The proper way to drink water

The Water is very important to our bodies. Our bodies are made up of 70% to 80% of water. There are many diseases you can prevent, if you drink enough water, around 2 to 4 glasses of water in a day.

  • If you have kidney stones, drinking enough water can help prevent kidney stones (up to 2.5 liters per day) .
  • If you have urinary tract infections, especially the ladies, they can drink two glasses of water in one sitting and this can somehow washout the infections.
  • If you have heartburn like gastritis, you can drink two sips of water every 120 minutes, do this regularly, this can wash away the acid from your stomach, so this can help a bit.
  • And water can also help you reduce weight. You can drink a glass before a meal. It helps you feel a little full, and some say water can also make your skin more supple, more soft because you are hydrated.

The proper way to drink water

If you feel thirsty, drink. Remember the rule: "Eat half-full, drink half-full."And for older people, we will recommend drinking around 2 to 5 glasses of water in a day, it depends on their medical condition. So they have to ask their doctor about it.

When the weather is hot, when you’re exercising, you have to drink more water. If you have a fever, if you have cough and colds; water can also lower the fever; and it can also loosen the phlegm from the cough and the colds. And how do you know if you are dehydrated and you need to drink more water.

One tip is to check your urine color.

The urine color should be nice like white or yellow, but if the urine color is dark yellow or a little orange that means you are dehydrated already, so you have to drink more water.
I would prefer drinking distilled water, purified water but mineral water is also fine, but some doctors they don’t want to give mineral water if you have kidney stones.

So as you can see, there are many diseases you can prevent, many health benefits if you just know how to drink the water at the right time, at the right amount everyday. So I hope this little health tips can help you a bit. I posted my article there below you can use it and share it with your friends. And thank you for reading.

Carefully read the contents and composition of the energy drinks.We recommend drinks without preservatives.
Try to supply the body with minerals, antioxidants and vitamins in optimal amounts in the form of fresh juices and depending on your activity and level of stress.

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Next: How drink Intra Juice and add Nutria capsules? 

If you play sports, follow the coach’s instructions. Read more

The thyroid gland affects our physical and mental health

The thyroid gland is a small, inconspicuous organ that plays a vital role in maintaining your physical and mental health. The thyroid gland controls almost every cell in the body. Getting your thyroid checked early can save your life.

Approximately 200 million people worldwide suffer from some form of thyroid disease. The two most common are hypothyroidism (reduced activity of the thyroid gland) and hyperthyroidism (excessive activity of the thyroid gland), with women, affected ten times more often than men.

About 15% of women develop thyroid problems during their lifetime. Difficulties very often come with pregnancy or during menopause.

The most common condition worldwide is hypothyroidism, symptoms of which usually include fatigue, feeling cold, muscle weakness, and unexplained weight gain. In reality, however, the consequences are even more serious.

“The thyroid gland controls almost every cell in the human body,” points out Cindy Samet, a professor of chemistry at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania, who studies thyroid issues. “The thyroid gland can be said to be the main metabolic control center of the body. Brain, heart, and kidney function, as well as body temperature, growth, and muscle strength (and much more), are all at the mercy of thyroid function.”

The number of sick people is increasing.

The symptoms are alleviated by the mandatory iodization of edible salt in some countries, and therefore we no longer see goiter, which was a visible sign of problems with the thyroid gland.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Increased activity of the thyroid gland is accompanied by, for example, increased heart activity, high blood pressure, fatigue, weight loss, and psychological changes. But reduced activity doesn’t have to be so alarming. It manifests itself in fatigue, chills, swelling, shortness of breath, apathy, constipation, and sometimes joint pain, which many women (for example, during pregnancy or menopause) easily mistake for difficulties related to their condition and do not seek medical attention.

For example, according to the American Endocrinological Association, 60 percent of people with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.

The number of patients with thyroid disease is increasing very rapidly. This is due both to the increase in the incidence of autoimmune diseases in the population and to the improvement and availability of diagnostics. Laboratory determination of thyroid hormone levels is today a basic and commonly available examination even in general practitioners’ clinics. A large proportion of patients with thyroid disease are detected as part of other tests, not for thyroid problems. In children, it is often an immunological examination due to repeated respiratory diseases, in adults, the finding on the thyroid gland is detected during an ultrasound examination of the vessels in the neck.

There are many causes of the disease.

The most common cause of thyroid disease is an autoimmune process that damages the thyroid gland and it can lead to a malfunction of the thyroid gland, to a change in its size or structure.

Why the number of autoimmune diseases, including the involvement of endocrine glands, is increasing so much is another complicated question. Once common in the past, hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency is now a rare disease with widespread iodization of salt and is more likely to be a mild disorder in vegans or breastfeeding women. Even foods with a high “Strumigen content” (cabbage, horseradish) in large quantities can lead to reduced thyroid function.

