Intra herbal juice contains No Steroids No Stimulants

Intra is now certified “Safe for Athletic Use” by the German Sport University Institute for Biochemistry, Accredited Institution for Certification, German Sport University Koln Institute for Biochemistry, IOC Accredited Laboratory , Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schanzer, C/O Deutsche Sprothochschule, Dr. M.K. Parr, Food Scientist.
Intra contains No Steroids, No Stimulants
Intra is completely free of alcohol, caffeine, or any substance that would cause an athlete to test positive for a banned substance.
intra trio
Understanding the “Ups” & “Downs” of Exercise
Although we are told that exercise is good for our bodies, what we are unaware of is that exercise pushes the body beyond its usual capabilities (resulting in muscle damage). With the right amount of recovery time and appropriate nutrients, the body will efficiently repair and rebuild towards an increased level of strength and endurance (this is known as the adaptation syndrome). To continually improve our level of fitness, these principles must be supported by the right amount of nutrients and antioxidants. If these essential nutrients are provided, this will boost exercise performance and reduce exercise recovery time.


During exercise, our bodies will:

• Increase the rate and amount of oxygen utilized
• Increase metabolism (burn more calories)

After a bout of exercise, our bodies will:

• Have an increased accumulation of toxins (free radicals) and by-products (lactic acid)
• A reduced physical resistance due to increased exercise demands


Safety & Benefits of Intra® for Athletes

Free Radicals & Lactic Acid – Since exercise increases the amount of oxygen used in the body, this causes an increased production of unstable molecules called free radicals. These highly reactive molecules can damage cells and are believed to be the main cause of sore aching muscles a day or two after exercise (known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS).

Wastes/By Products – Since exercise increases metabolism, there is an increased production of waste and by-products. Collectively, these wastes need to be quickly eliminated and neutralized to reduce muscle soreness and improve exercise recovery.


Reduced Physical Resistance – Since we are “overloading” our bodies with physical stress, it takes time to repairand replenish the cells after exercise (this is known as exercise recovery).



9 Health Benefits of Fiber

FibreLife intra nutria

9 Health Benefits of Fiber

  • Heart health – An inverse association has been found between fiber intake and heart attack, and research shows that those eating a high-fiber diet have a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease.
  • Blood sugar control – Soluble fiber may help to slow your body’s breakdown of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar, helping with blood sugar control.
  • Weight loss and management – ( Lower Cholesterol – Taking Medicine, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight and Exercise ) – Fiber supplements have been shown to enhance weight loss among obese people, likely because fiber increases feelings of fullness and slows carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Stroke – Researchers have found that for every seven-grams more fiber you consume on a daily basis, your stroke risk is decreased by 7 percent.
  • Skin health – Fiber, particularly psyllium husk, may help move yeast and fungus out of your body, preventing them from being excreted through your skin where they could trigger acne or rashes.
  • Diverticulitis – Dietary fiber (especially insoluble) may reduce your risk of diverticulitis – an inflammation of your intestine – by 40 percent.
  • Hemorrhoids – A high-fiber diet may lower your risk of hemorrhoids by preventing the need for straining.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – Fiber may provide some relief from IBS.
  • Gallstones and kidney stones – A high-fiber diet may reduce the risk of gallstones and kidney stones, likely because of its ability to help regulate blood sugar.

Warning!!! Start slowly with fiber intake and make shure you consume at least 3-4 L of water per day!

warning fiber intake

Get your daily dose of fibre today with Lifestyles Fibrelife!
Get your daily dose of fibre today with Lifestyles Fibrelife!



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Meeting with INTRA Herbal Juice? I was very lucky!!My testimonial.

Dear friends.
We’d like to share with you our story INTRA herbal Juice testimonial today 7th of April as we celebrate the Day of Health.

Tomas´s My Intra juice story:

Regina´s My Intra juice story:

We first met Intra Lifestyles Herbal Juice in 1995. We can say with certainty, that the meeting with INTRA was very lucky not only for us but everyone else who recognized the secret of long-term usage. Since 1992, Intra is helping millions of people not only in Europe but also worldwide. We personally, with all my family enjoying INTRA regularly every day and that since 1998( we joined Lifestyles). Finally I on behalf of our team, thank you for your support and confidence in the intro Lifestyles and other products that you are loyal to us, demonstrate since 1998, for nearly 25 years.

We wish you robust health with intra

Tomas and Regina Cincala, NMD & Intra Herbal Juice Global Team


We would also like to ask you, long-term users of Intra you with others to share your experiences, tips, advice and stories with the product. Please send them to me at this email ( along with your photos and we will publish them. We will reward you with a small gift.


Intra juice benefits:

And what helped me Intra and still helping? Gives me the vitality, energy for life, reduce stress and maintain good immunity. I’m resistant to colds and various virus diseases. I’m not saying that I would not get sick, but the course viremia is much shorter and more bearable. After a few days I am back in form. The body deals with the disease faster and better. Thanks intra and its long-term usage (every day, regularly for the past 15 years or more) we stabilized some illnesses such as diabetes, psoriasis (not developed and does not deteriorate and can not see!), High blood pressure, hemorrhoids, kidney stones, Lyme disease, allergies, asthma and cancer, but also less serious problems such as nervousness and migraines, constipation, heartburn, insomnia, irritability and more plus increased resistance to stress, etc. I’m not saying Intra is a cure – a cure for a particular disease, it is only “herbal supplement”. Therefore, I recommend you INTRA not only as a long-term Distributor and NMD advisor, but also as a long term happy user. Try it and see what herbs can do for You.


Intra juice store: click here.


Intra Mischung 23 Kräutern und Pflanzen

Beginnen Sie Ihr Intra Lifestyles


Intra Mischung 23 Kräutern und Pflanzen

INTRA® Lifestyles CANADA ist eine ausgeglichene Mischung von Extrakten aus 23 Kräutern und Pflanzen

Seit 1989 hat Lifestyles Tausenden von Menschen in mehr als 30 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt geholfen. Die Marke Lifestyles, zusammen mit unserem ……….. Produkt Intra ® ist weltweit ein führendes Unternehmen in der boomenden Gesundheits- und Wellness-Industrie. Intra wird in Kanada hergestellt.

Was ist INTRA®?

INTRA® ist eine ausgeglichene Mischung von Extrakten aus 23 Kräutern und Pflanzen, angebaut in den ökologisch reinen Gebieten. Diese Extrakte sind in der naturalen Birnen-und Traubensaft konzervanten und alkoholfrei ausgelöst, so dass die Zusammensetzung auf unserem Organismus die günstigste Wirkung ausübt. Die Qualität des Erzeugnisses wird durch die Schutzsmarke COR 341, GMP und HALAL bestätigt. Diese Schutzmerke ist in der ganzen Welt als Marke der höchsten Reinheit der Zucht, des Sammelns und der Herstellung des Erzeugnisses gilt.

