How To Eat when You Have Gout and Diabetes – Part 3

It’s possible to suffer from both gout and diabetes at the same time. People with both gout and diabetes are advised to avoid foods that may affect the levels of uric acid and insulin in the body. Therefore, recommended diets for this group focus on lowering both uric acid and blood sugar levels.

Understanding Gout and Diabetes

1. Understand what causes gout. Gout – a form of arthritis – is a condition caused by the buildup of excess uric acid. Uric acid is a chemical produced during purine metabolism in the body. Purines are nitrogen-containing compounds that are produced inside the body or can be found in certain foods and drinks.

  • Gout occurs when urate crystals accumulate in the joints, causing intense pain and inflammation. Urate crystals can form when a person has high levels of uric acid in the blood.
  • Gout causes sudden, extreme attacks of pain, redness, and swelling. Gouty arthritis most often affects the big toe, but it also can occur in the ankles, feet, knees, wrists, and hands.

2. Know what causes diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that affects the body’s utilization of glucose – blood sugar that is the body’s source of energy. In order to use glucose, our body needs insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps transport blood sugar or glucose into the cells as a source of energy. Without sufficient insulin, the blood sugar cannot be absorbed by the body’s cells and remains in the bloodstream. In people with diabetes, there is the inability of the body to produce insulin or the insulin does not work as it should.

Diabetes has two types:

  • Type 1 diabetes. The body’s immune system attacks and destroys the beta cells of the pancreas, which is responsible for the production of insulin.
  • Type 2 diabetes. The pancreas can still produce insulin but the body does not respond well to it, so the insulin doesn’t work.In both types of diabetes, the glucose cannot normally enter the cells and remains in the bloodstream, resulting in high levels of blood sugar.

3.Know the risk factors for both gout and diabetes. Gout and type 2 diabetes often occur together, as both diseases have common risk factors.

These include:

Non-modifiable Factors:

  • Age: As the body ages, its functions deteriorate. It may be unable to excrete uric acid any more which can lead to gout, or it may be unable to utilize insulin anymore, which can lead to diabetes.
  • Family history: Both gout and diabetes can be inherited. If one of your family members has gout or diabetes, then there is a chance that you may inherit the disease as well.
  • Gender: Both gout and diabetes more often occur in men than in women. This is because men have higher uric acid levels and are less sensitive to insulin.

Modifiable Factors:

  • Obesity: More adipose tissues from fats can produce and secrete more uric acid which can cause gout. Also, insulin does not easily bind to fats, which can increase a person’s risk of diabetes.
  • Diet and lifestyle: Excessive intake of alcohol can affect the body’s normal process of excreting uric acid, which can lead to gout. Also, alcohol can affect the body’s sensitivity to insulin which can lead to diabetes.

4. Recognize the symptoms of gout.

They include:

  • Joint pain and inflammation: This is caused by elevated deposits of crystallized uric acid in the joints. This uric acid may irritate the joints and lead to inflammation. The pain in the joint can be described as sharp or excruciating.
  • Kidney problems: Increased uric acid can cause kidney stone formation, which leads to problems with urination. The kidney stones may block urine passage.

5. Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of hypoglycemia. Diabetes symptoms occur when the blood sugar is below the normal range (hypoglycemia) or above the normal range (hyperglycemia). The normal range of blood sugar levels in the body is 70 to 110 mg/dl.

Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

  • Blurred or impaired vision: Due to low levels of glucose (which provides energy for the body) certain parts of the body, such as the eyes, become weak due to insufficient energy.
  • The confusion which may lead to delirium: Due to insufficient glucose, the vital organs such as the brain are not working properly.Extreme hunger leading to excessive eating: The body compensates for its lack of energy by releasing Ghrelin (the hunger hormone) which gives the person the urge to eat.
  • Extreme thirst leading to excessive drinking: When the body loses fluids because of frequent urination in diabetes, the body secretes vasopressin (also known as an antidiuretic hormone) which activates the thirst mechanism and stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb water. The person responds by drinking a lot of water in order to replace lost fluids.
  • Rapid or fast heartbeat: Because the body has no source of energy such as glucose, the heart compensates by speeding up the pumping of blood to the body’s vital organs.
  • Weakness or fatigue: Because the body does not have enough glucose, the sufferer may experience weakness and fatigue.