Irradiation of the thyroid gland with radioactive radiation (external or radioiodine) is clearly a risk factor for the development of both reduced thyroid function and the most significant risk factor for the development of malignant tumors of the thyroid gland (irradiation of the neck for malignant tumors). Chemical substances in our environment also affect endocrine processes in the human body (lithium, phthalates). We still don’t know much about the cause of many other endocrine diseases.

Chronic stress also often affects the reduced function of the thyroid gland. Therefore, daily exercise and maintaining healthy relationships are also often recommended by experts, as both can also help the thyroid gland. Rest and at least seven hours of sleep are also important. But the thyroid gland is erratic. Her problems can negatively affect sleep. Depression, mood swings, and impaired ability to learn new things and to think in general are also frequent results.

It is not uncommon for people with hypothyroidism to end up in psychiatry. And it’s up to the doctor’s discretion whether to think of a possible thyroid connection. According to Medical News Today, hypothyroidism can also be responsible for anxiety, memory lapses, speech problems, and the development of so-called. pseudodementia. The paper states that 30-40 percent of sufferers suffer from an anxiety disorder at the same time.

What vitamins for the thyroid?

Thyroid inflammation is an autoimmune disease. As supportive therapy, it is advisable to take some of the vitamins whose levels decrease during this disease – selenium, zinc, antioxidants vitamin C, E, or omega-3 fatty acids. They reduce the formation of free radicals and thus prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

Limit the foods that are most harmful to the thyroid gland: Coffee.Sugar.Fried meals.Cruciferous vegetables.Gluten.Soya

Did you know that?

  • Thyroid disease or its treatment is never the main cause of obesity.
  • Thyroid disorders can develop over many years. An individual can live with the disease for a long time without realizing that the disorder affects them. Advanced is better recognized but more difficult to treat. Therefore, it is necessary to detect the disease at the earliest possible stage.
  • Pregnant and lactating women who have thyroid disease can take iodine. Only rarely do doctors not recommend iodine for women with Graves-Basedow disease or nodules.
  • After thyroid surgery and radioiodine, lifelong follow-up and usually lifelong thyroxine therapy are required.
  • A puncture of the thyroid gland is a painless examination because a thinner needle is used and the puncture takes a few seconds.
  • Examination – a puncture of the thyroid gland can lead to a rapid diagnosis and improve the prognosis of patients.
  • In stabilized patients with hypothyroidism, the dose of thyroxine is the same throughout the year – it does not make sense to adjust doses depending on the time of year.
  • If the Thyroid surgery operation is performed in a workplace with sufficient experience, it has a minimum of complications.
  • If thyroid disease is treated correctly, the symptoms of hyper- or hypothyroidism will gradually disappear, although this can sometimes take several months.
  • A rich source of iodine, for example, is the seaweed Kelp ( Fucus vesiculosus)  – you can add it to food or take its extract in tablets. Iodine is naturally also found in marine fish.

TIP.  Try Nutria Plus. Nutria Plus contains selenium, which is found in organic form in this product. This is because it is highly absorbable and usable by the body. Selenium, like iodine, is an important substance for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Best together with INTRA HERBAL JUICE.

Source and pictures:, Lifestyles Independent Distributors,,,, Lifestyles magazine Flowers

The Body’s Eight (8) Biological Systems and 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts

For thousands of years, the Chinese have believed the secret to life revolves around the “pa-kua” (pronounced par-kwar), an octagonal symbol that depicts the eight points of the compass. It is believed that the trigrams (eight directions) give the pa-kua its power & energy.

Intra Herbal Blend supports the Body’s 8 Biological Systems!

The different systems 

Perhaps it’s no coincidence that the body also has eight biological systems — Digestive and energyEliminative / Antioxidant,  Structural (Musculoskeletal), Hormonal (Endocrine), Immune, Nervous, Reproductive, and Cardiovascular — and that optimum power, energy, and good health depend on all systems working together in balance and harmony.

It took many years of testing a number of formulas to perfect the combination of botanicals found in Intra. These 23 naturally-sourced botanical extracts were specifically formulated to work together with each of the body’s eight biological systems.

Digestive & Energy

The botanicals in Intra help you digest foods better, so your body can use the nutrients more effectively to build and nourish cells while providing the energy you need to live a more vigorous life.

Primary botanicals: Aloe vera gel, Siberian ginseng root, Licorice root, Chinese pearl barley, Chicory root, Dandelion root, German chamomile, Alfalfa, Fenugreek seed, Bee pollen, Ginger root

Secondary botanicals: Chinese rose hips, Juniper berries

Eliminative / Antioxidant

The ingredients in Intra help rid your body of wastes produced in the digestive process and through normal metabolism. They help your body get rid of more of the toxins that enter our bodies through our food, drink, and the environment while neutralizing free-radicals with antioxidants.

Primary botanicals: Aloe vera gel, Chinese pearl barley, Schisandra berry, Chicory root, Dandelion root, Cascara bark, Juniper berries, Celery seed

Secondary botanicals: Astragalus root, Chinese rose hips, Sarsaparilla

Structural (Musculoskeletal)

Ingredients in Intra help keep your bones, muscles, joints, and connective tissue healthy; protecting the delicate organs in your body and allowing you to stand tall and move freely.

