinol, and lariciresinol. In addition to these foods, substantial quantities of lignans are housed in whole-grains, vegetables, and some fruits (berries and apricots).
Indoles are well-known phytonutrients that are largely present in leafy green and cruciferous vegetables like kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, broccoli, and bok choy. Similar to lignans, indoles are classified as phytoestrogens as they exert powerful hormonal effects that greatly protect against cancer. They are also effective antioxidants and free radical scavengers. As everyday dietary choices, foods containing indoles have been proven beneficial in the treatment and prevention of various forms of cancer, especially hormone-linked cancers like breast and ovarian cancer.
Scientists have identified thousands of phytonutrient compounds and more are being discovered every day. These five are among small fractions that have been extensively studied for their health-enhancing effects. To optimize your health and reduce your risk of disease, make an effort to incorporate foods rich in flavonoids, carotenoids, isothiocyanates, lignans, indoles, and other phytonutrients into your daily diet.
Doplněk stravy Nutria Lifestyles obsahuje stopové prvky, fytoživiny a fytonutrienty, které podporují imunitní systém a dodají vašemu tělu kýženou vitalitu a zdraví. Společné užívání INTRA® a NUTRIA®, 2 kapsle NUTRIA a 2 odměrky INTRA®, znamená denní příjem 3336 antioxidačních jednotek (ORAC). Vaše schopnost „bránit se poškození DNA “ (antioxidační ochrana buněk) tím vzroste o 278%.
Proč lékaři doporučují užívání preparátu Nutria?
Selen. Při jeho nedostatku hrozí vyčerpání organismu, vysoká hladina cholesterolu a časté infekce. Působí účinně proti rakovině. Lékaři doporučují užívat přírodní a bezpečný, 100% organicky vázaný selen – SelenoExcell. Organický SelenoExcell® high selenium yeast, který je v preparátu Nutria zajistí maximální bezpečí a vstřebatelnost v trávicím traktu. Selen působí jako antioxidant, blokující škodlivé volné radikály, které poškozují DNA. Je součástí antioxidačního enzymu, který chrání buňky proti škodlivinám z potravy a je společně s vit. C a E a dalšími fytoživinami obsažen v antioxidačním preparátu NUTRIA. Tato kombinace má chránit organismus před celou řadou onemocnění, jejichž předpokládanou příčinou je poškození volnými radikály. Patří sem rakovina, srdeční onemocnění, mozkové příhody, šedý zákal, degenerace žluté skvrny a další.
Zinek a Vitamin C. Zinek působí antivirově i proti toxinům v kontaminovaných potravinách, ovzduší a vodě. Blokuje virová onemocnění a nákazy, urychluje hojení. Vitamin C účinně zvyšuje odolnost organismu proti chorobám. Pomáhá při regeneraci nemocné tkáně a zvyšuje aktivitu bílých krvinek. Zdrojem jsou šípky, rakytník, černý rybíz, jahody, citrusy, křen či paprika.
Vitamin A a E. Vitamin A napomáhá tvorbě a funkčnosti kůže a sliznic, je důležitý pro neporušený imunitní systém. Vitamin E zvyšuje vitalitu a energii, chrání srdce a kosti.
Nutria obsahuje další fytonutrienty
Zdroj: The Laboratory Report – Intra and Nutria
Přípravek Nutria® obsahuje organický SelenoExcell® high selenium yeast, stopové prvky, fytonutrienty – „vitaminy nové generace“, které podporují imunitní systém a dodají vašemu tělu kýženou vitalitu a zdraví. Směs antioxidantů obsažených v přípravku Nutria je speciálně vyvinuta jako podpůrný prostředek pro neutralizaci volných radikálů a pro zachovávání buněk ve zdravém, nepoškozeném stavu. Společné užívání INTRA® a NUTRIAplus®, 2 kapsle NUTRIA a 2 odměrky INTRA®, znamená denní příjem 3336 antioxidačních jednotek (ORAC). Vaše schopnost „bránit se “ (antioxidační ochrana buněk) tím vzroste o 278%. Nutria obsahuje bezpečný a účinný 100% organicky vázaný selen – SelenoExcell. Další nejnovější vědecké informace o antioxidantech Nutria získáte zde.
Vítáme Vás na stránkách věnovaným Intra 23 byliny, kanadské společnosti Lifestyles s 31 letou tradicí. Nabízí to nejlepší z přírody pro zdraví a vitalitu. Intra je přírodní bylinná směs pro každodenní použití, tvořená extrakty z 23 druhů rostlin, kořenů a kůr. Intra působí na osm systémů organizmu. Intra je ceněna miliony spokojených zákazníků na celém světě. S Introu máme skvělé osobní zkušenosti od roku 1998. Proto ji rádi doporučujeme.
Intra je zabalena v luxusní láhvi připomínající exotiku. Uvnitř nalezneme lahodný nápoj, vyváženou směs 23 extraktů bylin, rostlinných kořenů, plodů, semen a kůr pocházejících z ekologicky čistých oblastí země. Tyto látky jsou rozpuštěny v přírodní hruškové nebo pomerančové šťávě a jsou sladěny tak, aby blahodárně ladily tělo – 8 soustav. Intra byla vyvíjena 10 let nejlepšími znalci bylin a vědci, kteří se opírali o receptury stoletími ověřených čínských herbářů a o nejmodernější vědecké poznatky s cílem harmonizace a detoxikace organizmu, zmírnění či odstranění nedostatků ve výživě a prevence civilizačních onemocnění.
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