6. Recognize the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia. When blood sugar levels go above the normal range, symptoms include:

  • Blurred or impaired vision: Abnormally high glucose levels in the blood can lead to swelling of the lens, which causes blurred vision.
  • The confusion which may lead to delirium: In hyperglycemia, although there may be a high level of blood glucose, it is not transported into the cells because of lack of insulin or insulin does not respond well to the body, so there is still no source of energy. The vital organs such as the brain don’t work properly due to insufficient energy.
  • Extreme thirst leading to excessive drinking: When the body loses fluids because of frequent urination in diabetes, the body secretes vasopressin which functions to activate the thirst mechanism and stimulate the kidneys to reabsorb water. The person responds by drinking a lot of water in order to replace lost fluids.
  • Frequent urination: With hyperglycemia, not all of the blood sugar can be reabsorbed and some of the excess blood glucose is secreted in the urine where it draws more water. The kidneys attempt to decrease blood glucose levels by excreting the excess blood glucose through the urine.
  • Headaches: In an attempt to get rid of the excess sugar, the body increases urine output. This increase in urination leads to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance that results in headaches.
  • Rapid or fast heartbeat: Because the body has no source of energy such as glucose, the heart compensates by speeding up the pumping of blood into the vital parts of the body.
  • Weakness or fatigue: Insufficient energy – due to the inability of glucose to be absorbed by the cells – leads to weakness and fatigue.
Read more about Diabetes:

How To Eat When You Have Gout and Diabetes – Part 1

Can be Intra used by DIABETICS?

Sources and Citations:, Johnson, R., Nakagawa, T., 2013,  Bupa’s Health Information Team, 2004, April,16 Moghul, S., 2013, June 23

We believe that diabetes is an incurable disease and Intra cannot cure diabetes. On the other hand, long-term and regular use of Intra, together with the instructions of your attending physician, can be very beneficial, as claimed by tens of thousands of satisfied clients in the 30 years that Intra has been on the market.

Continue reading “How To Eat when You Have Gout and Diabetes – Part 3”

A Guide to Lifestyles Network Marketing – Step 1 Customer Base

Dear new Member/Distributor,

You have made your first step in building a successful business with Lifestyles. As such, it is an honour to send out this note of congratulations to you on your decision. We look forward to giving you the support you need on your journey to the top as you build, and grow a prosperous Lifestyles business and live better every day.


Now that you have joined the rank of a 20% Distributor you are now eligible for a promotion as a Direct Distributor. To qualify you need the following:

  • Personal Group Volume of 1,400 points
  • Concentrate now at building a intra herbal juice customer base network in you area ( and we will help You with international network):


Customers are the lifeblood of your Lifestyles  Intra business, and that’s why I highly recommend you get good at finding, getting, and keeping customers.


If Your enrol new Member and he is a new one – You will receive 8% Fast Track Bonus and 10-20% wholesale Bonus!!!


“It ALL starts with a DECISION . “

Success in MLM starts with s DECISION to succeed. Most never make a decision. They instead, make a choice to TRY the business. That is how the average think and engage this MLM business. Make a Decision to Succeed- and you will.

Do You have the Vision?

“Your Heart MUST be Connected to the Vision you have. ”

Your HEART is the REAL POWER in MLM Success. It must be connected to the Dream that you have for your business. You can do anything you want in MLM that you set your mind to, as long as it is Powered by the HEART! People will hear your words, but FEEL your heart. Connect it to the Dream.

Do You have a questions?

Please contact sponsor or us, and learn how you can achieve the next level of success.

Congratulations again on your promotion!


Tomas Ing. Cincala & Regina Cincala, NMD UPLINE

DISTRIBUTOR ID: 12499042, Tomas Ing.Cincala

DISTRIBUTOR ID: 13980442, Regina Cincalova

The Global Intra Team


Skype: cincala1

Tell Us how we can help You? We are grateful for the pleasure of serving you and meeting your Intra needs. Please use the Contact Form below for any questions you might have regarding Lifestyles products, we’ll respond to your e-mail within 24 hours!

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Join The Global Intra Team Right Now!


Can intra herbal juice help to have a baby?

