Get your daily dose of fibre today with Lifestyles Fibrelife!

Worldwide scientific and medical communities have called fibre the “miracle nutrient” because it helps address weight control issues and can reduce the risk of health related complications. Foods that are generally high in fibre are being consumed less due to the increased intake of over processed convenience foods. Getting enough fibre each day has been proven to help fight illnesses such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

Get your daily dose of fibre today with Lifestyles Fibrelife!
Get your daily dose of fibre today with Lifestyles Fibrelife!

Fibrelife is a scientific formulation that maximizes the natural goodness of fibre to:

  • Promote gastrointestinal health
  • Lower the number of calories your body absorbs from a meal
  • Lower your levels of C-reactive protein
  • Promote blood sugar regulation and digestive health
  • Help you fight body pollution and detoxify more effectively
  • Act as an inside sponge by binding cholesterol and toxins in your food before it’s absorbed
  • Flush toxins out of your body
  • Get your daily dose of fibre today with Lifestyles Fibrelife!

FibreLife intra nutria

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We wish you a beautiful day.

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The Intra Herbal Juice Global Team

INTRA LIFESTYLES GLOBAL NETWORK & Independent Distributors of Lifestyles Product

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 ©2017 Intra Info Servis & Lifestyles International Holdings Corporation.

 Intra Info Servis is a group of independent distributors of Lifestyles products.