Super Healthy Foods

The wrong diet, obesity, and tiredness are problems that affect all populations. The latest scientific findings have revealed a combination of 50 foods to extend and improve your life!

Try the 50 foods that are super healthy

Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Blueberries, Oranges, Strawberries, Eggs, Lean Beef, Chicken Breasts, Lamb, Almonds, Chia Seeds, Coconuts, Macadamia Nuts, Walnuts, Peanuts, Asparagus, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Garlic, Kale, Onions, Tomatoes, Salmon, Sardines, Shellfish, Shrimp, Trout, Tuna, Brown Rice, Oats, Quinoa, Ezekiel Bread, Homemade Low-Carb Breads, Green Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Cheese, Whole milk, Yogurt, Butter From Grass-Fed Cows, Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Apple Cider Vinegar, Dark Chocolate.


We also recommend:

1/A dose of daylight. Wake the sun and light in the apartment. You can also buy a special lamp that radiates the extremely bright artificial light of the entire spectrum and compensates for the lack of natural sunshine.

2/Ensure sufficient movement. Find motivation to exercise not only during spring tiredness. But try regular swimming, exercise, walk, run, or do something that takes you out.

3/Apply a healthy diet high in vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Sweets deliver energy only for a short time and are therefore not recommended.

4/ The Herbal Alternative: Better Together Plus/The Synergy Of Intra, FiberLife and NutriaPlus


There is a massive amount of foods out there that are both healthy and tasty. Here are 50 incredibly healthy foods. Most of them are surprisingly delicious. Fruits and berries are among the world’s most popular health foods. This is not surprising, given that they taste incredible. Fruits are also very easy to incorporate into the diet because they require little to no preparation.

1. Apples/Fresh Apple sauce

The apple is high in fiber, vitamin C, and numerous antioxidants. Apples are very fulfilling, and perfect as snacks if you find yourself hungry between meals.

2. Avocados/fresh avocado sauce

Avocados are different than most fruits because they are loaded with healthy fats instead of carbs. They are tasty, and high in fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

3. Bananas/ fresh banana sauce

Bananas are among the world’s best sources of potassium. They are also high in vitamin B6 and fiber. Bananas are ridiculously convenient and portable.

4. Blueberries /fresh blueberries juice

Blueberries are not only delicious but also among the most powerful sources of antioxidants in the world.

5. Oranges/ fresh orange juice

Oranges are well known for their vitamin C content. They are also high in fiber, antioxidants, and taste incredible.

6. Strawberries/fresh strawberries juice

Strawberries are highly nutritious and are low in both carbs and calories. They are loaded with vitamin C, fiber and manganese, and are arguably among the most delicious foods in existence.

Other Healthy Fruits

There are many other healthy fruits and berries that aren’t listed here. Some examples: Cherries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, lemons, mango, melons, olives, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, and raspberries.

7. Eggs

Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. They were previously demonized for being high in cholesterol, but new studies have shown that they are perfectly safe and healthy. It is a myth that meat is harmful. Unprocessed, gently cooked meat is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods you can eat.

8. Lean Beef

Lean beef is among the best sources of protein in existence and loaded with highly bioavailable iron. Choosing the fatty cuts is fine if you’re on a low carb diet.

9. Chicken Breasts

Chicken breast is low in fat and calories, but extremely high in protein. It is a great source of many nutrients. Again, feel free to eat fattier cuts of chicken if you’re not eating that many carbs.

10. Lamb

Lambs are usually grass-fed, and their meat tends to be high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Despite being high in fat and calories, studies suggest that nuts and seeds can help you lose weight. These foods are crunchy, fulfilling, and loaded with important nutrients that many people don’t get enough of, including magnesium and vitamin E. They also require zero preparation, which is important because it makes it easier to incorporate them into the diet.

11. Almonds

The almond is a popular type of nut. It is loaded with vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium, and fiber. Studies show that almonds can help you lose weight, and provide impressive benefits for metabolic health.

12. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. A single ounce (28 grams) contains 11 grams of fiber, and a large part of the recommended intake for magnesium, manganese, calcium and various other nutrients.

13. Coconuts

Coconuts are loaded with fiber and powerful fatty acids called medium-chain triglycerides.

14. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are very tasty. They are much higher in monounsaturated fats, and lower in Omega-6 fatty acids, than most other nuts.

15. Walnuts

Walnuts are highly nutritious and loaded with fiber and all sorts of vitamins and minerals.

16. Peanuts

Peanuts (technically legumes, not nuts) are incredibly tasty and high in nutrients and antioxidants. Several studies show that peanuts can help you lose weight.

However, take it easy on the peanut butter. It is very high in calories and incredibly easy to eat excessive amounts of it. Calorie for calorie, vegetables are among the world’s most concentrated sources of nutrients. There is a wide variety available, and it is best to eat many different types of vegetables every day.

17. Asparagus

Asparagus is a popular vegetable. It is low in both carbs and calories but loaded with vitamin K.

18. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers come in several colors, including red, yellow, and green. They are crunchy and taste very sweet, and are a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

19. Broccoli

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that tastes great both raw and cooked. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin K and vitamin C, and contains a decent amount of protein compared to other vegetables.

20. Carrots

The carrot is a popular root vegetable. It is extremely tasty and crunchy and loaded with nutrients like fiber and vitamin K. Carrots are also very high in carotene antioxidants, which have numerous benefits.

21. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a very versatile cruciferous vegetable. It can be used to make all sorts of healthy recipes, and also tastes pretty good on its own.

22. Cucumber

The cucumber is one of the world’s most popular vegetables. It is very low in both carbs and calories and consists mostly of water. However, it does contain a number of nutrients in small amounts, including vitamin K.

23. Garlic

Garlic is incredibly healthy. It contains allicin, a bioactive compound with powerful biological effects, including improved immune function. Garlic plays an important role in treating your high blood pressure.

24. Kale

Kale has been very popular in recent years, for good reason. It is incredibly high in vitamin K, vitamin C, fiber, and a number of other nutrients. It is perfect to add a satisfying crunch to salads and recipes.

25. Onions

Onions have a very strong flavor and are very popular for use in recipes. They contain a number of bioactive compounds believed to have health benefits.

26. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are usually categorized as a vegetable, although they are technically a fruit. They are tasty and loaded with nutrients like potassium and vitamin C.

More Healthy Vegetables

These weren’t listed, but are also very healthy: Artichokes, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, eggplant, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, radishes, squash, swiss chard, turnips, zucchini. Fish and other seafood tend to be very healthy and nutritious. They are especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids and iodine, two nutrients that most people don’t get enough of.

Studies show that people who eat the most foods from the sea (especially fish) tend to live longer and have a lower risk of many diseases, including heart disease, dementia, and depression.

27. Salmon

Salmon is a type of oily fish that is incredibly popular due to its excellent taste and high amount of nutrients, including protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains some vitamin D.

28. Sardines

Sardines are small, oily fish that are among the most nutritious foods you can eat. They contain hefty amounts of the majority of nutrients required by the human body.

29. Shellfish

Shellfish isn’t eaten very often, which is a shame because it contains more nutrients than almost every other food. It ranks similar to organ meats when it comes to nutrient density. Edible shellfish include clams, mollusks, and oysters.

30. Shrimp

Shrimp is a type of animal found in the sea. It tends to be low in fat and calories, but high in protein. It is also loaded with various other nutrients, including selenium and vitamin B12.

31. Trout

Trout is another type of delicious oily fish, similar to salmon.

32. Tuna

Tuna is very popular in Western countries and tends to be low in fat and calories, but high in protein. It is perfect for people who need to add more protein to their diets while keeping calories low. Grains have gotten a bad rap in recent years, mainly due to them being a forbidden food on the wildly popular paleo diet. However, it is a mistake to lump all grains together. There are many different types of grains, and some of them are very healthy.

