New Lifestyles Loyalty Program

Do you want FREE Intra bottles?

This program is available in Canada, USA, Malaysia, Philippines, UK, EU, UAE, Hongkong, Malaysia, Czech Republic/Slovak, and Poland.


Just be a loyal customer and be eligible for up to 7 FREE bottles of Intra Liquid. Join ONLINE and Grab Your FREE Intra now.

Order a minimum of 150 points and it must be completed between the 8th and 21st of each month!! You can order online, send email or call Your local office. See the Prices.

📣Invite all your family and friends. Order NOW.


Note: All instant direct and Express Direct programs are NOT considered Loyalty Program orders.


HOW TO ORDER ONLINE INTRA Lifestyles in 4 minutes? 


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Lifestyles intra herbal juice is backed by a comprehensive, no nonsense guarantee.
The customer simply returns the unused portion in the original carton to the Distributor who sold him or her the product within 30 days of the date of purchase.


Lifestyles intra herbal juice is backed by a comprehensive, no nonsense guarantee. The customer simply returns the unused portion in the original carton to the Distributor who sold him or her the product within 30 days of the date of purchase.  We are grateful for the pleasure of serving you and meeting your Intra needs.

Lifestyles Intra Prices: Lifestyles Intra is only available through Independent Distributors and is NOT sold in stores.

The Guide on how to choose good fruits and vegetables with a minimum of pesticides.

Numerous peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown that consuming produce high in pesticide residue, increases the risk of certain negative health impacts and that choosing organic can almost immediately reduce the amounts of residues in a person’s body.

More than 70 percent of non-organic fresh produce sold in the U.S. contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides, EWG’s 2022 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ finds. Read more…

Our’s advice is that fruit whose origin is unknown should be carefully washed. But for apples, washing them leads to a maximum reduction of pesticides by half. It is more effective to peel the skin. As less risky fruits, we recommend bananas, avocados, pineapple, or some citrus fruits, where they do not find pesticides in the edible parts. Regarding vegetables, we recommend sweet potatoes, onions, or baby carrots.

And grandma’s advice to wash fruit with vinegar or lemon water? “The solubility of some pesticides may increase slightly, but complete removal cannot be counted on,” we reply.

Do you like gardening? So support your local organic growers or grow some vegetables and fruits yourself.

EWG’S DIRTY DOZEN FOR 2022 with the highest pesticide residues



Kale, collard and mustard greens




Bell and hot peppers








Sweet corn




Sweet peas (frozen)


Honeydew melon







Sweet Potatoes


The Intra Herbal Juice in Croatia

Intra® Retail Price: € 35/bottle
Nutria® Retail Price: € 25/bottle
FibreLife®Retail Price: € 30/bottle

Visit our IntraSite or the Lifestyles Intra Shop to purchase Intra and other Lifestyles products online.

Intra Trio (3 Bottles) Price:€105 + Shipping + Tax

Better Together (2 I, 1 Nut, 1 CL, 1 FL) Price: €160.00


Minimum order of 100 points (BTP, or 3 bottles = 105 pts), minimum €35.oo, or 5.5% on the retail value.

Click on the button

below to shop online.



Join The Preferred Customer Program and save up to 15% 

Looking for an ALL NATURAL food supplement?

Try INTRA! This 950ml juice is a powerful energy booster, an immune system booster that will help you feel and live healthy every day! Take 2 cups a day and see a better you!

1 Bottle of INTRA juice is 950 ml for only EUR 35!

Join and Save

A Complete Approach to Better Health. Intra, NutriaPlus, and Fiberlife.

Intra® is a unique synergistic blend of 23 of the world’s finest herbal and botanical extracts based on thousands of years of collective wisdom of many different cultures, factored in with modern scientific technology to produce the best of both worlds, ancient and modern. As an Adaptogen it works to strengthen and support all the various systems of the body to the specific needs of the individual.

Best products from Intra Lifestyles store online in Croatia with 20% discount.