Intra is a Food Supplement, not medicine, but… We have seen many of our customers improving their wealth and some of them daily supplement Intra, NutriaPLus, CardioLIfe and FiberLife in order to have healthy baby.Each individual will require balancing in a different way and so the effects can be expected to be different from person to person.

We strongly recommend long term usage of Intra and NutriaPlus and CL for couples, first three months try FiberLife too, in order to detox Your body…Please see FAQ Frequently Asked Questions and recommendations – click here.

These recommendations are for both – women and men. The supplements aren’t just for women – most of them affect a man’s sperm count, quality, and production, too! 

 TIPS to Boost Fertility 

You shall change Your food habits ( balanced diet), add movement, positive thinking and let´s pray. Where are You living? Move out all toxic chemicals from Your home. And first, let Your body detox. No longer put garbage into Your body. Try to eat a lot of organic and natural food. The thing about the benefits of juicing and fresh juice( Intra can be part of ).  It does wonderful things for our bodies.  I know that if this worked for me, this can work for anyone. I am so happy and amazed. Please let us know, how are You doing…

Have Your daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

See Canada Food Guide- click here.

1. Folic acid is crucial for a healthy pregnancy because it produces DNA and protects the neural tube. Dr Glenville says women trying to get pregnant should take folic acid up to three months before conception – and she says men should take it too. “New evidence suggests that folic acid deficiency reduces fertility in men and may damage the DNA carried by sperm.” Buy Nature Made Folic Acid on Amazon. Proper folic acid levels are important for pregnancy and heart health.

2. Zinc is a supplement to boost fertility because it is vitally important for growth and proper cell division in a fetus. Zinc deficiency leads to reduced fertility, hormone imbalance, and increased risk of miscarriage. “Zinc is also needed for the proper development of sperm,” writes Dr. Glenville. “Research suggests that zinc deficiency in men causes a temporary but reversible reduction in sperm count and a reduced testosterone level; giving zinc to men with low testosterone levels increases sperm count.”

3. Selenium is a mineral that helps protect your body from free radical damage, which is very important for healthy cell division. Selenium deficiency in women has been linked to a higher risk of miscarriage. Selenium deficiency in men is associated with sperm that can’t move properly and are thus less likely to impregnate an egg. This fertility boosting supplement can make sperm more fertile.

The 4 Steps To Optimal Health
The 4 Steps To Optimal Health

4. Essential fatty acids can help you get pregnant faster because they regulate reproductive hormones and boost your baby’s brain, eye, and central nervous system development. The prostaglandins in essential fatty acids have hormone-like functions and can help prevent blood from clotting inappropriately, which can prevent the risk of miscarriage. Men who have sperm problems have lower than normal levels of beneficial prostaglandins.

5. Vitamins B6 and B12 are supplements that boost fertility because they help the development and maintenance of a healthy immune system, and for cellular reproduction (respectively). Vitamin B6 deficiency may result in poor immune function, hormone imbalances, and various other problems – and taking Vitamin B6 can help regulate periods and increase fertility. Vitamin B12 can reduce the risk of miscarriage and raise a low sperm count. Your body doesn’t store B12, so it’s important to eat foods that increase fertility levels.

6. Vitamin E can help you get pregnant because it may reduce age-related ovarian decline in women. This fertility boosting supplement helps combat free radicals, which can lower sperm count (and if you want to get pregnant faster, you need as high a sperm count as possible!). Plus, Vitamin E deficiency can result in anemia and irritability. Add Vitamin K too.

7. Red clover is an excellent fertility herb primarily due to the high amounts of calcium and magnesium.  These two minerals are believed to be of high importance in affecting a woman’s ability to conceive. Red clover contains every single trace element needed by the glandular system.   As such, this alkalizing herb is probably the single most effective plant used for balancing of the hormones needed for conception to take place. Balancing the body acid/alkaline PH, and thereby, the uterus PH, goes a long way toward favoring conception.

8. Red Raspberry leaves, particularly the wild kind, are very high in calcium.   Like Nettle and Red Clover, Red Raspberry leaves serve as a soothing uterine tonic and hence a very effective fertility herb. The fertility promoting effects of Red Raspberry are enhanced in combination with other herbs, particularly Red Clover. Other fertility boosting supplements“: L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, Co-Enzyme Q10,

The Antioxidant Power Of Intra & NutriaPlus

On a standardized scale, the power of Intra and Nutria together produce an ORAC value of 56,406/L. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and measures the power of an antioxidant based on its ability to neutralize free radicals. Higher ORAC levels equal stronger antioxidant capacity. 