Legislativ ist INTRA® in die Kategorie von Nahrungszusätzen eingeordnet, d.h. ist Zwischenglied zwischen Nahrungs-und Arzneimitteln und kann ohne ärztlicher Beratung eingenommen werden. Man empfielt die Einnahme von INTRA® für Kinder ab 2Jahren, für Frauen während der Schwangerschaft (dabie werden die INTRA®-Nähstoffe über die Plazenta auf die Frucht hinübergetragen) und während der Stillzeit. INTRA® ist in den Fällen empfohlen,dass die Arzneimittel der klassischen Medizin nicht wirksam sind.Kaufen

23Praktische Wirkung von INTRA®.

23 Kräutern und Pflanzen


Mit Hilfe von Heilpflanzen reinigt INTRA® unser Organismus von toxischen Stoffen,regeneriert den Organismus verleiht ihm nötige Energie, stärkt das Immunsystem, d. h. wirkt als Prohylaxe der Zivilizations krankheiten. INTRA® bereinigt alle Gängedurch die toxischen Stoffen aus dem Organismus abgesondert wird.

INTRA® regeneriert den Organismus. Unser Organismus hat so eine Eigenschaft wie Dedächtnis. Bekommt er eine ausreichende Information, ist er imstande, seinen gesunden Zustand widerherzustellen. INTRA® hat diese Information für die Behandlung verschiedenen Krankheiten. Bei der Einnahme von INTRA® erhöht sich die Vitalität wiederhergestellt und das Immunsystem gestärkt. INTRA® wirkt als Pophylaxe der Geschwulsterkrankungen (unser Organismus kann Angriffe von 20 Kanzerogenzellen zurüchschlagen, wenn er ausreichend starker Immunsystem hat).


Order Intra Lifestyles Juice in Austria and Germany or Switzerland




Live Better Every Day – click here and see the content. 

Combining the best that science and nature have to offer, Lifestyles helps you improve and maintain your overall health and well-being through our proven line of high quality, nutritional supplements. Lifestyles is dedicated to offering breakthrough wellness products that are effective, safe and competitively priced.


Join our Newsletter or contact us today and be the first to get notified on new Lifestyles Intra Juice Global Team updates and discounts. Plus, you get present eBOOK “ A GUIDE TO INTRA HERBAL BENEFITS“.


FIBERLife Presentation by Paul Kramer, R.N.C.P.

FIBERLIFEcan help people enjoy the benefits of increased dietary fibre and help them to better manage their body weight”…

What are the directions for using FiberLife

For this reason, Lifestyles is introducing FiberLife, a revolutionary fiber blend …announced Paul Kramer, R.N.C.P., Vice President of International Product  ..see more at:

Being by taking 1 capsule of FiberLife proir to meal(lunch) with 250ml – 500 ml of water (or juice). After a few weeks, take 2 or 3 capsules daily.  It is recommended that you take them two or at least one hour before taking any medications and/or supplements. Make shore You consume in total at lest 3L of water (or juice) per day.

3 month program

Paul Kramer
Senior Vice President
Paul has 30 years of experience in nutritional product development, Network Marketing and corporate management, and is the author of the best-selling book,Fighting Body Pollution, which is now printed in eight languages worldwide. As a registered Nutritional Consultant, Paul is a respected expert within the health industry, and has conducted health seminars around the world. He is a graduate of the Canadian Nutrition Institute’s Advanced Holistic Nutrition Program and currently represents Lifestyles as a member of the Canadian Health Food Association and the American Botanical Council.

Intra ® is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts manufactured by Lifestyles Global Network Canada.  As a natural food supplement intra® helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems with the essential nutrients that are lacking in most modern diets.

Intra – Precise Formulation of 23 Botanical Extracts

Intra herbal juice

Paul Kramer’s latest book: Synergy12 – The Story of a Natural Health Breakthrough!


The testimonials on this page are the personal and subjective experiences of INTRA customers. They are not medical recommendations of any kind by the producer or distributor. INTRAPlus is a nutritional supplement; not a medication.

What type of benefits can I expect to see using Intra 23 herbs? 
Intra works with the natural systems of the body and because each one of us is different, we experience different results using the product. In general, intra helps support and strengthen the areas of the body where we are weakest – often the results are very dramatic. Everyone who uses intra daily will experience different benefits.
Intra juice or capsules should be taken with at least a 7 ounces of non-carbonated water (or fresh juice) in order to „detox“ Your body properly. Make shore You consume in total at lest 3L of water (or juice) per day.
How much intra should I take every day? 
The recommended dose of intra is 28ml to 56ml (1-2 fluid ounces) a day, but up to 168ml (6 fluid ounces) can be safely consumed daily if you feel like your body needs additional support. If you feel like you need an extra boost – take more intra daily. If people use intra consistently for 3 consecutive months ( INTRA TRIO), 1/3 will notice some sort of result within 3 to 7 days, 1/3 within 1 to 3 weeks & the last third within 3 weeks to 3 months.
Please, if your question is urgent we recommend viewing our INTRA,NUTRIA & FIBERLIFE FAQ

Intra ® is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts manufactured by Lifestyles Global Network Canada.  As a natural food supplement intra® helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems with the essential nutrients that are lacking in most modern diets.

Intra – Precise Formulation of 23 Botanical Extracts

Intra herbal juice


I’ve been eating Lifestyles cookies now for 2 years and in that time without any difficulty at all I’ve lost 4 stones 7 pounds. I would never have believed that I could eat cookies and lose weight it I hadn’t experienced it myself. I am also pleased, and not a little surprised that my 4 month experience with intra has brought me
tremendous relief in my arthritic arms.  S. McKENNA, Co. Fermanagh


I have suffered with chronic Hayfever for years. I have to say I was very sceptical when I heard about intra. However I decided I’d nothing to lose by giving it a try. I was really convinced when I ran out of intra and my haytever returned with a vengeance. My wife Mary has suffered from headaches for many years. Intra is the
only thing that has brought her relief. What an excellent product. SIMON & MARY SMITH, Co. Tyrone


My full time occupation is as a Professional Photographer but I still find time for my Lifestyles business and regularly sell 18 bottles of intra a week by telling people the benefits intra has brought to me. I now sleep much better and the constant flaking skin on my scalp has cleared up completely. SEAN CRAWFORD, Co. Tyrone