Intra Herbal Juice UK

The Intra Herbal Juice Retail Prices in the UK 

1 bottle Intra (950 ml or 64 capsules) = 30 day supply

Minimum order 100 points (3 bottles = 105 pts)

Prices shown inclusive of VAT and shipping:

1 bottle = £25.22 (Plus VAT & Shipping)

Intra Trio (3 btls) Intra liquid or capsules = £75.66

Case (9 btls) Intra liquid or capsules = £226.96

Better Together Pack

(2btls Intra liquid + 1btl Nutria) = £67.83

Delivery time: usually four (4) working days throughout the UK.

The Nutria Price

1 bottle £17.39 (Plus VAT & Shipping)

Minimum order 100 points (4 bottles = 100 pts)
1 bottle Nutria (60 capsules)

The Fiberlife Price

1 bottle = £17.39 (Plus VAT & Shipping)

Minimum order 120 points (4 bottles = 120 pts)
1 bottle FiberLife (60 capsules)

Join and Save

The Preferred Customer Prices + the Loyalty Program

Minimum order 100 points (3 bottles = 105 pts)

Prices are shown inclusive of Shipping & VAT:

Trio(3 btls) Intra liquid or capsules @10% = £68.09
Better Together Pack (2 btls Intra liquid + 1btl Nutria Plus) @10% = £61.05

Preferred Customer Program Details
The Preferred Customer & Loyalty Program is designed to give you simple & convenient access to Lifestyles products at a discount price!
Register as a Preferred Customer online.

The administration fee of £4,99.

The benefits of the Loyalty Program:

The Lifestyles Distributor – The UK

The Lifebuilder Program. Enjoy Wholesale Discount On Lifestyles products and build new avenues of wealth and your financial freedom! Qualification: You pay a one-time application fee of £30 (Inc VAT).


Distributors can get a minimum of 20% to a maximum of 30% discount on their purchase. The discount level is cumulative and without a time limit. Once a level is achieved it is maintained. (i.e. once you achieve 30% you do not drop back to 25%).

Sliding Discount Scale for Distributors

1 to 600 point (1-17 btl)……..…..@20%
601 to 1500 point(18-41 btl)…….@25%
1501 to 2800 point( + 42 btl) ……@30%

See Compensation Plan for full explanation at


• The Loyalty Program & Chances to earn Wholesale Profit and Royalty Bonus
• FREE personalized website (
• FREE PBC (Personal Business Center)

The Lifebuilder Program & Business Opportunity

  • Avail 40% Discount As a Direct Distributor (DD)
    INTRA TRIO…..@40% = £45.40

Once you become a Direct Distributor (DD), you can enjoy Lifetime 40% discount on all products! If you’re excited to get your business off the ground, Lifestyles offers a number of programs to help you start earning money. As part of the Lifestyles family, you will never be alone. With our comprehensive training, easy-to-understand business model, and helpful support system, you’ll learn everything you need to know to build your network and maximize your income.

Click on a button below to shop online or to first register for discounts/distributorship

*Note: All prices and offers shown may be subject to change without notice. All orders of Intra are covered by the Lifestyles 100% money back guarantee on a 30-day supply per person.


Skin allergies in children

Skin allergies are the most common allergies in children. The second most common is food. Respiratory allergies, which are more common among older children, is the third most common.​


Around the world, we have seen an increase in cancer, asthma, allergies, inflammation, and, most recently, the outbreak of SARS and avian viruses(Covid-19). ​

TiP. Cut out the confectionery, sweets, and sugar content in food. Add honey to food or drink. Do not use a toxin home cleaner. Restrict a stay in a smoky and dirty environment.



Allergies occur when the body negatively reacts to certain substances.

These can include, but aren’t limited to: 

dust mites






pet dander


In some cases, skin allergy symptoms show up when the skin comes into direct contact with an external substance. In other cases, the allergen may be ingested or inhaled. Signs may also appear in conjunction with other types of allergy symptoms, such as headaches, congestion, sneezing, and runny nose.​

How can allergies affect your child’s skin?