Intra is a very safe balanced formulation of 23 herbs, (food supplement), with no single herbal extract present at high levels. NutriaPlus contains antioxidants, Green Tea, Zinc, Selenium plus many more…

However, if you are taking medication or have any concerns, we encourage you to speak with your doctor before deciding to take Intra and NutriaPlus, CL, Fiberlife together.  


Eating certain foods may help. 

-Follow a Mediterranean diet. Add plenty of fresh and cooked green vegetables, fresh fruit, legumes, and fish to your plate.

-Cut back on alcohol.

-Balance estrogen.

-Eat Enough Protein at Every Meal.

-Engage in Regular Exercise.

Avoid Sugar and Refined Carbs.

Learn to Manage Stress. 

-Consume Healthy Fats – Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

-Avoid Overeating and Undereating.

-Drink Green Tea.

Lower blood pressure.

-Get enough vitamin D. Take adequate sunbathing and dietary supplements.

-A note about smoking and diet.

We suggest these male fertility nutrients.

-Amino acids: L-carnitineL-arginine, L-cysteine

-Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatory agents: vitamin A( Lutein, Lycopene, beta carotene), B complex, B9 (folic acid)D3, Vitamin E, Glutathione, co-enzyme Q10, and pine bark extract

-Trace Elements: zinc and selenium

If any of these fertility nutrients were included in low quantities or left out altogether, points were lost on this subscore.

Read more:  Natural Treatments for Autoimmune Infertility Concern

Already pregnant or nursing?

There are no ingredients found in Intra and NutriaPlus that would prohibit pregnant or nursing. Please drink not more than one ounce per day and listen to your body.


It has passed the test of time for safe use and effectiveness. Intra is a Great-Tasting, Fruit Juice-based Drink Suitable for All Ages.


Intra® was developed for this exact purpose using purified herbal extracts in relatively low dosage, balanced formulation. Many herbal experts recommend that high dosages of single herbs taken for only short periods of time. However, this does not apply with Intra Juice. Each individual will require balancing in a different way and so the effects can be expected to be different from person to person.


Dear new members, welcome!

Dear new members, welcome! 

Thank you for your interest in Lifestyles Intra Juice & Business Training for global team members.  In keeping with our promise to support you in your business, we have launched our Training Pages online. Training programs of Lifestyles GN ( YOU have Training section in your PBC) and Lifestyles GN are improving, but you are still definitely expected to hit the ground with our basic guide on our System (YOUR SUCCESS), Wealth, Health and Compensation Plan (YOUR MONEY). 

We welcome your questions and comments. If You have any questions, please contact us today

With warm regards,

Tom and Regina, Lucie Maria Cincala, NMD

Join our eLearning at


Intra Herbs Facebook Join us

TIP.  Be a loyal customer and get rewarded/receive up to 8 Intra free.

Please carefully read our Guide STEP 1 – STEP 8 on how to START your own online business and sell Intra Juice online 24/7 today.  Just follow the guidelines. There is… the ‘LIFESTYLES INTRA GLOBAL TEAM’ can teach you how!

The Internet is changing the way people live and work forever. The ideas of traditional businesses as we know them are disappearing; making way for new methods of wealth creation and time freedom. Today, the speed and technology of the Internet have REVOLUTIONIZED the referral marketing industry, also known as Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), making it possible to achieve financial freedom and more working part-time from the privacy of your own home with the great Online Business 24/7 globally. Learn how you could earn an extra $1,000, $5,000, or even $10,000+ per month PART TIME working from home. How can we be so sure? Because thousands are doing it!  Because we are doing it and we work with you at each step, teaching you to do the same. It’s A Shame For You Not To Make Good Money When Other People Do It So Easily.