I have suffered with very bad acne and eczema for years and thanks to intra I suffer no longer. BRIAN 0’DONNELL, Co. Donegal


In July 92 I became ill with the illness known as M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I had a variety of debilitating symptoms ranging from chronic tiredness, memory loss, mood swings, digestive disturbance, weak and painful muscles and agonising joint pain. Thanks to nutritional therapy and complementary medicine I slowly started to get better in early 93. In July 93 I was introduced to intra and what a difference it made. After only two weeks I noticed a considerable difference in my stamina and energy levels. I found that I was sleeping better and the quality of sleep had improved. Also the detoxification effect intra had on me assisted greatly in clearing up my joint pain. When I began taking intra I was only able to work approximately five hours a day. Within six weeks I was able to work from 6.30am to 11pm at night. Intra has certainly helped me to recover and regain the energy and stamina needed to survive the fast pace of modern day living.
Fiona Warren, Somerset


I have been an insulin dependent diabetic for several years. I began taking intra 8 months ago and for the past six months I have not needed insulin as my blood glucose has remained stable and at a satisfactory level.
Testimonial to Intra from Gerald Hambling, Devonshire


I used to play a lot of sport until three years ago when I was diagnosed as suffering from OsteoArthritis in my right knee As I was only 35 years of age at the time and was told that I would have to wait until I was 50 or 60 before I would need a knee replacement you can imagine it wasn´t very good news for me. I have suffered a lot of pain during the last three years and have taken a lot of painkillers. I have also undergone surgery when a special camera called an Arithiscope was inserted into my knee to allow the cavity to be cleaned out. This was intended to reduce the pain but alter three months I was back on pain killers and Traxam gel in the winter.
Then intra came my way in the summer of 93 and I decided to try it because the money back guarantee meant I had nothing to lose. After just two and a half weeks I noticed a tremendous difference. intra has awesome power – I regained some mobility and the pain reduced. At last I am pain free – just one ounce every morning has helped me in such a big way. I am now running again and working on building up the wasted muscles in my leg. I have noticed extra energy at the end of the day and I also sleep much better.
Testimonial to Intra from George Peacock, Surrey


Although busy as a stage performer, I hadn’t had a hit record for over 10 years, then last month I started taking intra and my duet with Elton John went shooting up to the top of the charts!
Seriously though, when you need to be healthy and energetic for a living a natural tonic is just what’s needed. Doing up to 12 interviews one day and then performing in another country the next can be very tiring, but wherever I travel my intra goes with me.
Testimonial to Intra from Kiki Dee


I have been taking intra for 8 months and have already had several benefits, however, I was particularly delighted with my most recent result. I always react badly to red food colouring but it is not always possible to avoid this or detect if it is in a particular food. The reaction can last up to 10 days and usually I am covered from head to toe in a horrible, itching, bright red rash. During the reaction period blue dye in clothing and cold air exacerbates the condition and life is pretty miserable. Last week I had a reaction but I am pleased to say that the rash was only patchy, caused much less discomfort and the reaction lasted only 24 hours!
Testimonial to Intra from Edith Schulz, Remedial Massage Therapist, West Mids


My 4 year old daughter suffers from eczema but none of the doctors and specialists we have seen have been able lo cure her The only thing that helped was a hormone cream which we disliked using.
Six weeks ago we started her on intra. At first I had to mix it with fruit juice because she didn’t like the taste. After only 4 weeks we noticed results. Her bleeding wounds on elbows and knees started to heal and her skin felt softer again. After 6 weeks she has no wounds and the itching has stopped. My daughter now asks for intra herself because she knows it works and at last she can sleep through the night without pain.
Testimonial to Intra from Luc Timmermans, The Netherlands


Eighteen years ago I fractured my right hand in a motoring accident – since then it has been painful when gripping or when writing for any length of time. I began taking intra just 5 weeks ago and have noticed an enormous improvement. I can now grip and flex my hand without pain. In addition I am sleeping much better and
have increased energy. What a wonderful product! Testimonial to Intra from Judy Birmingham, Surrey


I have quite severe Osteo Arthritis in the neck and spine and in the last few years had begin to experience pain in my knee and arm joints, I was very sceptical that a botanical drink could ever do anything for me. However after taking intra for only 4 weeks I no longer have pain in my joints, I am sleeping like a log and I
seem to have boundless energy. Testimonial to Intra from Derek Birmingham, Surrey


After suffering extreme pain and discomfort for 5 years I was diagnosed as suffering from Spondylosis. There was no treatment only painkillers to make the pain bearable. The difficulty walking, loss of use of my hands, loss of feeling and numbness together with the Angina I also suffered with made getting around almost
impossible so I acquired a battery operated 3 wheel invalid scoota. After taking intra for only 12 weeks I have experienced unbelievable results, I can now walk unaided. I am pain free and the numbness is receding fast. I have actually sold my scoota because I no longer need it. My results encouraged my husband
Stewart to try intra to see if it would help with the Asthma he has suffered from for 12 years. Within 8 weeks his condition has improved He is breathing a lot better and has less frequent attacks A bonus is that Stewart’s dry flaking skin has now returned to normal. Testimonial to Intra from Shirley and Stewart Foulds, Devonshire


Roll on ’94 because I think I can safely say that 1993 has been the worst year of my life healthwise. It started badly on day one (January 1st) when I suffered a mild stroke whilst on holiday in the Canary Islands. Further small strokes followed over the next 3 months. I was left with severe Vertigo and very high blood pressure.
The vertigo was the worst – it meant that I spent all day propped up on the bed to prevent myself from falling.
We spent a fortune privately – the doctors made all the investigations – and the upshot was that there was NO help they could offer other than to say it will get better – but it may take 18 months to 2 years. What a prospect – I was desperate! I tried all complementary medicine had to offer and the reflexology and homeopathy helped a little bit at the time. Then in November my husband stumbled across intra and brought it home for me to try. By this time of course I was sceptical as I had tried so many remedies but after only a few days I was amazed at the
improvement. The dizziness has not completely gone yet but I write this after using intra for just over a month. I do however feel so much better and am able to get out and about again and I feel I am well on the way to resuming a normal life because I can once again do all the things I had previously taken for granted.
I can honestly say that intra has changed my life and I can now look forward to a happy and healthy 1994.
Testimonial to Intra from Jane Butler, Powys


I started intra in February 1993 and I must admit I was a bit sceptical about the whole thing. I didn’t notice any difference until the second bottle was nearly empty then it suddenly dawned on me that I was no longer running to the Doctor’s surgery for antibiotics for Cystitis which has plagued me for years. When the hayfever season began I also realised that the normally streaming eyes and nose symptoms didn’t appear and once again I was saved from a visit to the Doctor for a prescription. And then, last but not least, circumstances in my life mean I live with a very high level of stress and I have found intra has very much helped me to cope with life much more positively. I can’t say enough about intra – its wonderful.
Testimonial to Intra from Liz Gross, Scotland