If your child comes in contact with an allergen, they may develop contact dermatitis. Their skin may appear red,  itchy, scaly,  bumpy, swollen, they touch, inhale, or eat an allergen, they can also develop hives.  These are raised welts that can develop on their skin, and they’re almost always itchy. Some children with allergies also develop eczema. This condition causes their skin to become inflamed, itchy, and irritated, even when they haven’t made contact with an allergen.


Treatment: You can treat allergic contact dermatitis by: 


  • avoiding the irritant
  • applying prescription steroid cream
  • healing the skin with medications
  • taking antihistamines to relieve itching

How do you find out what your child is allergic to?

Sometimes all your doctor needs to do is take a good history to help decide what your child should avoid. A good history is where your doctor listens to your concerns, ideas, and expectations. Your child’s history may be enough for the doctor to help suggest what to eliminate first.  Not all skin reactions are allergic reactions. Your doctor can help determine the cause of your child’s skin reaction.

If a test for allergies is needed, your doctor will usually do a patch test or a skin prick test. The process involves the introduction of small amounts of allergens into the skin. If a reaction occurs, then your child may have an allergy to the substance. Your doctor will use various substances based on environment and family history. Sometimes a blood test is used for diagnosis, but these may be less accurate, particularly in very young children.


How do you manage skin allergies?

Skin allergies happen at any age, but the CDC says they are most common in young children. Thankfully, the severity tends to decrease with age. But it’s still important to address any unusual skin changes in your child early before complications ensue. Proactive measures are important in preventing recurring skin allergy symptoms in your children. Even if a rash goes away, it can come back if your child is exposed to certain triggers again. The best way to treat these allergies is to detect the cause early and prevent it from getting worse. Work with a pediatrician to make sure your treatment addresses all of your concerns and issues.


About 1 in every 10 kids will develop eczema. Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by red rashes that itch. It usually appears in children ages 1 to 5. Food allergies or environmental pollutants can cause eczema, but sometimes no cause is found.

Treatment: Standard treatment involves avoiding allergens and applying ointments and moisturizers. In extreme cases, your child may require prescription medication. Talk to your doctor if you suspect allergies. An allergist can help identify which allergens to avoid or which foods to eliminate.​

How can you prevent allergic reactions?
The most effective way to prevent allergic reactions is to avoid allergens. Once you know what allergens your child is allergic to, ask their doctor how they can avoid them.
For example, if your child is allergic to grass, their doctor may encourage them to wear long pants and socks outside. If they’re allergic to dogs, their doctor may advise them to avoid petting them.
If they’re allergic to certain foods, their doctor will emphasize the importance of never eating them. For example, they will likely encourage you and your child to read ingredient lists, ask questions about restaurant menu items, and take steps to avoid contaminating dishes and cooking surfaces with allergens. 


​Our world is vastly different from that of our ancestors.  While we are more aware of environmental pollution today than ever before, we can’t avoid it.  We eat, breathe, and live in our modern environment, making the ingestion of toxins a part of everyday life!  Body Pollution (the pollution from the environment that enters our bodies) is exposing our immune systems to levels of chemicals, toxins, pollutants, and other agents our bodies were never designed to absorb. The scary truth is that we are all ingesting these negative substances every day in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Together, they weaken our immune systems and contribute to many of today’s most common diseases.


​So what can we do to support and maintain a healthy immune system, and be better prepared to fight off environmental invaders?  Daily supplementation with botanical extracts, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and phytonutrients is a good start.  By giving our bodies the daily nutrition it needs, we are providing the basic building blocks for a healthy and effective immune system.​


Eating the foods high in zinc, Omega 3,  Vitamin C, magnesium can be beneficial. Try ​botanical extracts​ /Intra Herbal Juice/​, antioxidants, Turmeric Curcumin Supplements, vitamins, and minerals and phytonutrients ( NutriaPlus) too.​

 Source: Google,

The Best way how to order Intra Herbal Juice is via the Lifestyles online shoppingPlease click here.