Just keep in mind that they are still pretty high in carbs, so they are not recommended on a low carb diet.

33. Brown Rice

Rice is one of the oldest cereal grains and is currently a staple food for more than half of the people in the world. Brown (whole grain) rice is fairly nutritious, with a decent amount of fiber, vitamin B1 and magnesium.

34. Oats

Oats are incredibly healthy. They are loaded with nutrients, and also contain powerful fibers called beta-glucans, shown to have numerous benefits.

35. Quinoa

Quinoa has become incredibly popular among health-conscious individuals in recent years. It is a tasty grain that is high in nutrients like fiber and magnesium. It is also an excellent source of plant-based protein.
Most people eat a lot of bread.

For those who are trying to adopt a healthier diet for the first time, it can be extremely challenging to find something to eat instead of bread. Fortunately, there are several healthy (or at least “less bad”) options available.

36. Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel bread may be the healthiest bread you can buy at the store. It is made from organic, sprouted whole grains, and also contains several types of legumes.

37. Homemade low-carb pieces of bread

The safest choice for healthy bread is something that you make yourself. Choose healthy bread that is gluten-free and low in carbs. Legumes are another food group that has been unfairly demonized in recent years.

It is true that legumes contain anti-nutrients, substances that can interfere with digestion and absorption of nutrients. However, these anti-nutrients can be eliminated by soaking and properly preparing the legumes before eating them. What we’re left with is an incredibly cheap source of quality nutrition, including a great plant-based source of protein.

38. Green beans

Green beans, also called string beans, are unripe varieties of the common bean. They are very popular in Western countries.

39. Kidney beans

Kidney beans are loaded with various vitamins and minerals and are very high in fiber. Just make sure to cook them properly, because they are toxic when raw.

40. Lentils

Lentils are another popular legume. They are high in fiber and are among the best sources of plant-based protein. Lentils also taste delicious and have a very satisfying texture.

Many people can’t tolerate dairy products. However, for people who do tolerate them, they are a healthy source of various important nutrients. Full-fat dairy products seem to be the best, and studies show that people who eat the most full-fat dairy have a lower risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. If the dairy comes from grass-fed cows, then that maybe even better, as it is higher in some bioactive fatty acids like CLA.

41. Cheese

Cheese is incredibly nutritious, and a single slice of it contains about the same nutrients as an entire cup of milk. It is also one of the most delicious foods you can eat.

42. Whole milk

Whole milk is very high in vitamins, minerals, quality animal protein, and healthy fats. It is one of the best sources of calcium.

43. Yogurt

Yogurt is made from milk that is fermented by adding live bacteria to it. It has many of the same health effects as milk, except with the added benefits of the friendly probiotic bacteria. The “war” on fat is lost, and many fats and oils have been making a comeback as health foods.

44. Butter from grass-fed cows

Butter from cows that were fed on grass is high in many important nutrients, including the very important vitamin K2.

45. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is loaded with powerful fatty acids called medium-chain triglycerides. Coconut oil may have benefits for Alzheimer’s disease and has been shown to help you lose belly fat.

46. Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest fat on earth. It contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and is very high in antioxidants with powerful health benefits. Tubers are the storage organs of some plants. They tend to contain a number of beneficial nutrients.

47. Potatoes

Potatoes are very popular food around the world. They are loaded with potassium and contain a little bit of almost every nutrient we need, including vitamin C.

They are also incredibly fulfilling. One study found that boiled potatoes were by far the most filling of 38 foods that were tested.

48. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are among the most delicious starchy foods you can eat. They are loaded with antioxidants and all sorts of healthy nutrients.

49. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is incredibly popular in the natural health community. Studies show that it can help lower blood sugar levels and cause modest weight loss.

It is great to use in salad dressings and to add flavor to meals.

50. Dark Chocolate

Not only is dark chocolate the most delicious food on this list, but it may also be the healthiest. Dark chocolate is loaded with fiber and magnesium and is one of the most powerful sources of antioxidants in existence.


