Reishi Mushroom

The use of Reishi Mushroom for medicinal purposes dates back to at least 2000 years. Some say it goes back as far as 4000 years.

Known as Lingzhi (Chinese), the Elixir of Immortality, the King of Mushrooms and Magic Fungus, Reishi is rarely found in the wild and is difficult to cultivate. Because of this it was once only available to the wealthy.

This super fungus is known for its ability to promote longevity, boost the immune system, increase memory, strengthen heart function and detoxify the body.

Reishi is one of the adaptogenic herbs found in Intra. Together with ginseng, schisandra, astragalus and turmeric, it helps the body cope with stress and maintain balance. Read more about Reishi Mushroom benefits.

  1. Boost the immune system
  2. Anti-Cancer Properties
  3. Could Reduce Fatigue and Depression
  4. Decrease Blood Sugar
  5. Can help protect cells against damage,is efective in improving antioxidant status

Our Products – A Professional User’s Guide

Two of the most frequently asked questions we get are:

When should I take the Lifestyles products?

What products should I take?

Here is a chart that helps explain when you can take each of the products and their benefits. Oh and the answer to the second question is all. You should take all of the Lifestyles products.

Lifestyles ProductHow / When to TakeBenefits
IntraAnytime, with or without food – take daily for best results.Supports 8 body systems (numerous benefits – all individuals) 95% of daily users receive a benefit.
Nutria PlusWith any meal – take daily for best results.Provides numerous anti-oxidants. Helps keep cells healthy your entire life. Anti-aging activity.
CardioLifeWith any meal – take daily for best results.Optimal blood flow. Healthy arteries. Heart and brain health.
FibreLife15 minutes before meals or with meals (always take with a glass of water.Weight loss and weight management. Help lower cholesterol and lower blood sugar.

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Reishi mushroom

Documented references to reishi’s reputation as a health booster date back as far as 2,400 years, and depictions of it frequently appear in ancient Chinese and Japanese artwork. However, the mushroom has likely been in use as a medicinal herb for over 4,000 years across the Eastern hemisphere, including both Korean and Indian cultures (15).

Ancient Chinese herbalists called reishi Lingzhi (灵芝) because it means “herb of spiritual potency.”Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners prescribe Lingzhi to influence the heart, lungs, liver, and kidney channels, to balance Qi (the body’s life force), calm the mind, and relieve cough and asthma. These practitioners called reishi “the mushroom of immortality” to describe the all-encompassing health support that this mushroom reishi could provide.


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23 Herbs of Intra Herbal Juice

23 Herbs of Intra Herbal Juice ( The table of Contents)

Intra ® is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts manufactured by Lifestyles Global Network Canada.  As a natural food supplement, Intra® helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems with the essential nutrients that are lacking in most modern diets.

Each batch of Intra is subjected to a rigorous set of quality control tests to ensure the quality of the finished product meets or exceeds the standards of Food GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Regulations. The Intra factory is ‚Hazardous Analysis and Critical Control Point‘ (HACCP) certified.  HACCP is a state-of-the-art approach to food safety recognized and supported by regulatory agencies around the world, including the U.S. FDA and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.




Live Better Every Day – click here and see the content. 