Did you ever drive by million-dollar homes and wonder how those people got to be so successful? (We did!) Didn’t you want to just go up and ring their doorbell and ask them how they became so wealthy? We wondered if they were just luckier or maybe worked harder, but we were amazed when we discovered the truth: THEY JUST KNOW MORE THAN US AND WORKED SMART. It’s all about knowledge and teamwork. Anyone that might be more successful than you just knows a little more. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. All you have to do is learn. This web site is the doorway to your opportunity.

“When the student is ready, the personal $uccess mentor appears.”

Think Success!   Think      I – N – T – R – A

Singing is Healthy! Log in to your PBC and get Lifestyles Intra songs today.

There’s an increasing amount of evidence that singing releases endorphins, serotonin and dopamine – the ‘happy’ chemicals that boost your mood and make you feel good about yourself. … Singing also counts as an aerobic activity as it introduces more oxygen into the blood leading to better circulation – and a better mood.

Research has shown that singing can be good for you on many levels. It may help lower stress, boost immunity and lung function, enhance memory, improve mental health, and help you cope with physical and emotional pain.

P.S. Download a free copy of Tom’s e-book in Spanish Pide Lo Maximo




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Dear new business partner, welcome! 

Thank you for your interest in Lifestyles Intra Business Training for our global team members.  In keeping with our promise to support you in your business, we have launched our Training Pages. Training programs of Lifestyles GN ( YOU have Training section in your PBC) and Lifestyles GN are improving, but you are still definitely expected to hit the ground with our basic guide on our System (YOUR SUCCESS), Wealth, Health and Compensation Plan (YOUR MONEY). 

We welcome your questions and comments. If You have any questions, please contact us today.

Please contact us for password)

With warm regards,

Tom and Regina, Lucie Maria Cincala, NMD

ID:12499042, 13980442, 98000331885

Join our eLearning at INTRA JUICE NEWS Facebook Join us

TIP.  Be a loyal customer and get rewarded/receive up to 7 Intra free.

Upline NMD: Tomas Ing. Cincala and Regina, NMD

Lifestyles International Independent Distributors, National Ambassadors

Please carefully read our Guide STEP 1 – STEP 8 on how to START your own online business and sell Intra Juice online 24/7 today.  Just follow the guidelines. There is… the ‘LIFESTYLES INTRA GLOBAL TEAM’ can teach you how!

The Internet is changing the way people live and work forever. The ideas of traditional businesses as we know them are disappearing; making way for new methods of wealth creation and time freedom. Today, the speed and technology of the Internet have REVOLUTIONIZED the referral marketing industry, also known as Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), making it possible to achieve financial freedom and more working part-time from the privacy of your own home with the great Online Business 24/7 globally. Learn how you could earn an extra $1,000, $5,000, or even $10,000+ per month PART TIME working from home. How can we be so sure? Because thousands are doing it!  Because we are doing it and we work with you at each step, teaching you to do the same. It’s A Shame For You Not To Make Good Money When Other People Do It So Easily.

Did you ever drive by million-dollar homes and wonder how those people got to be so successful? (We did!) Didn’t you want to just go up and ring their doorbell and ask them how they became so wealthy? We wondered if they were just luckier or maybe worked harder, but we were amazed when we discovered the truth: THEY JUST KNOW MORE THAN US AND WORKED SMART. It’s all about knowledge and teamwork. Anyone that might be more successful than you just knows a little more. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. All you have to do is learn. This web site is the doorway to your opportunity.

“When the student is ready, the personal $uccess mentor appears.”

Think Success!   Think      I – N – T – R – A

Introduce – Narrate – Teach – Record – Attend

Are you ready and smart enough to figure out that if we can do this business and make ‘Real Money’, you could too?  GREAT! Let’s get started and Develop Your Business At Your Own Pace…

Why Lifestyles Network Marketing?

Intra Herbal Juice

Intra Juice Price

Lifestyles Intra and Lifestyles Products are only available through Independent Distributors and are NOT sold in stores. Please visit the Lifestyles Intra Shop to purchase Intra and other Lifestyles products online. Please Select your Location for Pricing and Ordering:

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Visit the Lifestyles Intra Shop to purchase Intra and other Lifestyles products online.


 Czech Republic


MO cena Intra: 1161,- Kč ( vč. DPH)

Intra bylinné tonikum je jedinečnou směsí 23 rostlinných výtažků

Pro stálé klienty možnost trvalých a výhod.