Primary botanicals: Ginger root, Sarsaparilla, Capsicum

Secondary botanicals: None

Hormonal (Endocrine)

The ingredients in Intra have the ability to modulate the functioning of glands that release chemicals, which eventually control and help balance every other system in our bodies.

Primary botanicals: Astragalus root

Secondary botanicals: Siberian ginseng root, Reishi mushroom, Fenugreek seed, Celery seed


The botanicals in Intra reinforce your body’s natural ability to protect itself.

Primary botanicals: Licorice root, Astragalus root, Reishi mushroom, Chinese rose hips, Thyme

Secondary botanicals: Aloe vera gel, Siberian ginseng root, Schisandra berry, Chicory root


The ingredients in Intra support the coordination of your brain, the spinal cord, and the network of nerves that thread throughout your entire body.

Primary botanicals: Siberian ginseng root, Astragalus root, Passionflower

Secondary botanicals: German chamomile, Thyme


Intra’s botanicals support a healthy cardiovascular system, including maintaining a healthy cholesterol level.

Primary botanicals: Reishi mushroom, Chinese pearl barley

 Secondary botanicals: Chicory root, Alfalfa


The botanicals in Intra help balance hormones, leading to a healthy reproductive system.

Primary botanicals: Pipsissewa

Secondary botanicals: Fenugreek seed, Ginger root

Intra ® is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts manufactured by Lifestyles Global Network Canada.  As a natural food supplement, Intra® helps balance and strengthen the body’s systems with the essential nutrients that are lacking in most modern diets.

Herbs: Nature’s secrets. The 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts:

1. Schisandra berry (Schisandra Chinensis) Used in different combinations for thousands of years. Contemporary research has focused on Schisandra’s very strong antioxidant characteristics.*

2. Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus Senticosus) One of the most thoroughly documented traditional botanicals. Recently “rediscovered” based on studies by Russian scientists.

3. Astragalus root (Astragalus Membranaceus) Considered one of the superior botanicals. Many experts consider it superior even to ginseng in various aspects.

4. German chamomile (Chamomilla Recutita) Native to Europe; legendary, since ancient times, for its mild properties.

5. Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) Referred to in imperial China as “the elixir of life”; its use was reserved for the Emperor.

6. Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) Known for its strong roots – and perceived as a symbol of strength and longevity.* Native to Europe; grown and used around the world.

7. Cascara bark (Rhamnus purshiana) Known as “sacred bark” by Spanish explorers. Native to the Pacific coast of North America; harvested by early American natives who felt it had strengthening properties.*

8. Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Native to the Middle East and China. Licorice is called the elder statesman because it was thought to harmonize and unify other botanicals within a formulation.

9. Juniper berry (Juniperus communis) Native to Eastern Europe, some specimens of Juniper are over 1000 years old. The resinous aromatic berry-cones were highly valued by early Europeans who believed the evergreen Juniper to represent life power. Used in the preparation of the classic flavoring ingredient.

10. Chinese rose hips (Rosa species) Among the various species of roses used for their fruits, the fruits of the R. Laevigata are the most highly valued traditionally by the Chinese. Classical writings report its effects as “resistant to cold and light in the body”. High in bioflavonoids, plant acids, and other nutrients. Native to China and Japan.

11. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Native to the Near East, now found worldwide; rich in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, amino acids, and protein; used traditionally as a nutrient to maintain vitality.*

12. Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata) Extensively used by Native American Indians. Native to northern North America from Quebec to Georgia.

13. Chicory root (Cichorium intybus) Native to Europe and Asia. Traditionally used as a unique food ingredient.

14. Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) Native to the southern U.S where it was highly valued by Cherokee Indians, who believed it to be of great importance and used it in a wide range of traditional preparations.

15. Bee pollen (Apis Pollenus) Rich in nutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins, and amino acids; 2000-year-old Chinese legend claims that long-term use will cause one to “be light in body and full with life”.

16. Aloe vera gel (Aloe Barbadensis) Commonly mentioned in Western folklore. Now widely used in the health food and cosmetic industries.

17. Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris) Native to the Mediterranean region; now extensively cultivated worldwide. It has unique properties; and is commonly used in cosmetics and food.

18. Chinese pearl barley (Coix Lacryma-Jobi) With a use history of over 2000 years, it possesses qualities similar to oriental ginseng, but in a milder form. Found in tropical regions worldwide.

19. Fenugreek seed (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum) Mainly found in the Middle East and Mediterranean region. One of the truly ancient traditional plants with records of use dating back millennia to ancient Egypt. Said to impart “fire and vigor”.

20. Ginger root (Zingiber Officinale) Native to Southern Asia; cultivated in tropics worldwide. Traditionally thought to cleanse. Modern studies have shown it to have antioxidant properties.*

21. Celery seed (Apium Graveolens) Native to Southern Europe believed to diffuse through the system a calming influence.

22. Capsicum fruit (Capsicum Species) Rich in vitamins, traditionally to stimulate metabolism; commonly used to help improve the action of other botanicals in formulations.*

23. Sarsaparilla (Smilax Officinalis) Native to tropical America and the West Indies. Long famed as a folk remedy and currently used in many food products.