My mother has suffered for many years with both Angina and Osteo Arthritis which eventually results in the bones crumbling away. She has suffered great pain and has taken painkillers for years. I suggested intra and after just five days she put her pain killers in the back of the medicine cabinet and stopped using them. What is more for the first time in years she walked three quarters of a mile to the local Post office to collect her pension without the aid of painkillers.
Testimonial to Intra from Bill Hodge, Lincs


Migraine has been my problem for years. I started taking intra 3 months ago and have not suffered an attack since. I have literally forgotten how painful my life used to be. My energy level has also improved.
My 2 year old son had eczema on his arms and legs. It was so severe on his legs that every time we took his nappies off he would scratch himself until he bled. After taking just 1/2oz of intra each morning for just 2 weeks his eczema disappeared. Testimonial to Intra from Richard Samuels, Lancs


Now in my mid 50’s, I was finding that many years of farming (and good living!) has begun to take their toll with aches and pains in both my back and hips, a deteriorating pain in my shoulder from an old injury and an eczema condition that I had suffered from for 30 years. Intra has alleviated all that by allowing me to drive for long distances instead of needing frequent halts to ease joints, the shoulder pain is greatly eased with no
more need for cortisone or an exploratory operation and my eczema has actually disappeared. I also sleep much better and have increased energy! Testimonial to Intra from John Robins, Wiltshire


Five years ago I gave up my favourite hobby of sailing as 1 found I just didn’t have enough energy any more. What I didn’t realise was that I had started with M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis) or Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome but it was not diagnosed until two years later in early 1990. By that time I had given up everything,
including work, and it took all my effort to get up and get dressed. I decided to give up smoking around that time but binged on sweet things as a substitute and as my immune system was already very suppressed I encouraged
an overgrowth of the yeast fungus present in the digestive system and found I was also suffering from Candida Albicans overgrowth which further debilitated my body. An alternative therapy centre recommended a strict diet devoid of sugar and yeast and after following this for 18 months I began to win the battle against Candida.
I still suffered from stress though and aromatherapy and homeopathy helped enough to allow me to return to work but a retrograde step came in early 92 when I was made redundant. By October 92 I was frustrated by lack of energy because I was now physically unable to do the things that my re-activated brain wanted to do. Any extra effort or exertion would leave me struggling again. The real breakthrough came in November 1992 when I was persuaded to try intra by my friends Peter & Jenny Benns. Within just 10 days my energy level had
soared. So much so that my son commented that I was in line for the ‘Supermum’ award as I had completed so many tasks that day without a rest. Previously I found that every six weeks I would ‘crash’ as I called it but after intra no ‘crash’ came. After 3 or 4 months on intra friends started asking what I was doing as they had never seen me so positive, healthy and energetic. I told them intra was responsible and they are all now avid users hemselves. After 4 months on intra I was capable of carrying out the equivalent of full time work and now another 4 months on my evenings and week ends are full, I can travel long distances and my ability to cope with stress is much better. t know this to be the case because my house recently burnt down and I lost everything. My biggest concern these days is not to run out of intra. Testimonial to Intra from Olivia J Steen, Devonshire


My daughter has suffered with chronic Psoriasis for 3 years with the need to visit a specialist twice a week for Tar baths and ultra light treatment (sadly with no improvement). This put a lot of stress on her (and us), she had to miss school, became withdrawn and began to stammer. After just 2 months on intra, some 85 per cent of the psoriasis had gone and she was no longer needing speech therapy and had developed into her former chatty self, even competing in, and winning, her school sport’s day skipping race which would previously have been unthinkable. My young son has also benefitted greatly from intra as he no longer has puffy eyes from hayfever and my own hayfever/sinus problems have also cleared up. We are a family who are delighted with the radical health changes that intra has brought about in our lives.
Testimonial to Intra from Gail Wiltshire, Devonshire


I’ve suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis for fifteen years. I’ve been discharged from two hospitals because they were unable to relieve the pain or improve my, mobility – all the medical profession could offer was anti inflammatory drugs, which I have taken for the past ten years and a surgical belt which I wore to help ease
the pain in the lower part of my spine. Even so it would take me between one to two hours to lift myself out of bed because the pain was so excruciating early in the morning. I started taking intra on August 19th 1993 and within 10 days all my pain had gone and I was off all medication. My wife used to worry each time I left the house alone because I was so unsteady on my feet that I was at risk just walking across the road and on busy pavements. I am pleased to say that I now walk and stand well and no longer need my surgical belt as support. I bounce out of bed in the mornings and no longer face the risk of losing my job because of ill health. And as if that’s not enough good news for one family I must tell you about my son Dominic aged twelve. Since he was three years old Dominic has been attending hospital regularly for treatment for eczema. Nothing has helped his condition until I gave him some of my intra. Within 4 days his skin was clear. Thank you Lifestyles.
Testimonial to Intra from T. Chris Cleckner, Middlesex


Some 20 years ago I was attending hospital on a different matter when, almost as an aside, I was told that I was suffering from the onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis. As I was not suffering from any symptoms at the time I laughed the matter off but very prophetically the Consultant said I wouldn’t be laughing in 10 years time and how right he was! The next fifteen years read like a medical dictionary of complaints. I suffered a minor stroke, had my Gall bladder and bile duct removed, had a Hiatus hernia repaired and also survived Meningitis. All this coupled with years of taking anti-inflammatory drugs for the arthritis left me with extremely high blood pressure and all I could see in the future was a wheelchair. The anti- inflammatory drugs caused lots of side effects and these coupled with excruciating incessant pain and night cramp made my life utter misery. I was at my lowest ebb when I was introduced to intra. I felt I had nothing to lose as traditional medicine held no hope for me. To my utter surprise after just one month I realised I was sleeping through to 7am because the cramp and pain had receded and the joint inflammation was reduced allowing me more mobility. One year later I still take 1oz of intra every day and just double dose at the beginning of the cold damp season. I take no other anti inflammatory drugs and cannot express my delight at once again being pain and drug free – with a wheelchair no longer in sight. Testimonial to Intra from Patricia Caffell, Berks.


