10 tips on how to eat well and live healthy

1.   Take liquids before solids.  Foods that are less difficult to digest and require less time should be eaten first.  After the easier swallow food has been consumed, start with harder to chew foods that need more time for digestion.  The food, which is more solid and has lower water content, should be taken after the food, which has the highest water content.  Soup and vegetables should be taken before the main meal.

2.   Do not eat until you are genuinely hungry.  When you are hungry our stomach will tell us that it needs food.  This means the stomach is empty from the previous meal and is ready to digest a new meal.  If you eat when you are not hungry or continually eat and mix semi digested foods with new ones, it will cause the mixture to stay in the stomach pouch for a longer time.  This causes the purification and fermentation of foods leading to health problems.

3.    It is best to chew each bite of food 20-30 times.  Chewing food is a very important process in proper digestion.  Dieticians recommended chewing solid food to the extent.  This ensures proper breakdown and causes the food to change to the more liquid before making for a more simple digestion process.  Many problems and diseases are caused by not chewing food adequately.

4.   Do not overeat.  The stomach has a limited capacity for food and needs some space for mixing and digestion.  If it is completely full, it cannot function properly.  The stomach is located beneath the heart, and when the stomach is full it expands and applies pressure on the heart.  The process leaves very little space for the heart to beat at its proper place.  Too much pressure can cause the heart to palpitate or to beat at irregular intervals.  Always stop eating before you feel full.  It takes approximately 20 minutes for the stomach to let your brains know you are in fact full and that it is best at that time to stop eating.

5.   Do not drink while you are eating.  Water, juices or carbonated drinks should not be taken with a meal as they dilute the stomach juices and enzymes and interrupt the digestion process.  This causes gas, bloating, pain, constipation and toxicity of the whole body.  Undigested food goes into the intestines and then into the colon where it putrefies and ferments to create more gas and acid, which is then re-absorbed, into the bloodstream.  Water and all kinds of drinks can be taken half an hour before and about two hours after the meal.

6.   Do not mix different food groups together and try to eat a single food group at one time.  There are different groups of food in nature, for instance, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.  Most of the food we consume is complex, but in order to have better digestion, it is best not mix proteins with carbohydrates or fats with proteins.  For example, the traditional North American dish of steak and potatoes is not a good mixture for healthy digestion and nutrients absorption.  If a potato, which is carbohydrate, gets served with vegetables it makes an ideal food combination.   Carbohydrates and vegetables also make a good combination.  A proper combination of the right foods makes for overall healthy digestion.

7.   Do not eat any processed or manufactured foods.  Any food that has been altered by the process using heat or the adding of chemicals to preserve or add flavor or is vitamin enriched is not healthy to eat.  For example, white bread does not have any food value left in it nor does cold cuts which are full of chemicals and coloring.  All added chemicals are hazardous to your health.

8.   Add lots of fiber to your meals.  The human digestive system is a long tube that should be filled with a large number of fibrous foods.  Fiber absorbs water and cleans the digestive tract.  A lack of fibers in your diet causes many kinds of disorders and diseases; from constipation to cancer.

9.   Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.  Our body is made up of 65% to 70% of water.  Without an adequate amount of water, the body does not function optimally and there is a general lack of energy and concentration.  All nutrients and vitamins must be dissolved in water in order to be absorbed into the bloodstream.  The amount of water to drink is based on the bodyweight of the individual; for each kilogram of weight, one ounce of water is needed.  Note that too much water is also not recommended as it flushes the nutrients out of your body.

10.   Exercise.  Exercising makes the muscles strong and keeps the bones dense.  It stimulates the lymphatic system keeping the fluids moving so it works better at keeping us healthy.  Our lymphatic system is responsible for waste collection and immunity protection.  It does not have a pumping system like our bloodstream has to the heart; therefore, the speed of fluid movement is very low.  Regular exercise keeps the continual appellation of toxins through the lymphatic system removing them from the body.

Source: Khoshbin web, Google.com

Intra Lifestyles Opportunity HOME BUSINESS & ONLINE

Lifestyles GN is a Canadian company that produces and markets products to improve our health.

The way they bring their products to the market is the most honest that can be found: users share their personal experience and recommend the products to others. The company is not new on the market; it already exists over 35 years. Many people around the globe use the Lifestyles natural products on a daily base to maintain or improve their health. The reason for this is that it is getting almost impossible to keep our body fit and protect against pollution with the normal food we eat. Our health is our biggest value in life, also when we age. A lower health status has many times to do with the food we eat, what we drink, what we inhale by breathing and our way of living. By using natural substances we can add value to our daily diet so our body can function better, has a higher resistance and leaves us more energy for our daily life. Lifestyles developed the products Intra Herbal Juice 23, Fiberlife and NutriaPlus to keep our body fit and in good condition.

Lifestyles GN opportunity for You
By sharing your personal experience with others, many people will get to know the Lifestyles products. Because of this, they can decide to also use the products and improve and maintain their health. This gives you the opportunity to take part in the Lifestyles affiliate plan. Without any further obligations, you can create yourself an income source. The height of the income depends on your personal goals and your activities. People around the globe earn money with the Lifestyles affiliate plan ranging from some extra pocket money until a level way above average. If you take part in the Lifestyles affiliate plan, you work for yourself and get the support of the Lifestyles Global Network Company and us. You can develop your business by using the tools offered. This can be on a general level by retrieving the information and training from the internet or get in personal contact with your personal support team. To start with Lifestyles you don’t need a specific level of education. How you develop yourself is your own choice. You can develop yourself to the level you want.

If you are interested in the Lifestyles products and/or company concept, the contact us. Together we can discuss what Lifestyles can offer you to improve your health and wealth. Regina

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Source: lifestyles.net, myintrasite.com/intrablend, google.com, Jos Van Spielde, P.Mendoza

9 Health Benefits of Fiber

FibreLife intra nutria

9 Health Benefits of Fiber

  • Heart health – An inverse association has been found between fiber intake and heart attack, and research shows that those eating a high-fiber diet have a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease.
  • Blood sugar control – Soluble fiber may help to slow your body’s breakdown of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar, helping with blood sugar control.
  • Weight loss and management – ( Lower Cholesterol – Taking Medicine, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight and Exercise ) – Fiber supplements have been shown to enhance weight loss among obese people, likely because fiber increases feelings of fullness and slows carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Stroke – Researchers have found that for every seven-grams more fiber you consume on a daily basis, your stroke risk is decreased by 7 percent.
  • Skin health – Fiber, particularly psyllium husk, may help move yeast and fungus out of your body, preventing them from being excreted through your skin where they could trigger acne or rashes.
  • Diverticulitis – Dietary fiber (especially insoluble) may reduce your risk of diverticulitis – an inflammation of your intestine – by 40 percent.
  • Hemorrhoids – A high-fiber diet may lower your risk of hemorrhoids by preventing the need for straining.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – Fiber may provide some relief from IBS.
  • Gallstones and kidney stones – A high-fiber diet may reduce the risk of gallstones and kidney stones, likely because of its ability to help regulate blood sugar.

Warning!!! Start slowly with fiber intake and make shure you consume at least 3-4 L of water per day!

warning fiber intake

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Get your daily dose of fibre today with Lifestyles Fibrelife!



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Resource: www.articles.mercola.com, www.lifestyles.net