 The Natural Path Herbal Guide

Source: Lifestyles Global Network Canada Head Office,,

The Body’s Eight (8) Biological Systems and 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts. Watch our Youtube stream. 

The Lifestyles‘ Intra® Solution



How to boost your weak immune system?

At least 90 illnesses are caused by immune system problems. They can all cause inflammation. But do you know the other warning signs? Cold Hands, Repeated Infections, Diarrhea, Constipation, Patchy Hair loss, Joints ache, Dry Eyes, Fatigue, Headaches, dry, itchy and red skin, allergic reactions and sensitive to the sun, stress, long-term usage of antibiotics…

The immune system changes with age. The older adults are more susceptible to infections. Every year, the majority of flu deaths are seen in people 65 or older.

Positively, the immune system can be influenced and reinforced in several ways, but a properly designed diet is the foundation. One of the risk factors of disturbances and the weakening of immunity is stress. Chronic stress has the effect of weakening the immune system, which may be less resistant to common infections. The lifestyle of our organism has a great impact on the overall resilience of our organism. Progress in medicine and high hygiene standards are now very helpful. However, on the contrary, our body’s resistance to common infections is reduced, our immunity simply does not have enough training.

-Sleep well. Sleep deprivation weakens and reduces its performance.

– Avoid places where you can become infected with droplet infections. Therefore, it is important to wash hands or use disinfectant gels and masks. In this video, you can find information and guidance from WHO regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that was first reported from Wuhan, China, on 31 December 2019. Please visit the WHO page for daily updates

-Regular exercise significantly increases the number and activity of cells responsible for good immunity.

-Boost your immune system by eating! Bet on natural antibiotics – garlic, onion, leeks, chives, horseradish, cranberries. Give each day five teaspoons.

-Beware of alcohol and cigarettes! They reduce vitamins A, C, E, and B, but also selenium. If you are smoking, increase the daily dose of vitamin C.

These foods will strengthen your immune system to prevent flu, colds, and other illnesses. Improve your defenses with food. It’s not complicated, for example, classic onions and garlic strengthens the body thanks to allicin, which acts as a natural antibiotic in the body. The key vitamin for good defenses is the old known Vitamin C. The need for vitamin C for an adult is 100 milligrams per day, but if the body is already infected, the need increases to ten times. Sufficient vitamin C intake can also greatly reduce treatment for the infection that is already taking place. The main source of vitamin C is citrus, which is not entirely true. Try sour cabbage, an excellent source of vitamin C and K, potassium, beta-carotene, fiber, thiamine, and folic acid.  Beetroot can be strongly recommended because it also contains magnesium, potassium and red dye in addition to vitamins. A good source of vitamin C is also peppers, broccoli, strawberries, and potatoes.

These foods will strengthen your immune system to prevent flu, colds, and other illnesses:

1 / Vitamin C and Selenium. Vitamin C strengthens immunity and helps fight infections and helps with regeneration while increasing stress and sport. You can find it in citrus, kiwi, black currant, peppers, and broccoli. Tea with lemon, honey, and ginger, or with arrows that are also full of cake. Apple, or other raw fruit. Consume leaf vegetables. Maybe the hair is full of vitamins, enzymes, and minerals. It helps for the proper functioning of the whole body and will do your digestion well, which gets the most damage to diseases. selenium. Selenium is important too. Together with Vitamin E, it has detoxification and anti-inflammatory effects.

2 / Onions and garlic strengthens the body through allicin, which acts as a natural antibiotic in the body. They help with the flu and cold. They fight effectively against bacilli. If you feel that something is „climbing“ for you, order them the best raw. Cut onions for goulash or for bread or Greek salad. You can make natural medicine from garlic. Squeeze it in honey, let go of it, and treat this good to teaspoons several times a day. Beware of your breath.

3 / Today we are lucky that we do not have to limit ourselves only to raw materials available in our country, but we can use gifts from all over the world. These include „superfoods“ that excel by having a high content of health benefits. There are literally charged vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and unsaturated fatty essential acids. That’s why they are so valued in a balanced diet and we should not forget them during the flu. How to reach? Try Intra Herbal Juice, which is composed of 23 royal herbs that harmonize 8 human body systems or NutriaPlus Super Antioxidants. Goji also supplies energy and strengthens immunity. Add them to the slurry. Excellent is a young barley powder that contains antioxidants and vitamins, simply sprinkle into your salad. Chia seeds also have the optimal composition of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They are great for beverages, breakfast spices and can be enjoyed with baking. Or try Quino. It is an ancient cereal origin from South America which, thanks to its nutritional content, is a gluten-free substitute for rice. It is also a source of plant proteins and also suitable for athletes.