Please, if You have the question regarding Intra ordering we recommend viewing The Guide How to Order Intra Juice OnlineJoin as the member and save up to 40%...

​Please click here for the frequently asked questions about Intra or email us if you have further questions.

Intra – Precise Formulation of 23 Botanical Extracts Pleasant Tasting Herbal Drink Consume by Millions. Intra carries a 30-day money-back guarantee. You’ve got nothing to lose, order Intra now!



Intra Herbal Juice by Lifestyles for optimal Health & Vitality

Intra Herbal Juice by Lifestyles for optimal Health & Vitality

Intra is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts manufactured by Lifestyles International. As a natural food supplement intra helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems with the essential nutrients that are lacking in most modern diets.

The special blend of 23 herbal extracts found in intra work well in the formula due in part to the concept known as synergistic effect. The synergistic effect is defined as multiple herbs in a blended formulation working together to produce a greater benefit than any one of the individual components on their own. A great example of this is licorice root – this unique botanical magnifies the positive effects of other botanicals in a formulation. 

Intra – the gift for loved ones

Intra Herbal Juice by Lifestyles for optimal Health & Vitality

  • Strong in antioxidant ingredients that are specifically formulated to support the body at the cellular level.

  • Provides nutrients that are no longer found in our food, but are essential to our bodies.

  • One of the most popular herbal blends in the world today.

  • Helps keep the body free of modern pollutants and toxic chemicals.

  • Lifestyles INTRA 23 HERBS helps maintain a healthy immune system.

  • Helps keep the body free of modern pollutants and toxic chemicals.

Buy Intra Herbal Juice Lifestyles now!

Intra – the Christmas Gift for Loved ones


How Intra® Works in the Body 

For thousands of years, the Chinese have believed the secret to life revolves around the “pa-kua” (pronounced par-kwar), an octagonal symbol that depicts the eight points of the compass. It is believed that the trigrams (eight directions) give the pa-kua its power & energy.

Only Intra® supports the Body’s 8 Biological Systems!


What is Intra?

Intra is a blend of 23 botanical extracts.

The extracts from these botanicals contain an abundance of disease fighting antioxidants, flavoring and trace minerals that are lacking in modern diets.

The creation of lifestyles intra brings modern science and traditional wisdom together to produce the world’s most unique and effective botanical blend.

As a natural food supplement, Intra’s unique formula of 23 botanical extracts work better synergistically together than each one individually, to provide your body with the balance it needs for a state of health and well being.

Suggested Use: 1 fl oz/ml to 2 fl oz/56 ml one time daily, For best results,use this product everyday.

Try LIve Better Every Day Routine...

How to Relieve Heartburn – Part 1

Heartburn is extremely uncomfortable yet extremely common, and the causes are not always clear. For some people, heartburn may be attributed to certain foods or eating habits, for others heartburn may be attributed to tight clothing, excess weight, or smoking. There are also many different ways to relieve heartburn, from changing your eating habits, adopting a new sleeping position, and trying over the counter or prescription medicines. Keep reading to learn more about how to relieve heartburn.


Part 1 Changing Your Eating Habits and Changing Bad Habits

Pay attention to the foods that cause heartburn for you. While there are some common foods that cause heartburn, everyone has different trigger foods. Keep track of the foods that seem to cause heartburn for you and try to avoid or at least limit your intake of those foods.Try keeping a food diary to help you keep track of the foods that cause you heartburn. Common heartburn trigger foods include peppermint, caffeine, sodas, chocolate, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, onions, and high-fat foods.

1  Quit smoking. Not only does smoking cause cancer and many other health problems, it may also be the cause of your heartburn. Smoking has been linked with heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

2 Stop eating a bad food and alcohol at least three hours before bedtime. Plan to have your last meal of the day at least three hours before bedtime, since your body requires about two hours to digest the food that you have eaten. If you lay down while there is still food in your stomach, you have a higher chance of getting heartburn.