 Slovak Republic


MO Cena Intra: 44,30 € Možnost slev a výhod.

MO Cena Nutri:a 31,70 €




Intra® Retail Price: €35.00/bottle + TAX
NutriaPlus® Retail Price: €25.00/bottle  + TAX

Plus get up to 7 Free bottle of Intra with our Loyalty Customer Program.  See buying options & discounts for Lifestyles Intra Germany.



Intra® Retail Price: €35.00/bottle  + TAX
Nutria® Retail Price: €25.00/bottle  + TAX
Join and Save up to 40%

Plus get up to 7 Free bottle of Intra with our Loyalty Customer Program. See buying options & discounts for Lifestyles Intra France.

 United Kingdom


Intra® Retail Price: £25.22/bottle  + TAX
NutriaPlus® Retail Price: £16.10/bottle  + TAX
Join and Save up to 40%

Plus get up to 7 Free bottle of Intra with our Loyalty Customer Program. See buying options & discounts for Lifestyles Intra for Lifestyles Intra UK.

 Republic of Ireland


Intra® Retail Price: €35.00/bottle  + TAX
NutriaPlus® Retail Price: €25.00/bottle  + TAX

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Plus get up to 7 Free bottle of Intra with our Loyalty Customer Program. See buying options & discounts for Lifestyles Intra for for Lifestyles Intra Republic Of Ireland.



Intra® Retail Price: €35.00/bottle
Nutria® Retail Price: €25.00/bottle

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Plus get up to 7 Free bottle of Intra with our Loyalty Customer Program. See buying options & discounts for Lifestyles Intra for for Lifestyles Intra Hispania.

 United States


Intra® Retail Price: US$35 + TAX /bottle 

NutriaPlus® Retail Price: US$25.00/bottle  + TAX

Join and Save up to 40%

Plus get up to 7 Free bottle of Intra with our Loyalty Customer Program. See buying options & discounts for Lifestyles Intra for Lifestyles Intra USA. ( 5 $ Fee)




Intra® Retail Price: CA$40/bottle + TAX 

Nutria® Retail Price: CA$30/bottle  + TAX

Join and Save up to 40%

Plus get up to 7 Free bottle of Intra with our Loyalty Customer Program. See buying options & discounts for Lifestyles Intra for for Lifestyles Intra Canada.

European Union


Intra® Retail Price: € 35/bottle + TAX

NutriaPlus® Retail Price: € 25/bottle  + TAX


See buying options for EU countries Lifestyles Intra Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom). 




Intra® Retail Price: PLN 166.55/bottle ( incl. VAT)
NutriaPLus® Retail Price: PLN 111.02/bottle (incl. VAT)

 See details and wholesale discounts (up to 30%) in Poland by clicking here.

Hong Kong



Intra® Retail Price: HK$315 + TAX/bottle

NutriaPlus® Retail Price: HK$225/bottle  + TAX

See buying options for Intra in Hong Kong.

 United Arab Emirates


See buying options for Intra in UAE.

Intra® Retail Price: Arab Emirati Dirham د.إ

Nutria® Retail Price: Arab Emirati Dirham د.إ



Intra® Retail Price: ILS201.16 + TAX/bottle

NutriaPlus® Retail Price: ILS130.48/bottle + TAX

See wholesale buying options for Intra juice in Israel



Intra® Retail Price: RM138/bottle  + TAX

See buying options for Intra in Malaysia




Intra® Retail Price: PHP1800/bottle + TAX

Nutria® Retail Price: PHP1500/bottle + TAX

For more information about Lifestyles Philppines please visit our Intra Philippines page. See buying options in Phillipines.



Intra® Retail Price: SGD61.68/bottle + TAX

Nutria® Retail Price: SGD47.66/bottle + TAX

See buying options & discounts for Intra Singapore



Intra® Retail Price: THB1350 + TAX/bottle

Nutria® Retail Price: THB1308.41/bottle + TAX

Click here to see buying options for Intra in Thailand


  Taiwan / South Korea

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Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, –  Lifestyles do have offices in these countries but they are not hooked up to the Lifestyles online store or enrol system. Please conact Us for more details and state the nature of your enquiry so that we can have your local company representative contact you with more details.