4 / The seeds and nuts contain zinc, unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to us and reduce unhealthy cholesterol. They contain antioxidants, which protect our cells from within. Spend your nuts with small hands regularly. They are sour, so just a little bit, and focus on those unleavened and unpolished that do not contain palm fat.

5 / Legumes should be regularly present in your diet, the healthiest ones are in the form of fresh sprouts. You can tweak them at home or buy them ready. They taste excellently in vegetable salads or sprinkle with them a slice of bread. Keys contain enzymes, vitamins, and nutrients that contribute to the proper functioning of the organs and hence enhance immunity.

6 / Such sour products have an irreplaceable role in the formation of immunity, which stems from our inner microflora. The right bacteria in our intestines do not let us bacilli. Probiotic bacteria are in dairy acidic products that adhere to the colon and have a beneficial effect on digestion and our immunity. Enjoy in the morning or during the day kefir, sour yogurt or whey. Do not forget that the sauerkraut has so much more vitamin than fresh. Add a little to the bowl for lunch or dinner. Ideally, the dairy products are sourced because they also supply calcium to the body and, unlike milk, they do not pour it on it. If you can not milk, try fermented vegetables – cabbage, carrots, radishes.

Health & Wellness with Phytonutrients and Fiber
7 / High-quality seafood and deep-frozen fish without the addition of water contain important omega-3 fatty acids. They activate white blood cells that fight against viruses, flu, and colds. Fish and seafood is a good source of selenium that helps white blood cells produce proteins that remove the body from viruses. Treat salmon with vegetables or prepare salmon sushi.

Source:  News: COVID-19 – How To Protect?,,,, Lifestyles Independent Distributors files,,, coronavirus hits seniors hardest



Intra Herbal Juice – Romania Prices



1 Intra (950 ml / 64 capsules)

1 bottle = €35.00 (35 points)

Minimum order of 100 points

(3 bottles = 105 pts)

Trio (3 x Intra) Intra Liquid or Capsules

 = €105.00  (105 points) +Shipping and Handling: 

€45.00 + Tax: €18.90                       

Grand Total = €168.90


Case (9 Intra)  (315 points) Intra Liquid or Capsules = €315.00 + Shipping + Tax=€397.80


New!! Better Together Pack Plus (125 points): 2 Intra 

+ 1 NutriaPlus +1 Fiberlife = €125.00  (100 points) + Shipping + Tax Shipping

Better Together Pack (100 points) 2 Intra, 1 NutriaPlus = €95.00  (100 points) + Shipping + Tax Shipping


Click on the button below to shop online.


  Intra Herbal Juice – Bulgaria Prices

Intra®  contains herbs that help to protect the body from our toxic environment.  It provides a high level of antioxidants that help maintain youthful vitality. Daily use of Intra helps nourish body cells and provide essential plant-based nutrients. Standardized herbal extracts and strict manufacturing processes ensure consistent quality and potency of the Intra blend. Since 1992, Intra has been distributed around the world with millions of satisfied users.

It has passed the test of time for safe use and effectiveness. Intra is a Great-Tasting, Fruit Juice-based Drink Suitable for All Ages.

And The Life is Too Short…

The Lifestyles‘ Intra® Solution


How Intra® Works in the Body 

For thousands of years, the Chinese have believed the secret to life revolves around the “pa-kua” (pronounced par-kwar), an octagonal symbol that depicts the eight points of the compass. It is believed that the trigrams (eight directions) give the pa-kua its power & energy.

Lifestyles GN Intra® USA and CANADA – Promotions and Incentives

Getting Started with Lifestyles GN

Congratulations on our new Members, Direct Distributors, Regional Directors, Executive Directors  from the USA, Canada, Singapore, UAE, The Philippines, Slovak Republic, Poland, Honk Kong, and the Czech Republic.

“When the Product is Good, The Business is Done “More products, more people to be helped, and to be healthy.

Regina + Tom Cincala, NMD upline


Congratulations 👏👏 to the Qualified DIRECTORS FOR the Month of December Volume USA/CANADA/EU/The Philippines/UAE 🎉💖🤩 Thanks to everyone! God bless always! Thank you Mr. Jason Leung and Ms. Mhai Javier for your support. Thank You Mr. Michael Szwarc for your support.  Congrats to our fellow distributors!

Tom and Regina Cincala, NMD

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We are seeking distributors worldwide to implement our sales network. Lifestyles GN already operates in 31 countries worldwide and You can have a share in the international trade.

Lifestyles Success Programs

Instant Direct Program
Sign-up with 2,800 points in Personal Group Volume* and be promoted to Direct Distributor plus receive one (1) FREE case of Intra
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For more information about Lifestyles Success Programs, click here.


Lifestyles Intra® USA and CANADA – October and November Promotions

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Lifestyles Intra® USA and CANADA – 2019 Promotions 🇨🇦 🇺🇸


With Lifestyles, you are in business for yourself but you are never by yourself. From the very beginning, you’ll receive step-by-step training and support tools to help you establish a solid business and reach your income goals through Lifestyles Distributor Success Programs and Promotions.