In the Spring of 93 I had a serious family crisis which resulted in a severe bout of reactive depression. I sat at home, hoping that `something would turn up’ and only emerged after dark. No amount of telling myself that there were others much worse off than me helped. My Doctor could only offer anti-depressants, and in the first instance these only made my condition worse. Then in the Summer by luck, or perhaps fate took a hand, I was introduced to intra. I was extremely sceptical – `that won’t help me’ I said. However I did try it and after only 5 days the effect was electrifying. I felt as though I was emerging from a dark tunnel. I am writing this 11 weeks later and can say that my energy level is back to what it was in my twenties (20 years ago), my sleep pattern has been restored and I have not felt this positive about life and the future for many years. If you are reading this and have doubts take it from one ‘doubting Thomas’ that intra is a truly remarkable product. I shall be forever grateful to Dr Leung for helping me out of a deep personal crisis. Testimonial to Intra from Chris Brewis, Lincs


I had been taking intra for only three weeks when I visited my beauty therapist for my regular manicure and I was very surprised when she mentioned that she had never seen my hands and nails in such good condition. Subsequently my skin has improved generally and even the condition of my scalp has improved so that the dandruff which had plagued me is now virtually non existent. I am also sleeping better, waking earlier feeling more refreshed and no longer have aching muscles or joints when getting out bed. In fact my whole well being is very much better. Testimonial to Intra from Sonia Bianchi, West Mids


I am 23 years old and before being introduced to intra I used to suffer week in, week out, with very bad sore throats, swollen glands and ulcerated tonsils. I have been taking intra for well over 6 months now and haven’t had a single sore throat or cold in that time. Testimonial to Intra from Stuart Mills, West Mids


I have taken Royal Jelly, Oil of Evening Primrose end vitamin supplements for many years but I ceased taking them when I began my first course of infra so I could be sure any changes I detected in my feeling of well-being could be attributed to intra I very quickly realized my energy level had increased enormously but my main health improvement relates to a Gingivitis condition from which I have suffered for many years. The condition of my gums had deteriorated so much I consulted a specialist privately who recommended extensive treatment with a dental hygienist. Half of my mouth was treated in the first 40 minute session, which was very painful. The hygienist said she was very worried about the extent of the gum damage and was considering treatment which involved extensive cutting of the gum tissue. She would however make a decision on this at my next appointment. which was scheduled for one month later. Before the second session to treat the other halt of my mouth began I was offered a local anaesthetic to help with the pain, but asthe hygienist prepared to inject she said ‘I just can’t believe it, your gums are very much improved. I don’t think an anaesthetic is needed’. This time the treatment lasted 20 minutes and was indeed pain free. There was also very little bleeding. Throughout the whole time the hygienist just kept saying to me how astonished she was at the improvement and how she had never seen anything like it before. She also said no further treatment was required. It wasn’t until I left the surgery that I realized that I had begun taking intra just after the first treatment one month previously. As I had done nothing else differently I can only assume that intra is responsible for the improvement in my condition. My gums are now completely healed and healthy. I am not only delighted that I have found a natural remedy but I have also saved a considerable amount of money in dental charges. Testimonial to Intra from TONI HAZELWOOD


James was born prematurely and by emergency Caesarean section due to the extreme pre eclampsia of his mum, Elizabeth. It was subsequently discovered that James suffered from a condition known as ‘Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction’. This condition involves poor motor co-ordination and shows up, for example, in short term memory failure, retarded speech development and underachievement in basic skills, i.e. reading, writing and maths. James’ IQ is nevertheless normal or average. These fundamental problems create difficulty in terms of sell esteem, especially when adolescent awareness shows. Peer group bullying and/or exclusion amplifies this most damning of all damage making experiences. Normal people cannot comprehend the necessary courage, fore-bearingness and sheer will to survive! Fortunately, my wife and I were able to attract or finance special support and specialist cranial treatment. The regularity of the specialist treatment declined significantly last year due to our traumatic business losses. Meanwhile, I found LIFESTYLES and infra. As a result of our appreciation of intra’s powers we decided to introduce it to James in early January 93. Within 2-3 weeks he began to ask to share with us a sudden and new found ability to read with little hesitation. He actually completed his current class book in less than one week instead of his more recent six to eight weeks.
We investigated further with his schoolteachers and found that since the time of previous official measurement (November 92) his reading ability had increased from 8 years 8 months to one whole reading year – 9 years 8 months. We arranged a private meeting with his cranial specialist who was amazed at the change and, on questioning James, realized that the only key variable in the new situation was intra! If this wasn’t enough James now reports a much improved level of emotional control, relaxation and clarity of speech too! James is now prepared to believe that he may yet be a someone or a something useful in life. Above all he is a delighted, joyful and expectant customer. For his parents. words are not enough … we will, by our actions, ensure extended clinical trials in some special schools so that intra enjoys a rather exceptional form of Kosher Certification for the benefit of others. Testimonial to Intra from MICHAEL DEANE, Devon


I have suffered from asthma, hay fever and extreme sensitivity to animal dander and cigarette smoke for as long as I can remember. The summertime was just awful for me, I’d use sprays up my nose and drops in my eyes, take antihistamines and use a lot of Kleenex tissues. Last summer however, was different because I discovered intra. I began my first course of intra al the height of the pollen season and to my amazement within only 4 days my allergy symptoms cleared up never to return. An added bonus is that the frequent headaches which used to plague me are now very few and far between. It’s such a relief after so many years not to suffer any more!.
Testimonial to Intra from JILL HUNT, London


I am approaching my 60!h birthday and I wasn’t aware I was suffering from any health problems when I began taking intra just a couple of months ago. However, I now realize that for many years I have been putting low grade fuel in the engine and consequently only running on three cylinders! I now have a renewed zest of life! Who ever heard of a 60 year old taking up jogging. I now go out each morning and enjoy every minute of my run. In addition I have always been a restless sleeper and my wife regularly complained about being disturbed . She can’t believe how much more soundly I am sleeping now and of course she’s delighted because it means she gets a more restful night too! Testimonial to Intra from ALAN BROWN, Scotland


‘Feminine problems’ have made my tile a misery recently. Hot flushes and a lack of energy were beginning to get me down and I realized I had developed a tendency to become easily flustered and upset. I began taking intra really just because I thought the extra vitamins and minerals could only help my general health. I wasn’t expecting anything more but I am astounded at the improvements I have experienced. My hot flushes have reduced greatly in number and severity after just two months. I have lots more energy and patience and my hair and nails have improved in condition. My steep pattern has also changed and I find I am sleeping longer and more restfully. I only wish I’d known about intra months ago! Testimonial to Intra from MAUREEN BLACK, Scotland