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Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraina, Russia –  Lifestyles do have offices in these countries but they are not hooked up to the Lifestyles online store or enrol system. Please conact Us for more details and state the nature of your enquiry so that we can have your local company representative contact you with more details.

Visit the Lifestyles Intra Shop to purchase Intra and other Lifestyles products online.


Lifestyles Intra and Lifestyles Products are only available through Independent Distributors and are NOT sold in stores. Please visit the Lifestyles Intra Shop to purchase Intra and other Lifestyles products online.


Please click on the button below to become an Prefered Customer (10%-25% discount, no fee) or buy at wholesale ( up 40% discount, You shall pay Fee).


Lifestyles intra herbal juice is backed by a comprehensive, no nonsense guarantee. The customer simply returns the unused portion in the original carton to the Distributor who sold him or her the product within 30 days of the date of purchase.

Lifestyles intra herbal juice is backed by a comprehensive, no nonsense guarantee. The customer simply returns the unused portion in the original carton to the Distributor who sold him or her the product within 30 days of the date of purchase.The Distributor will either make a product exchange or give the customer a refund on the unused portion, whichever the customer prefers. The Distributor is responsible for any cash refunds to the customer. When refunding intra, a 'Refund Form' must be completed by both the customer and the Distributor. The Customer must submit the portion of the intra bottle displaying the lot number along with a copy of the original sales receipt and the completed and signed Refund Form stating the reasons for your return. It is the customers responsibility to ensure that all unused products are returned to us by a reputable parcel carrier and in a condition that will enable the unused products to be offered for resale. Please remember to include a copy of the sales receipt sent with your order and ask for a proof of postage certificate, just in case the parcel fails to reach us. The customer is further guaranteed that the Lifestyles products are made only of superior quality ingredients and to the highest standards. Join the thousands of people around the world who have already benefited from using lifestyles intra juice and enjoy better health naturally.

Guide to a happier, longer and healthier lives

The most valuable thing we have is our health.

Step 1 – Learn how to be happy

Are you happy enough? Have you tried the pleasing secret of attraction, the mentality of abundance? Does positive thinking not work for you? Being happy is no secret. It’s just a meaningful job to yourself. Many examples will show you how to increase your short-term and long-term feelings of happiness. Here are the first two tips. Listen to the birds singing for at least 15 minutes a day.

Write down every day what you are grateful for and what you have precious. At home and in the office where you work, surround yourself with green colors( a green pad, a mug, paint your room green), it helps to induce a feeling of happiness. Every day, write in your diary two things that you are grateful for and what you have accomplished. Enjoy the little things and be grateful for every beautiful day.

Step 2 – A healthier diet helps

The basis is a varied and balanced diet, plenty of quality protein, fruits and vegetables. Increase your intake of whole grain rye flour. Eat regularly, make time for food. Add five servings of fruits or vegetables a day to your diet or a fresh fruit and vegetable juice, which is an important habit to learn.

Carefully prepared potatoes are a source of vitamin C.

Are You interested in the composition of what you eat and buy? Read Food Labels!! And what to watch out for? Excessive consumption of sugar, salt, fat and is very dangerous. It is important not to overeat or starve. Insomnia, frequent awakenings, nervousness, this could be post-covid syndrome? Limit or completely stop the intake of sugar in food, we mean sweets e.t.c..

You shall read the food packaging and its composition carefully.

Step 3 – Regular fitness

The biggest enemy of a healthy lifestyle is a sedentary lifestyle. Individuals who run a regular fitness for at least half an hour five days a week have telomere age ten years younger than people with a sedentary lifestyle. Telomeres are related to cell viability. High-intensity interval training, alternating between small and high loads, also has a positive effect on health. It can be running, skipping rope or strengthening with your own weight. Move in the fresh air for at least 30 minutes daily.

Step 4- Stress management

Stress has been experienced by people since time immemorial, it is an important mechanism for survival, as it awakens a person to perform in pursuit of prey or escape from a predator. In ancient times, however, stress was more striking, while today it is long-lasting, which exacerbates the human body. The already mentioned balanced diet and exercise itself help to fight stress. But stress is largely associated with the state of mind, ie individual. It is true that a situation that is extremely burdensome for one person can be perceived as another matter of course and not stressful. Stress cannot be fought. It is possible to avoid stress – stressful situations by a good organization of one’s own life, i.e. by the presence of some rules and a plan. Learn “first aid from stressful situations”.