We are seeking distributors worldwide to implement our sales network. Lifestyles GN already operates in 31 countries worldwide and You can have a share in the international trade.

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Intra Herbal Juice 23 Botanical Extracts

Pleasant Tasting Herbal Drink Consume by Millions



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How to boost your immune system?

Are you concerned about your frequent virosis and colds? Boost your immune system by eating! These foods will strengthen your immune system to prevent flu, colds, and other illnesses. Improve your defenses with food. It’s not complicated, for example, classic onions and garlic strengthens the body thanks to allicin, which acts as a natural antibiotic in the body.

Our grandmothers and grandparents already knew how to enrich meals and overall meals as the flu and illnesses approached. They were doing what nature gave them at the time because another could not be repaired at the time. No miraculous dietary supplements(synthetics), drugs, and other chemicals. Try these time-tested tips that work. Nowadays, we are lucky that we do not have to limit ourselves to the raw materials available in our country, but we can use gifts from all over the world. Read tips that will strengthen you and stand on your feet.

1 / Vitamin C Yes, vitamin C strengthens immunity and helps fight infections and helps with regeneration while increasing stress and sport. You can find it in citrus, kiwi, black currant, peppers, and broccoli. Tea with lemon, honey, and ginger, or with arrows that are also full of cake. Apple, or other raw fruit. TIP. Consume leaf vegetables. Maybe the hair is full of vitamins, enzymes, and minerals. It helps for the proper functioning of the whole body and will do your digestion well, which gets the most damage to diseases.

2 / Onions and garlic strengthens the body through allicin, which acts as a natural antibiotic in the body. They help with flu and cold. They fight effectively against bacilli. If you feel that something is „climbing“ for you, order them the best raw. Cut onions for goulash or for bread or Greek salad. You can make natural medicine from garlic. Squeeze it in honey, let go of it, and treat this good to teaspoons several times a day. Beware of your breath.

3 / Today we are lucky that we do not have to limit ourselves only to raw materials available in our country, but we can use gifts from all over the world. These include „super foods“ that excel by having a high content of health benefits. There are literally charged vitamins, minerals, enzymes and unsaturated fatty essential acids. That’s why they are so valued in a balanced diet and we should not to forget them during the flu. How to reach? Try Intra Herbal Juice, which is composed of 23 royal herbs that harmonize 8 human body systems or Nutria Super Antioxidants. Goji also supplies energy and strengthens immunity. Add them to the slurry. Excellent is a young barley powder that contains antioxidants and vitamins, simply sprinkle into your salad. Chia seeds also have the optimal composition of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They are great for beverages, breakfast spices and can be enjoyed with baking. Or try Quino. It is an ancient cereal origin from South America which, thanks to its nutritional content, is a gluten-free substitute for rice. It is also a source of plant proteins and also suitable for athletes.

4 / The seeds and nuts contain zinc, unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to us and reduce unhealthy cholesterol. They contain antioxidants, which protects our cells from within. Spend your nuts with small hands regularly. They are sour, so just a little bit, and focus on those unleavened and unpolished that do not contain palm fat.

5 / Legumes should be regularly present in your diet, the healthiest ones are in the form of fresh sprouts. You can tweak them at home or buy them ready. They taste excellently in vegetable salads or sprinkle with them a slice of bread. Keys contain enzymes, vitamins, and nutrients that contribute to the proper functioning of the organs and hence enhance immunity.

6 / Such sour products have an irreplaceable role in the formation of immunity, which stems from our inner microflora. The right bacteria in our intestines do not let us bacilli. Probiotic bacteria are in dairy acidic products that adhere to the colon and have a beneficial effect on digestion and our immunity. Enjoy in the morning or during the day kefir, sour yogurt or whey. Do not forget that the sauerkraut has so much more vitamin than fresh. Add a little to the bowl for lunch or dinner.

Health & Wellness with Phytonutrients and Fiber
7 / High-quality seafood and deep-frozen fish without the addition of water contain important omega-3 fatty acids. They activate white blood cells that fight against viruses, flu, and colds. Fish and seafood is a good source of selenium that helps white blood cells produce proteins that remove the body from viruses. Treat salmon with vegetables or prepare salmon sushi.

A Healthy Lifestyle with Multiple Sclerosis

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle with Multiple Sclerosis


If you have multiple sclerosis (MS), exercise can help retain flexibility and balance, promote cardiovascular fitness and a sense of well-being, and prevent complications from inactivity. Exercise also helps regulate appetite, bowel movements and sleep patterns.

Jogging, walking and aerobic exercises are helpful when strength and coordination are not affected. Stationary bicycle riding may be more practical if walking or balance is impaired. Swimming is helpful for stretching and cardiovascular fitness. Yoga and Tai Chi are most useful for stretching and promoting a sense of well-being. Your physical and occupational therapists will assist you in selecting the best exercise program for you to follow.