My son Paul is 4 years old and since he was three he has had an unexplained rash on his back possibly caused by a mystery allergy. After hearing other peoples’ success stories with skin conditions I began giving Paul 1/2 oz of intra every morning. Within 10 days the rash had cleared up by at least 90%. Paul so likes intra that he will not leave for school until he takes his magic drink as he calls it. We went away for a few days at Christmas and as the normal daily routine was disturbed we forgot the daily dose. Within 3 days the rash had returned. Absolute proof to me and my wife that intra was responsible for the improvement in his condition.
Testimonial to Intra from ROB NICHOLS, Warwickshire


I have suffered with Psoriasis for over 10 years and have during that period been prescribed a whole host of preparations and creams by my doctor. None of these have had more than a short term effect. After only 3 weeks of taking intra I have noticed a remarkable improvement especially on my scalp. I would estimate that the psoriasis has been reduced by over 60% already and I see the condition being completely alleviated within 2 months.
Testimonial to Intra from TOM CRAWFORD, Merseyside


When I was first introduced to intra I was sceptical about its powers, but I will try anything once and after only one week I vowed that my fridge would never be without a bottle of intra. Intra isa Wolf in Sheeps Clothing how such a harmless looking drink could contain such awesome powers, is unbelievable.
An ounce a day has cured my five year problem of headaches.
An ounce a day has helped me sleep better, for shorter periods.
An ounce a day has given me more energy and stamina.
An ounce a day has increased my levels of concentration.
An ounce a day has helped me give up smoking cigarettes.
An ounce a day really does make a world of difference.
Testimonial to Intra from ANDY HARWOOD, Devon


Being a chocoholic has always worked against me when trying to lose weight but when I discovered LIFESTYLES chocolate cookies I realized here was a plan just made for me. I have lost a total of 34lbs to date and like the time saving benefit of being able to just open the pack and eat without any fuss. Added to that I have not suffered from cravings for chocolate or the need to binge. Perhaps more important than my weight loss success story is my experience of using intra. I have experienced increased energy levels and a noticeable improvement in the condition and softness of my skin. However, in the summer of 1992 I underwent a course of chemotherapy, which, as most people are aware, causes very unpleasant side effects. I felt surprisingly well throughout the treatment and my doctor cannot understand why I did not suffer in the usual way. I took infra throughout the treatment period and I am convinced it helped reduce the typical side effects and helped boost my immune system to enable it to cope with the added workload. Testimonial to Intra from CAROL TOMBS, Hertfordshire


My wife Marika says. ‘Thanks to intra, I have the energy, as a mum working 7 days a week, to keep going and I feel the stress and pressure of a hectic life much less. It has also helped me with one of the problems millions of women suffer from every month – PMT. It’s now a thing of the past’. My daughter Penny who is 20 years old adds – Just like my mum I used to suffer from PMT and intra has helped me a lot. However even more important is that I no longer have spots on my back and face. Intra has improved my skin dramatically and I’ve only been taking It for 3 months. Finally my own experience. I was a migraine sufferer -and I am delighted to say I am no longer.
In addition every Spring and Summer for the last 10 years I have suffered from hay fever so badly that I could not even have flowers in the house. Now thanks to infra I have eliminated this problem to such an extent that I don’t need anti-histamines to enjoy the beautiful blossom and scent of the flowers that God created. Thanks to intra I can now enjoy the outdoors. Testimonial to Intra from JOE EVAGOROU, London


Intra has had a most definite effect on my blood pressure. For some years I have been taking medication for high blood pressure and this has meant regular trips to the doctor. In the early summer of 1992 the stress readings were climbing and my doctor insisted on more frequent once monthly checks.
No change registered until early in September when my Doctor expressed surprise at how dramatically the reading had dropped. He said ‘whatever you are doing Jenny, it’s working – stay with it’. I left the surgery wondering what I had been doingthat was so different and realized in a flash that I had been taking intra for the previous 3 weeks. I dislike taking medication and I am delighted to have found a natural way of keeping the problem under control. An added bonus is that now 3 months later I really feel and look much better and the arthritis pain (which was a result of a sporting injury and two operations together with steroid injections). which I have suffered from for years has subsided.
Testimonial to Intra from JENNY BENNS, South Devon


I have experienced so many health Improvements since beginning to take intra it’s hard to know where to begin.
Firstly, arthritic pain I suffered in my hands, hips and knee joints has eased by at least 80% within 3-4 days of my first bottle. I have suffered from migraines for over 50 years and within 3 weeks realized that the frequency and severity were much reduced. After 3 months I hardly suffer with a mild headache! I suffered from a deep vein thrombosis 8 years ago which left me with varicose eczema. The itchiness and flaking has now completely gone.
Winter always caused my hands to become dry and badly chapped and I used to spend a fortune on hand creams to no avail. This winter my hands have remained in a healthy condition with no discomfort at all. And as if that’s not enough I also steep much better. Because of pain and discomfort I was lucky to get 1-2 hours a night until recently. I now regularly sleep 6 or 7 hours and so consequently am feeling much more rested and relaxed.
The cookies bring me onto another success story – I have lost 3 stone 21bs in just 3 1/2 months. Not bad for a 57 year old? Testimonial to Intra from JOHN BLACK, Scotland


I was 16 years old when I discovered that wearing make-up caused a terrible rash on my face. I am now 42 and over the years have spent a fortune on all types of hypoallergenic formulas without success – everything caused an allergic reaction. After taking intra for only one month my skin felt better and seemed to be improving in condition. I didn’t think anything of this until a friend suggested I try wearing make-up. To my absolute amazement I did not experience a reaction. I cannot describe how wonderful it Is to be able to use makeup for the first time in my life. I really feel transformed. The extra energy I also feel is an added benefit.
Testimonial to Intra from VERA SMITH, Bedfordshire


I have suffered from multiple food and chemical allergies for many years. This, coupled with Irritable Bowel Syndrome which caused my stomach to become swollen and distended, meant my life was plagued with discomfort and ill health. I tried all kinds of treatment ranging from homeopathy to conventional medicine and after years of expenseI gained an 80% improvement in my health. After using the cookies for only three weeks the stomach swelling reduced by 3 and the physical discomfort my condition caused was dramatically reduced. I also take intra and am now able to tolerate an increased variety of foods and my sensitivity to chemicals is greatly reduced. The inhalation of diesel and petrol fumes caused headaches, nausea, feelings of confusion and a sore throat. This made traveling a nightmare. Now I am delighted that I can travel by car with the windows open even on the busiest of roads with no ill effects. An added bonus is that the condition of my skin, hair and nails has improved. My strength, flexibility and stamina have also improved enabling me to pursue my favourite hobby, swimming. Another hobby is singing with the local amateur operatic society. Mild asthma has always made this difficult. however, my breathing is easier after taking intra. My quality of file has greatly improved since taking the Lifestyles products. I lost 12lbs and 4″ off my waist.
Testimonial to Intra from LYNN ASHTON, Cheshire