3 Eat your food slowly. One study found that eating your food too quickly can increase the risk of heartburn. People who eat their food too fast are also more likely to suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD. Take your time while you are eating to eliminate fast eating as a factor in your heartburn. Try putting down your fork between bites and chewing your food more to help slow yourself down while you eat.

4 Drink a glass of low-fat or skim milk as a snack between meals. The calcium in milk can act as a temporary acid buffer, which may help to relieve your heartburn. Keep in mind that the effects of drinking milk are only temporary, so you may need to use other methods to help stave off heartburn. A cup of yogurt might provide the same benefit as drinking milk, helping to relieve heartburn.

5 Chew a piece of sugar-free gum after meals. Chewing gum causes your mouth to produce more saliva, which acts as an acid buffer. While you chew gum you also swallow more often, pushing acid back down into your stomach. Chew a piece of gum for 30 minutes after each meal to help relieve heartburn symptoms.


6 Sip a cup of herbal tea after meals. Some studies have found that chamomile and licorice tea are effective against heartburn symptoms when taken after a meal. Chamomile and licorice both have anti-inflammatory properties, which may be why they help to relieve heartburn for some people. Try both kinds of tea to see if either one works for you. Ginger has also been found effective against heartburn. You can make your own ginger tea by adding a few slices of fresh ginger to boiling water. Cover the water and allow the ginger to steep for 30 minutes before drinking. For best results, drink ginger tea about 20 minutes before a meal. Be aware that licorice should not be used long term because it contains a chemical called glycyrrhizin, which can cause tissue swelling and high blood pressure. As with any herbal medicine, talk to your doctor first.

7 Try Intra Herbal Juice 20 minutes before meals and when a Heartburn occurs

  • Tips
    Try eating an apple or banana every day. These fruits contain natural antacids that may help relieve your heartburn over time.
  • Try apple cider vinegar. Some people find relief by drinking a mixture of 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water before each meal.
  • Try either an aspirin or roll-aids. Snacking on carrots may help. Carrots contain alkaline compounds that help neutralize the acids in your throat.

8 Lose weight. Being overweight is thought to be a contributor to heartburn because the excess fat on your abdomen puts pressure on your stomach and may force your stomach contents back up into your esophagus. Studies have shown that a drastic weight loss is not necessary to help relieve heartburn caused by being overweight. Even a small weight loss, 5 to 10% of your body weight, may help relieve your heartburn. To lose weight, try to limit calories to 1800 to 2000 kcal a day, while also exercising for 30 minutes five times per week. You can use a fitness tracker or application to log your food and keep track of your activity.

9 Wear loose fitting clothing. Tight pants and belts may be contributing to your heartburn by causing too much pressure on your abdomen and causing your stomach contents to back up. Make sure that your pants fit comfortably and that you do not wear your belt too tight. Choose clothing that is a size too big or that has an elastic waistband if your heartburn is severe.

10  Change your usual sleeping position. If you often suffer from nighttime heartburn, there are two positions that seem to be the most effective against heartburn: sleeping on your left side and sleeping with your upper body elevated. Try one or both of these sleep positions to see if either one helps to relieve your heartburn. Sleeping on your left side helps aid digestion. Try sleeping on your left side if elevating your upper body does not seem to help.

11 Relax every day. Stress may contribute to your heartburn symptoms by causing your stomach to produce more stomach acid. Incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine, especially after you eat, may help to relieve heartburn. Try meditation, yoga, massage, Intra, aromatherapy, deep breathing, or something else to help yourself relax every day.

  • Warnings
    When heartburn symptoms become severe, keep you up at night, or occur at least twice a week, you may have Acid Reflux Disease. If not controlled, this can lead to esophageal cancer.
  • Chronic use of Proton Pump inhibitors may be associated with a slight increase in risk of bone fracture and vitamin B-12 deficiency.
  • If you are having chest pain and you think that you might be having a heart attack, seek medical attention immediately.
  • Heartburn, also known as acid indigestion, is a burning sensation in the central chest or upper central abdomen. The pain[citation needed] often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is usually due to regurgitation of gastric acid (gastric reflux) into the esophagus and is the major symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease
    (GERD). In about 0.6% of cases it is a symptom of ischemic heart disease.