Stress Reduction

Although stress cannot be totally eliminated from our lives, we can learn to manage it more effectively. Any reduction in stress will be associated with an improved sense of well-being and increased energy. A psychologist or social worker may be helpful in developing a stress management program that is tailored to your needs. The following are some useful stress reduction techniques:

  • Identify causes of stress in your life and share your thoughts and feelings.

  • Simplify your responsibilities by setting priorities.

  • Try relaxation and meditation exercises.

  • Manage your time and conserve your energy.

  • Ask for help when needed.

  • Set both short-term and life goals for yourself.

  • Keep as active as possible both physically and mentally.

  • Recognize the things that you cannot change and don’t waste your time trying.

  • Make time for fun activities and maintain your sense of humor.


Good nutrition maximizes your energy, general sense of well-being and healing capacities. A dietary routine also contributes to regular bowel habits. Although no specific diet has been demonstrated to conclusively improve the natural history of MS, most people do report an improved sense of well-being when following a carefully planned diet. Several published diets are healthful and easy to follow. Others are more restrictive and less practical.

There’s good evidence that eating a healthy diet can reduce your risk of:

  • obesity

  • diabetes

  • heart disease

  • stroke

  • osteoporosis

  • some types of cancer

See more at:

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Unless there is a specific vitamin deficiency found by your doctor there is no scientific proof that supplementary doses of vitamins or minerals, alone or in combination, favorably affect the course of the disease. Be careful not to take excessive doses of synthetic vitamin B6. ( Intra Herbal Drink and Nutria Antioxidants Vitamins and Phytonutrients can be added daily. Your diet shall contain Vitamin D ( 2000 – 4000 IU/ daily), Omega 3, Magnesium, Calcium, Selen, Zink, Vitamin C, Lecithin, Vitamin E,  Vitamin B Complex. )

Eat the right proportion of foods from the major groups in the image below to give your body all it needs to stay healthy.

Starchy foods

38 percent

Fruit and vegetables

40 percent

Dairy and alternatives

8 percent

Non-dairy protein

12 percent

Oils and spreads

1 percent

See details at:

Oleic and Linoleic Acids

These fatty acids have been reported to be deficient in MS patients. There is an unconfirmed suggestion that supplementary feeding of these fatty acids may slightly reduce the frequency of MS attacks. These fatty acids are contained in sunflower seed oil and primrose oil. The former is much cheaper and readily available in grocery stores. Two tablespoons of sunflower seed oil each day will provide you with these fatty acids and give you the added benefit of a laxative.

Skin Care

If you have problems with mobility, muscle contractures or are confined to a wheelchair, you should check your skin regularly for sores, pressure spots, infections and abrasions. Regular skin care will minimize the chances of skin breakdown and help you to avoid complications such as a decubitus ulcer. Be sure to check the pressure points on your body including your heels, knees, hips, buttocks and elbows. Remember to protect against skin cancer by wearing sunscreen and protective clothing when outdoors, whether it is sunny or not. Get familiar with your skin and examine it frequently.

Urinary Tract Infections

Vitamin C helps to acidify the urine and prevent the growth of bacteria. Fresh Orange juice or vitamin C tablets are both useful. Cranberry juice also will acidify the urine and is available as a sugar free juice for those who count calories. If you develop new urinary frequency, burning when you urinate or have difficulty passing your urine, you should call your doctor and be seen for the possibility of a urinary tract infection.


There has traditionally been a concern that immunizations could worsen MS by stimulating the immune system. With the exception of transient worsening associated with fever or rare neurological complications known to be associated with certain vaccines, there is no convincing evidence that immunizations make MS patients worse. If immunizations are recommended by a doctor, they can probably be undertaken safely. In general, immunizations should be delayed if the person is experiencing an acute MS attack. However, in some circumstances, such as when urgent vaccinations for tetanus or rabies are required, immunizations should be given immediately. If questions arise, you should discuss them further with your neurologist.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy (PT) focuses on ways to preserve or improve safety and independence with functional mobility. This may be accomplished through a variety of approaches including:

  • Mobility technique training

  • Home exercise programs

  • Caregiver training

  • Effective use of adaptive equipment

The following are examples of PT therapeutic strategies that help everyday management of mobility-related symptoms.

  • Exercise Categories — You and a physical therapist should develop an individualized exercise program that is based on your current needs and future goals. This may include yoga, exercises in a gym, tai chi or Feldenkrais, as well as traditional forms of exercise such as running, walking, biking, swimming or water aerobics. In some cases, exercises can be carried out independently, with or without modification. In other instances, certain more challenging exercises may require some assistance.

  • Stretching — Frequently, persons with MS have spasticity, especially in their lower extremities. This can cause the legs to stiffen if a regular stretching program is not incorporated into the daily routine of activities. Stretching exercises help to maintain or improve muscle length to allow greater flexibility.

  • Coordination — Coordination exercises are done to improve balance and ease of purposeful movement. The degree of skill required to perform the exercises varies. An appropriate program will be discussed with the individual MS patient.