Tom Watt is Scottish Body BuildingChampion. Whilst training for the UK Senior Body Building Championship Tom agreed to test intra. He decided to discontinue all his usual daily intake of vitamin tablets and instead just take one ounce of intra. To his amazement he experienced no drop in energy level and commented that intra is much easier to take and simpler to manage.
Testimonial to Intra from TOM WATT, SCOTLAND


I have suffered with rheumatoid and osteo arthritis for over 30 years and have all the usual anti inflammatory drugs i.e. steroids, gold injections and replacement joints to try to alleviate the pain. However I still needed to take a daily dose of 8 to 10 strong painkillers. After taking intra for 3 days I found I was doing many things with more ease and less pain. A week later I was taking no pain killers and although I was not totally pain free the discomfort was bearable. Eight weeks later I am still not taking pain killers and I feel so well – better than I have for years.
Testimonial to Intra from MARGARET WHITE, Lincolnshire


In 1985 my wife Margaret suffered a slight stroke and ever since that date has suffered with Osteoarthritis and Spondylosis which caused severe and constant pain in the neck area. She was never without pain and this of course affected Margaret’s quality of life. To relieve the pain the Doctor prescribed Coproxamol painkiller tablets and Margaret took up to eight tablets each day. Margaret began taking intra and in just nine days she was no longer asking for her pain killers, now a month later no pain – no pain killers. This experience has proved all the medics wrong as they had all declared that Margaret would live the rest of her life in constant pain. Thank you Dr Leung. Testimonial to Intra from GERALD and MARGARET HAMBLING, Devon


I had the misfortune to develop Tenosynovitis (inflamed tendons) some two years ago whilst being engaged upon the renovation of a derelict property. Both wrists suffered and I was unable to lift or hold anything, not even a news-paper and I couldn’t unscrew the top off a jar or a bottle. Changing gear was so painful I had to exchange my car for an automatic. All in all my quality of life was pretty poor. I was in constant pain and was ‘living’ on Scotch and pain killers – definitely not recommended! However, after having taken intra for 6 months I am pleased to say that my wrists are just about as good as new. I take an ounce of intra every morning and the Scotch and pain killers stay in the cupboard! I swear by it. Well done intra. Testimonial to Intra from JOHN HILTON, Yorkshire


Jock Hay is Manager/Assistant Coach to the famous Murrayfield Racers Ice Hockey Team. Jock has recently substituted his pill based nutritional supplements for intra. ‘Its easier to swallow and I have definitely noticed additional benefits’ he says. ‘I’ll not be reverting back to my old regime of supplements’. Testimonial to Intra from JOCK HAY, Scotland


I have experienced very many health improvements since beginning to take intra and the Cookies. Firstly I have now lost a total of 54lbs. My weight last September was 17st 3lbs. I lost 14lbs in the first week and by the middle of March had lost 54lbs. My target is 13 stone and I will get there because I so enjoy the cookies and I don’t find the diet restricting at all. Intra has had a dramatic effect on my health also. I have suffered with arthritis in my hands, hips and knee joints for years and the pain was reduced by at least 80% within 3 to 4 days of starting on my first bottle! The agonizing migraines that have dogged me for over 50 years are now a thing of the past. I haven’t even had a headache in almost a year. The varicose eczema I have suffered from for eight years no longer bothers me and my winter suffering with chapped hands didn’t happen last winter. And as if that’s not enough I am also sleeping much better. Because of pain and discomfort I was lucky to get 1 to 2 hours a night. I now regularly sleep 6 or even 7 hours and so consequently am feeling much more rested and relaxed. Testimonial to Intra from JOHN BLACK, Scotland


(Asthma, Migraine, and nasal problems disappear) In bringing up children one tends to put up with and accept many conditions. Our Benzi (6) suffers from Asthma and takes large puffs of Intal and Pulmicort with varying effect. We accepted the situation, simply because we didn’t have a choice. On arrival of the Kosher certified intra the effect was stunning, after only a few days Benzi asked only for intra -‘its much better than the inhaler’ he said. Our Esther (16) similarly puts up with migraine. We had discovered the trigger – lack of sleep (being a bad sleeper) – but not the cause. Esthar now says ‘I put my head down, and I go out like a light’. Her sound sleep has changed her life. Finally, our Moshe David (14) has suffered from a chronically runny nose since he was a tiny baby. Nothing has helped – not nosesprays, nor freezing of the nasal lining, nor special diet until intra. In the short time he has been taking intra the problem has almost completely cleared up. Unfortunately, due to the immediate benefits experienced, our supply of intra was exhausted quicker than anticipated and in the intermediate days before a new bottle arrived, all the unpleasant symptoms returned.
Thank G-d for intra. Testimonial to Intra from DEVORAH LEITNER, Lancashire


I’ve only been taking intra for 3 weeks and I have noticed the Eczema on my hands is clearing up dramatically and my complexion is smoother. Testimonial to Intra from MALCOM MONEY Cheshire


I was introduced to intra just 6 weeks ago since when it has had dramatic effects for me. At that time I was under a great deal of pressure with family illness and the threat of my husband’s possible redundancy. I was not coping well, my blood pressure was high, I was sleeping poorly, had no energy and suffered from hot flushes. Within 3 weeks of taking intra things improved greatly with reduced blood pressure and hot flushes almost gone. I am now happily onto my second bottle and grateful for it. What a product! Testimonial to Intra from MRS. E ELLIS, Dorset


Charlotte my second youngest child has suffered with eczema from birth. She was sore on her face, arms, legs and bottom and hated having to endure the daily chore of me rubbing on the creams which the doctor prescribed and which if anything, only made the condition worse. So when we heard about intra and the successes with skin problems we were very encouraged. To check it out my husband Chris tried it first because he has suffered from chronic acne on his back for many years. Chris also had problems sleeping. To our amazement the acne cleared up within days and his sleep pattern has completely changed. He now sleeps well and wakes refreshed. Not content with Chris’s experience I took intra to our GP to get his opinion before I gave it to Charlotte. The Doctor was very happy for Charlotte to try it, he said ‘Well its a natural herbal product and lets face it herbs have been used for thousands of years and brought relief to millions so I don’t see any reason for you not to give it a try’. Just four days after Charlotte began taking intra her arms, legs and bottom began to clear. After 8 days, her face was clear of all traces of soreness. To be honest we couldn’t believe it. To be sure intra was responsible we took Charlotte off intra for 4 days and sure enough the eczema started to return. Charlotte takes intra every morning before leaving for Nursery school and she now calls it Daddy’s medicine. Testimonial to Intra from The ELSONI FAMILY, N. Humberside


