Do you wake up at night, get up and fall, feel sick and can’t get up? If you are being treated for high blood pressure, you must first rule out a stroke or heart attack.
Chest pain, shortness of breath or nausea and dizziness. This is how a heart attack is described, but it is certainly not all symptoms. Why is this important? If you have 15 or 20 minutes of pain in a specific place from which you cannot be relieved and various shoots into the surroundings, the condition is highly suspicious and it is definitely necessary to seek medical attention immediately. Weakness, dizziness and heavy breathing: When it occurs at night, it can be a heart attack. Read More.
What are the other causes of dizziness and why do acute conditions need to be addressed quickly at neurology?A neurologist should perform an ultrasound examination of the cerebral supply vessels. If it is normal, it can be vertigo, which affects older patients over 50 years of age, but young people are no exception today.
The most common variants of the disease:
1/ True vertigo, or vertigo, is only the illusion of movement of one’s own body or objects around us. “Sometimes it is difficult to get an accurate description of the difficulties from the patient. The balance is ensured by multiple sensors and it is a complex process. In the case of vertigo, it is not directly a disease, but a symptom of the disease (symptoms of vertigo occur in up to 100 diseases as a concomitant symptom). Read More.
2/ Postial dizziness (often called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV is one of the most common causes of dizziness. This condition is characterized by a sudden sensation of rotation or movement, which is triggered by a change in the position of the head. It can include symptoms such as nausea and loss of balance. A typical symptom of vertigo is lightheadedness, a feeling of instability and sinking in space, sometimes nausea. Twenty years ago, vertigo was often diagnosed as Ménière’s disease and its treatment was not very successful. Today, the situation is different. We are bringing hope! Over the years, doctors have recognized a common type of dizziness, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. A stray stone in the ear is responsible for the discomfort. And you need to get it to the right place. It is a bit like ball football.
How to move a stone?
There are three canals in the inner ear, each of which responds to the rotation of the head in different directions. Their proper function allows us to fix our eyes at a certain point when we are moving. Thanks to this, we can, for example, read the inscription on a sign while walking. Otoliths, or calcium carbonate crystals, can get into these channels. The problem arises when they irritate the hair cells when moving the head, which the patient feels as intense short-term dizziness and dizziness.
Therefore, BPPV vertigo is treated when the position of the head is changed by so-called reduction maneuvers.

How is the procedure performed in practice?
The whole intervention can be simply described as the patient sitting on the bed, then laying him down sharply while still watching his eyes, which show us what the stone looks like at the moment, whether it has already fallen into the right channel. It really resembles a ball football puzzle.
What are the other causes of dizziness and why do acute conditions need to be addressed quickly at neurology? To be continued…

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