Source:, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,

Heartburn, also known as acid indigestion, is a burning sensation in the central chest or upper central abdomen. The pain[citation needed] often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is usually due to regurgitation of gastric acid (gastric reflux) into the esophagus and is the major symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD). In about 0.6% of cases it is a symptom of ischemic heart disease. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Intra and Multiple sclerosis I

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged.
This damage disrupts the ability of parts of the nervous system to communicate, resulting in a range of signs and symptoms, including physical, mental, and sometimes psychiatric problems. Specific symptoms can include double vision, blindness in one eye, muscle weakness, trouble with sensation, or trouble with coordination. MS takes several forms, with new symptoms either occurring in isolated attacks (relapsing forms) or building up over time (progressive forms).Between attacks, symptoms may disappear completely; however, permanent neurological problems often remain, especially as the disease advances.
While the cause is not clear, the underlying mechanism is thought to be either destruction by the immune system or failure of the myelin-producing cells.Proposed causes for this include genetics and environmental factors such as being triggered by a viral infection.MS is usually diagnosed based on the presenting signs and symptoms and the results of supporting medical tests.
There is no known cure for multiple sclerosis. Treatments attempt to improve function after an attack and prevent new attacks.Medications used to treat MS, while modestly effective, can have side effects and be poorly tolerated. Physical therapy can help with people’s ability to function.Many people pursue alternative treatments, despite a lack of evidence. The long-term outcome is difficult to predict, with good outcomes more often seen in women, those who develop the disease early in life, those with a relapsing course, and those who initially experienced few attacks. Life expectancy is on average 5 to 10 years lower than that of an unaffected population.
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Alternative treatments and Intra 

Over 50% of people with MS may use complementary and alternative medicine, although percentages vary depending on how alternative medicine is defined. The evidence for the effectiveness for such treatments in most cases is weak or absent.[ Treatments of unproven benefit used by people with MS include dietary supplementation and regimens,vitamin D, relaxation techniques such as yoga, herbal medicine (including medical cannabis),hyperbaric oxygen therapy,self-infection with hookworms, reflexology, acupuncture.and mindfulnessRegarding the characteristics of users, they are more frequently women, have had MS for a longer time, tend to be more disabled and have lower levels of satisfaction with conventional healthcare.
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We recommend:


Intra Herbal Drink ( first three months only for detox), and continue!!


After three months usage of Intra Herbal Drink add:


Nutria Antioxidants Vitamins and Phytonutrients
Vitamin D 2000 – 4000 IU/ daily
Omega 3, Magnesium, Calcium,Selen, Zink, Fytonutrients, Vitamin C, Lecithin, Vitamin E, Vitamin B Complex


It is very important to work with your doctor and other members of your care team to determine which supplements you should take and what the proper dose should be. Vitamins or minerals taken at a certain dose may be beneficial. However, taken at a higher dose, the same vitamin or mineral may be harmful.

9 Tasks Lifestyles Intra Leaders Must Do Daily


Thank you for your interest in Lifestyles Intra Product Training and  Lifestyles Intra Business Training for our global team members. We offer basic training on our most popular product Intra, Nutria and FiberLife for our global team members. Live Better Every Day – click here and read the FAQ Frequently Asked Questions on the Intra herbal juice, Nutria and FiberLife. We welcome your questions and comments. Please read 9 Tasks Lifestyles Intra Leaders  Must Do Daily…

With warm regards,
Intra Juice Global Team

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Instant Direct Program 40% Discount pdf  INSTANT DIRECT PROGRAM

Express Direct Program 30% Discount pdf  EXPRESS DIRECT PROGRAM

Though Lifestyles is not operating at your country now, you could still purchase Intra and Nutria for personal consumption purpose.  Furthermore, Lifestyles is a globally linked business, so you may join as a distributor in countries that we have operation in as well.  Please email us for details.