Both my wife Judy and I have lost nearly a stone each in the last six weeks and we cheat! And as if that’s not enough my success on intra has thrilled me. I think about intra as fine tuning the body and putting it back into balance. I have suffered from eczema for many years and the condition worsens particularly in the Spring. I was even hospitalized two years ago because the condition became chronic. Intra cleared my skin completely and all traces of eczema have gone. A nasty car accident twenty five years ago left me with a lot of broken bones and as time has gone on arthritis has set in and in recent years I have been suffering badly. Since taking intra and losing weight all the pain has disappeared. Finally my daughter is sprouting and evil with it – intra has made her quite civil.
Testimonial to Intra from TONY PEARCE, Dorset


I believe in intra’s ability to balance the body. intra has given me more energy, strength and stamina, has helped me overcome insomnia and has relieved my hayfever this summer. Testimonial to Intra from FRANCIS NORTH, London


I have suffered with Psoriasis for over 10 years and have during that period been prescribed a whole host of preparations and creams by my doctor. None of these have had more than a short term effect. . After only three weeks of taking inlra I have noticed a remarkable improvement especially on my scalp. ! would estimate that the psoriasis has been reduced by over 60% already and I see the condition being completely alleviated within 2 months. Testimonial to Intra from TOM CRAWFORD Merseyside

The testimonials on this page are the personal and subjective experiences of INTRA customers. They are not medical recommendations of any kind by the producer or distributor. INTRA is a nutritional supplement; not a medication.

Intra ® is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts manufactured by Lifestyles Global Network Canada.  As a natural food supplement intra® helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems with the essential nutrients that are lacking in most modern diets.

Intra – Precise Formulation of 23 Botanical Extracts

Intra herbal juice



Try Intra and You will have more health, energy, stamina and vitality…

LIFESTYLES INTRA herbal drink benefits…


FAJFKA INTRA LIFESTYLES HERBAL DRINK is Lifestyles Flagship Product for more than 25 Years.

FAJFKAIntra Nutritional supplement tastes Great Too!

FAJFKAYou’ve Got Nothing To Lose, Give Intra a Try!

FAJFKABegin protecting your body today with Lifestyles intra!

FAJFKALifestyles intra juice provides nutrients that are no longer found in our food.

FAJFKAAnd You do not risk. Intra carries a 30 day money back guarantee. If not satisfied, Lifestyles will give You money back…

FAJFKA We have never seen this product fail to produce some form of results for those who have tried it for 3 consecutive months. If people use intra herbal supplement consistently, 1/3 will notice some sort of result within 3 to 7 days, 1/3 within 1 to 3 weeks and the last third within 3 weeks to 3 months.

FAJFKA You will have more health, wealth, energy, stamina and vitality…




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We in Lifestyles can show you how you can make extra income with your own Lifestyles internet business. Join the Intra Info Global Team TODAY! Just click theJoin“ link.


olympic Somijit Lifestyles_Brno everest Group of happy business people clapping their hands gala filipíny Brno_Lifestyles_5.12_006  Asie3fluxgold_2001 28032009_003_ Brno_Lifestyles_5.12_003 Tom a Regi Oxana Team

FAJFKAMany companies spend millions on advertising and distribution each year in order to effectively promote their products. With Lifestyles, that money goes directly to you.

FAJFKAThere are many ways to build your Lifestyles business at your own pace. We offer flexible, part-time hours with a full-time income opportunity. The best part – it’s all up to you.

FAJFKA Shed the hassles of a traditional 9 to 5 job and its limited income, and maximize your earning potential through the power of building a network with our 5 streams of income: Retail profits, Wholesale Profits, Fast Track Bonuses, Generation Bonuses,Organizational Bonuses

FAJFKAThe Lifestyles global marketplace: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States.

FAJFKA  Lifestyles manufactures a complete range of products designed specifically to enhance our health and nutrition. 

FAJFKA Based near Toronto, Canada, Lifestyles has invested millions of dollars into the infrastructure to sustain tremendous international growth. To support this, the company is continuously recruiting corporate staff. When a Distributor joins Lifestyles they are not just buying into a way of earning extra income – they are taking advantage of the greatest opportunity that exists in our industry.

FAJFKA With Lifestyles, you are building your own business,
so you are in control. Work as many hoursor as few hours as you like.

FAJFKAIf you’re not happy with the money you are making, Lifestyles and we want To Give You A Great Opportunity To Get Healthy And To Earn Extra Money To help Make Your Dreams Come true.

FAJFKA Lifestyles is an established, 25+ yr old Canadian company, solid and secure corporation that has been in business since 1989 …

Learn how you could earn an extra $1,000, $5,000 or even $10,000+ per month PART TIMEworking from home. How can we be so sure? Because, thousands are doing it! Because we are doing it and we work with you at each step, teaching you to do the same.

Remember, with Lifestyles CANADA, you are building your own business, so you are in control. Work as many hoursor as few hours as you like. We Want To Give You A Great Opportunity To Get Healthy And To Earn Extra Money To help
Make Your Dreams Come true.


For more information, click here.


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It’s all about knowledge. Anyone that might be more successful than you just knows a little more. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. All you have to do is learn. This web site is the doorway to your opportunity. Sit back, relax and enjoy as there’s no hype, no pressure to buy, no wild income claims as this is NOT a „Get Rich Quick Scheme“ – just solid information for you to make an informed decision about your future with our opportunity of a lifetime.

It’s up to you and if you find that, after reading through the copy, you need more information, we will be more than happy to help. Just complete the contact form and follow the guidelines. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PRESENTATION – CLICK HERE  

Since 1998 we and our friends are enthusiastic about Intra Juice Lifestyles – Intra Juice Review

Since 1998 we and our friends are enthusiastic about the products of Lifestyles. Especially about Intra herbal drink!

If people ask us what Intra is about We sometimes tell them, but only if they are serious about it.

Otherwise they don’t deserve it : )

Within our group we have people using Intra against nervousness, cancer, temper fluctuations, psoriasis, migrain, chronic fatigue syndrom, allergies and more.





Intra Lifestyles Benefits:

  • 23 ancient botanical extracts
  • Proprietary formula – exclusive to Lifestyles
  • Powerful herbs cherished and used as age-old medicines for thousands of years
  • Boost your body’s systems to increase energy and vitality
  • Improves health and wellness
  • Suitable for all ages
  • No side effects
  • Can be taken daily
  • Certified pesticide-free
  • Halal
  • COR341