Herb Active Ingredients Action in Body Focus of Current Research/Traditional Use
Alfalfa Saponin Glycosides A mild diuretic, tonic High cholesterol, Menopause, Poor appetite, Arthritis, Diabetes
Aloe Vera Anthraquinone Glycosides, Polysaccharides General tonic, Detoxifier, Immune function Chrone’s disease, Diabetes, Peptic ulcers, Psoriasis,
Wound healing, Immune support
Astragalus Flavonoids, polysaccharides, Triterpene glycosides Immune function, Tonic, Antiviral, Antioxidant Common cold/infection, Immune support, Diabetes, AIDS, Hepatitis, Heart attack
Bee Pollen Vitamins, Minerals Anti-infection, Anti-allergic, Liver support, Provides energy Cancer risk reduction, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hay Fever
Capsicum Capsaicin Circulatory stimulant, Tonic,
Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic
Diabetes, Arthritis, Psoriasis
Cascara Bark Cascarosides A mild laxative, Tonic Constipation
Celery Seed Glycosides Flavonoids Digestive aid, Muscle relaxant, Anti-inflammatory Arthritis, Gout, Bronchitis, Blood pressure
Inulin, Coumarin Glycosides Tonic, Digestive aid Digestive problems, Liver/gallbladder ailments
Chinese Pearl Barley Coixol, Coixans Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Tonic Painful joints, Rheumatism, Swelling
Triterpenes, Phenolic compounds, Carotenoids Tonic, Mild diuretic, Liver support,
Blood purifier
Constipation, Gallstones, Indigestion, Heartburn
Fenugreek Saponins, Flavonoids Digestive aid, Tonic, Expectorant, Antioxidant Diabetes, High triglycerides, constipation Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Bronchitis, High cholesterol
Flavonoids, Volatile oils Anti-inflammatory, Mild sedative, Tonic, Antioxidant Colic, Eczema, Gingivitis (periodontal disease),
Wound healing, Irritable bowel syndrome
Ginger Root Volatile oils, Gingerols Digestive aid, Anti-inflammatory,
Anti-nausea, Detoxicant
Nausea, Indigestion, Atherosclerosis,
Migraine headache, Rheumatoid arthritis
Juniper Berry Volatile Oils, Flavonoids,
Sterols, Catechins
 a Mild diuretic, Anti-inflammatory,
Antioxidant, Digestive aid
Edema (water retention), Indigestion, Kidney and bladder inflection, Gout, Cancer protection, Blood pressure
Licorice Root Flavonoids Antioxidant, Detoxicant, Expectorant Asthma, Chronic fatigue, Bronchitis, HIV support
Passion Flower Flavonoids, Volatile oils Anti-anxiety, Antioxidant Anxiety, Insomnia, Pain
Pipsissewa Hydroquinones, Flavonoids Tonic, Astringent, Kidney support, Antioxidant Inflammation, Urinary tract infection
Sterols, Coumarin, Polysaccharides Immune function Blood pressure, High cholesterol, Immune support, Cardiovascular disease
Rose Hip Flavanoids, Vitamins Astringent, Diuretic, Tonic Blood purifier, Infections
Sarsaparilla Saponins Anti-inflammatory, Tonic, Detoxicant,
Liver protectant
Psoriasis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout
Lignans Immune function, Liver support, Activation of antioxidant enzymes, Tonic, Antioxidant Common cold/sore throat, Fatigue, Hepatitis, Infection,
Liver support, Stress
Eleutherosides, Polysaccharides Immune function, Energy, Adaptogen Fatigue, Common cold, Fybromyalgia, Infection, Diabetes
Thyme Volatiles Oils, Flavonoids Anti-tussive, Expectorant, Antioxidant Bronchitis, Cough, Indigestion

Source: Paul Kramer, RND, Lifestyles PBC

Discover the content of Intra Herbal 23 botanical extracts

The list of herbs:

Aloe vera gel (Aloe barbadenis)

Siberian ginseng extract (Eleutherococcus senticosus)

Licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza species)

Astragalus root extract (Astragalus membranaceus)

Reishi mushroom extract (Ganoderma lucidum)

Chinese pearl barley extract (Coix lacryma-jobi)

Schisandra berry extract (Schisandra chinenis)

Rosehip extract (Rosa species)

Chicory root extract (Cichorium intybus)

Dandelion root extract (Taraxacum officinale)

German chamomile extract (Chamomilla recutita)

Alfalfa herb extract (Medicago sativa)

Cascara bark extract (Rhamnus purshiana)

Fenugreek seed extract (Trigonella doenum-graecum)

Bee pollen (Apis Pollenus)

Pipsissewa extract (Chimaphila umbellata)

Juniper berry extract (Juniperus communis)

Ginger root extract (Zingiber officinale)

Celery seed extract (Apium graveolens)

Sarsaparilla extract (Smilax species)

Passionflower extract (Passiflora incarnata)

Thyme extract (Thymus vulgarius)

Capsicum fruit extract (Capsicum species)