  • Strengthening — Strengthening exercises are designed to build weakened muscles to aid in moving and walking. While being beneficial, discretion is advised when carrying out a strengthening program. For instance, if one has undergone a vigorous session of exercising but is too tired to prepare dinner or do chores that ordinarily can be done without difficulty, it may be necessary to modify the program or space the activity more evenly throughout the day.

  • Upper Body Exercises — These simple exercises are designed to promote flexibility and muscle balance as well as to enhance upper extremity function. If done correctly, they are appropriate for all stages of MS. Stretches are to be done slowly, generally being held for approximately five to 10 seconds. These exercises can be performed either seated or lying on your back. Repeat each exercise five to 10 times on each side as tolerated. You can do one side at a time or both sides at the same time.

Reviewed by health care specialists at UCSF Medical Center.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or health care provider. We encourage you to discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have.

Source: and



Play Cash Flow with Intra Lifestyles

 Play Cash Flow online and learn how to build wealth and passive income now. Start Your own small Business now.income-statement


Having a Lifestyles website is not enough because a website is not a human being to do everything on your behalf, but it helps you get all the prospects majority of people are looking for to sponsor into their businesses.

Majority of the Lifestyles distributors now are transforming now to start doing their businesses online by having ML websites though they don’t plan on how to effectively use this tool so that prospects can ask them to sponsor them into their businesses.

Multi-level marketing tips for the Lifestyles business are known by the majority of the Lifestyles distributors, but we have a unique tips which are known exclusively by the Lifestyles legends.

Visit our website


Play Cash Flow and learn how to build a Lifestyles Intra Herbal Juice business online

All Lifestyles Intra distributors have two goals; recruiting and selling and they are looking for all possible ways and tricks to get prospects to sell and also recruit on a daily basis. The problem is that, majority of the distributors waste a lot of time offline chasing prospects who are not totally interested, yet there are prospects online who are looking for an opportunity and the Lifestyles products.

The only requirement to get these prospects is by having a personal Lifestyles website because it works as an address where people who need your services can get you.

Lifestyles website ( MyIntraSite) one of the tools any Lifestyles business builder needs to build a business successfully in a very short period of time. The most unfortunate thing is that, many Lifestyles distributors just bump into hosting the website without knowing exactly what it takes to get prospects on their web pages.

Having a Lifestyles website is not enough because a website is not a human being to do everything on your behalf, but it helps you get all the prospects majority of people are looking for to sponsor into their businesses.

Majority of the Lifestyles distributors now are transforming now to start doing their businesses online by having ML websites though they don’t plan on how to effectively use this tool so that prospects can ask them to sponsor them into their businesses.

lifestyles mlm

Multi-level marketing tips for the Lifestyles business are known by the majority of the Lifestyles distributors, but there are unique tips which are known exclusively by the legends though sometimes they never share these tips with others because they always want to be at the top.

Here is the strategy to make before owning a Lifestyles website

  • Write down the hours you will spend on the website nad myintrasite daily
  • MYINTRA website is like any other marketing equipment which requires proper planning otherwise; it will never work if not planned well. The problem comes when network marketing business builders think that owning an ML website = success. Well, to certain extent this is right but there are very many things to be done for this equation to be right.
  • A Lifestyles website requires time for it to fetch the kind of results an ML business builder wants to get. When the website is still in its initial stage, it requires the web master to monitor it closely to see where to change for it to work perfectly.
  • Time spent on the ML website is a very important factor in online ML success because the more time you spend working on the site the more you identify mistakes and that is how you fix them.
  • Define the kind of visitors you want to land on your WebPages/MyIntraSite

It is so unfortunate that there are very many web maters that are not sure which visitors they are targeting. This is the first step to failure because you will never reach to a destination you don’t know.

Billions of people visit internet every minute, but you don’t need all these people. The only people you need are those looking for what you are selling and those who want to join an opportunity that can change their lives.

Get an expert to design for you an MLM website/myintrasite 

The fact will always remain the fact; you cannot perfect a website like someone who has been building websites for quite sometime. There are some technical things in the process of building a website which you might not manage.

It is not good to just get a web builder to build for you an MLM website, but if you are aiming at building an MLM website, look for that person who has experience in building MLM websites because he knows where people click the most in most cases when they land on websites. Get an Your’s  website – myintrasite at $0 now.

Choose the best internet marketing guide or course

It will be hard for you to run an Onine business online if you don’t know what exactly you are doing. This calls for choosing the best internet marketing course for you to learn internet marketing otherwise it can be a hard industry if you don’t know what you are doing. Order our guide now, it is free!!

Tell Us how we can help You? intra lifestyles

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What are your goals with Lifestyles?

Share the Lifestyles Opportunity with everyone you know! Build your network and build your Lifestyles business!
What are your goals with Lifestyles?

susces goals-life-id


We are seeking distributors worldwide to implement our sales network. Lifestyles GN already operates in 31 countries worldwide and You can have a share in the international trade.

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Investing in a small business 

Investing in a small business is definitely a good idea, especially if you wish to retire and still have a steady source of income.




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