The Question:
How to restore intestinal microflora, when taking antibiotics?
I’m constipated, is that bad?
Answer To The Question:
What is constipation?
The term constipation usually refers to difficult emptying of hard stools, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. It is an extremely common disease and about 30% of the adult population suffers from it. Constipation is usually the case if the number of stools is less than three per week.
The stool must be every day?
A large majority of the population is convinced that the stool must be every day. Daily emptying (defecation) is not absolutely necessary, nor is it an indicator of correct or incorrect bowel function.
The decisive factor is the regularity of defecation and the fact that it is a painless process.
Restore the defecation reflex.
Addictive constipation is caused by the suppression of the defecation reflex.
This reflex is first extinguished by a lack of natural stimuli: a low-volume diet, a lack of fiber and fluids, little exercise. The second cause is the suppression of the spontaneous urge to defecate in a hurry). Never suppress a bowel movement!
Defecation reflex training
Practicing the defecation reflex is also important: the patient drinks a glass of water (saline mineral water) after waking up. He performs the usual morning activities in the same order every day and the morning ritual ends with breakfast. Defecation is attempted every 20-30 minutes, regardless of whether a spontaneous compulsion has occurred. This needs to be done with iron regularity daily for several weeks. Most of the time, success comes soon.

Stool is a need, not a leisure activity. …
Try flaxseed! Be careful you have to crush it first!
Try Probiotics and magnesium bisglycinate.
Add more Fiber.
Where to find fiber?
In addition to normal food, which should contain enough whole grain products (black bread and pastries, oatmeal), fruits and vegetables, you can add 10-25 g of linseed, wheat germ or bran. All this, of course, provided that there is sufficient supply of fluids. Sufficient exercise is also important, abdominal massages can also help.
If you are already taking Intra add Fiber Life. Beware, if you are starting with Fiber Life, drink a lot of liquid and start with one capsule a day between meals! Read more…

Source: National Cancer Institute,,, FreePictures, Lifestyles Independent Distributors