
NutriaPlus, FiberLife, and Intra – better together!

Better Together: The Synergy Of Intra And NutriaPlus

NutriaPlus is a breakthrough formula that complements the 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts in Intra. NutriaPlus was developed in conjunction with the zebrafish research laboratory at Acenzia Inc.  When both are taken together, your body can benefit from more than 250 health building properties. The fruit and vegetable based antioxidants found in NutriaPlus protect cells and have been known to fight diseases including cancer. The 23 botanical extracts found in Intra provide the body with vital nutrients. When Intra and NutriaPlus are combined, the ingredients have a powerful synergistic effect, including better absorption and increased reactions in the body.

The Antioxidant Power Of Intra & NutriaPlus

On a standardized scale, the power of Intra and Nutria together produce an ORAC value of 56,406/L. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and measures the power of an antioxidant based on its ability to neutralize free radicals. Higher ORAC levels equal stronger antioxidant capacity.      

A blending of Intra® Proprietary FormulaIntra herbal juice      

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The antioxidants in NutriaPlus help to:

FAJFKAReduces cell damage caused by toxic effects of pollution and chemicals

FAJFKACell Health – reduces inflammation at the cellular level

FAJFKAKeeps healthy cells healthy your entire life

 FAJFKASupport your immune system

FAJFKA Maintain your heart health

FAJFKASlow down the effects of aging

 FAJFKAProtect you from diseases linked to low intake of antioxidants

FAJFKA NutriaPlus provides optimum levels of organically bound selenium – an important mineral that has been studied around the world for its health properties.

FAJFKA NutriaPlus contains phytonutrients, (helps support immune function, prevents certain types of cancer, and detoxifies the liver).

 Why should you take NutriaPlus?

FAJFKA You don’t get your 7-10 daily servings of fruits and vegetables

FAJFKA You don’t eat a balanced diet

FAJFKA You skip meals

FAJFKA You often eat-out at fast-food restaurants

FAJFKA You have stress in your life

FAJFKA You live in an air polluted environment

FAJFKA Get not enough selenium even if You eat a healthy balanced diet

NUTRIAPlus – high in antioxidants, blueberries help protect against the reduction in brain function due to aging, as well as help reduce the risk of many chronic degenerative diseases. They also function like cranberries and benefit the urinary tract health. Prune Prunes are one of the highest antioxidants and assist in bowel regularity. They have the highest ORAC measurement, the standard for measuring antioxidant values. NutriaPlus is the first natural health product to be formulated using the Zebrafish Research Model!

Zebrafish are excellent for research because:

  • they share 70% of the human genetic code

  • they share 85% of the genes that cause human disease

  • they are transparent – researchers can study their

    cells easily

  • they are the ideal way to see how nutrients function in the body

  • they grow quickly and breed rapidly

Watch the videos below to learn all about NutriaPlus and the Zebrafish Research Model:

 The NutriaPlus story
 Lifestyles and the Zebrafish Research Model
 NutriaPlus development
 NutriaPlus results
 NutriaPlus benefits
 NutriaPlus and Intra… Better Together Plus
 Zebrafish and the relation to humans
 Response in Zebrafish vs. humans
 The safety of Zebrafish
 The future of Zebrafish research
 Acenzia’s history
 Acenzia’s vision
 The meaning behind “Powered by Acenzia”
 Learn more about the SelenoExcell in NutriaPlus

  Download the NutriaPlus Q&A

What’s Inside NutriaPlus?

The 12 SYNERGISTIC Ingredients in NutriaPlus













NutriaPlus, FiberLife, and Intra – better together Plus!

Health & Wellness with Phytonutrients and Fiber

Begin protecting your body today with Lifestyles Intra + NutriaPLus!!

Visit the IntraSite Store and order NutriaPlus today!


Intra + You = Better Together…Every Day!                                                                                                    orderlifestylesproducttoday

What’s Inside Intra®?

bee pollen




dandelion fenugreek












Click here to download the Nutria Q&A
Click here to download the Nutria leaflet
Click here to download Laboratory report showing the antioxidant power of Intra and Nutria
Click here to download Nutria is certified pesticide-free

Click here to download Health & Wellness with Phytonutrients by Paul Kramer