How? It consists in consciously slowing down breathing at the moment of stress, which will gradually reduce the heart rate, relax the muscles. As the body begins to return to normal, so does the brain.

TIP. Also, start practicing yoga, meditation, or other healthy exercises that otherwise have beneficial effects on your mental state.

Step 5 – Good sleep

People who follow the rules of sleep hygiene, exercise regularly, are resistant to stress and take care of their diet, most of them have a good night’s sleep. As many as 60 percent of people sleep and fall asleep, doctors say. The most common type is inorganic insomnia, which is a condition of insufficient quality or quantity of sleep. Patients are said to most often report difficulty falling asleep, but they also describe intermittent sleep or early morning awakening. Most patients then expect a quick, instant solution in the form of a sleeping pill.

TIP. Following the “basic rules of sleep hygiene”, many people have no idea of ​​their existence. Common mistakes include, for example, alcohol consumption and meals just before bedtime, watching TV in the bedroom, drinking coffee in the late afternoon, staring late into the night at computer or mobile screens, or zero physical activity during the day. Listen to relaxing music.

Step 6 – Preventive medical examination

Don’t forget to have regular preventive check-ups with your general practitioner-doctor, ophthalmologist and dentist. Follow preventive check-ups with your general practitioner, within 2 years and a dentist every 6 months. Measure your pressure, condition, LDL cholesterol, PSA, etc..

Step 7 – Prevention and dietary supplements

Talk to your dietitian about what supplements to supplement if you suffer from long-term stress and do not have a varied and balanced diet, plenty of quality protein, , fiber, fruits and vegetables. Try for example Lifestyles Herbal Products. Follow the drinking regime.

TIP. Watercress. Watercress can be grown at home, so you have a daily crop of nutrients!

Step 8 – Incorporate these steps into your New Year’s plans, strategies and resolutions.

Source and pictures:,,,, Lifestyles Independent Distributors

Step 9 – Regular rest and vacation

Treat yourself to a vacation where you can relax and forget “Your worries & problems at work” as needed, don’t skimp on it, it’s an investment for you. Pack your travel INTRA capsules. Try fresh juice with Intra.

TIP. Add 28 ml of INTRA to warm water with lemon.

Updated 12.23.2023 by Tom

Safe for Athletic Use – Intra herbal juice contains No Steroids No Stimulants – 2020 Summer Olympics Tokyo 2021

Intra is certified “Safe for Athletic Use” by the German Sport University Institute for Biochemistry, Accredited Institution for Certification, German Sport University Koln Institute for Biochemistry, IOC Accredited Laboratory, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schanzer, C/O Deutsche Sprothochschule, Dr. M.K. Parr, Food Scientist.

Intra contains No Steroids, No Stimulants

Intra is completely free of alcohol, caffeine, or any substance that would cause an athlete to test positive for a banned substance.

Understanding the “Ups” & “Downs” of Exercise

Although we are told that exercise is good for our bodies, what we are unaware of is that exercise pushes the body beyond its usual capabilities (resulting in muscle damage). With the right amount of recovery time and appropriate nutrients, the body will efficiently repair and rebuild towards an increased level of strength and endurance (this is known as the adaptation syndrome). To continually improve our level of fitness, these principles must be supported by the right amount of nutrients and antioxidants.

If these essential nutrients are provided, this will boost exercise performance and reduce exercise recovery time.

During exercise, our bodies will:

• Increase the rate and amount of oxygen utilized
• Increase metabolism (burn more calories)

After a bout of exercise, our bodies will:

• Have an increased accumulation of toxins (free radicals) and by-products (lactic acid)
• A reduced physical resistance due to increased exercise demands

Safety & Benefits of Intra® for Athletes

Free Radicals & Lactic Acid – Since exercise increases the amount of oxygen used in the body, this causes an increased production of unstable molecules called free radicals. These highly reactive molecules can damage cells and are believed to be the main cause of sore aching muscles a day or two after exercise (known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS). Intra herbal is juice Safe for Athletic Use. German Sport University Koln Institute for Biochemistry.

Source: ,,, The 2020 Summer Olympics