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10 tips on how to eat well and live healthy

1.   Take liquids before solids.  Foods that are less difficult to digest and require less time should be eaten first.  After the easier swallow food has been consumed, start with harder to chew foods that need more time for digestion.  The food, which is more solid and has lower water content, should be taken after the food, which has the highest water content.  Soup and vegetables should be taken before the main meal.

2.   Do not eat until you are genuinely hungry.  When you are hungry our stomach will tell us that it needs food.  This means the stomach is empty from the previous meal and is ready to digest a new meal.  If you eat when you are not hungry or continually eat and mix semi digested foods with new ones, it will cause the mixture to stay in the stomach pouch for a longer time.  This causes the purification and fermentation of foods leading to health problems.

3.    It is best to chew each bite of food 20-30 times.  Chewing food is a very important process in proper digestion.  Dieticians recommended chewing solid food to the extent.  This ensures proper breakdown and causes the food to change to the more liquid before making for a more simple digestion process.  Many problems and diseases are caused by not chewing food adequately.

4.   Do not overeat.  The stomach has a limited capacity for food and needs some space for mixing and digestion.  If it is completely full, it cannot function properly.  The stomach is located beneath the heart, and when the stomach is full it expands and applies pressure on the heart.  The process leaves very little space for the heart to beat at its proper place.  Too much pressure can cause the heart to palpitate or to beat at irregular intervals.  Always stop eating before you feel full.  It takes approximately 20 minutes for the stomach to let your brains know you are in fact full and that it is best at that time to stop eating.

5.   Do not drink while you are eating.  Water, juices or carbonated drinks should not be taken with a meal as they dilute the stomach juices and enzymes and interrupt the digestion process.  This causes gas, bloating, pain, constipation and toxicity of the whole body.  Undigested food goes into the intestines and then into the colon where it putrefies and ferments to create more gas and acid, which is then re-absorbed, into the bloodstream.  Water and all kinds of drinks can be taken half an hour before and about two hours after the meal.

6.   Do not mix different food groups together and try to eat a single food group at one time.  There are different groups of food in nature, for instance, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.  Most of the food we consume is complex, but in order to have better digestion, it is best not mix proteins with carbohydrates or fats with proteins.  For example, the traditional North American dish of steak and potatoes is not a good mixture for healthy digestion and nutrients absorption.  If a potato, which is carbohydrate, gets served with vegetables it makes an ideal food combination.   Carbohydrates and vegetables also make a good combination.  A proper combination of the right foods makes for overall healthy digestion.

7.   Do not eat any processed or manufactured foods.  Any food that has been altered by the process using heat or the adding of chemicals to preserve or add flavor or is vitamin enriched is not healthy to eat.  For example, white bread does not have any food value left in it nor does cold cuts which are full of chemicals and coloring.  All added chemicals are hazardous to your health.

8.   Add lots of fiber to your meals.  The human digestive system is a long tube that should be filled with a large number of fibrous foods.  Fiber absorbs water and cleans the digestive tract.  A lack of fibers in your diet causes many kinds of disorders and diseases; from constipation to cancer.

9.   Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.  Our body is made up of 65% to 70% of water.  Without an adequate amount of water, the body does not function optimally and there is a general lack of energy and concentration.  All nutrients and vitamins must be dissolved in water in order to be absorbed into the bloodstream.  The amount of water to drink is based on the bodyweight of the individual; for each kilogram of weight, one ounce of water is needed.  Note that too much water is also not recommended as it flushes the nutrients out of your body.

10.   Exercise.  Exercising makes the muscles strong and keeps the bones dense.  It stimulates the lymphatic system keeping the fluids moving so it works better at keeping us healthy.  Our lymphatic system is responsible for waste collection and immunity protection.  It does not have a pumping system like our bloodstream has to the heart; therefore, the speed of fluid movement is very low.  Regular exercise keeps the continual appellation of toxins through the lymphatic system removing them from the body.

Source: Khoshbin web,


How to remove heavy metals from our body? Part I.

Many people try to cleanse, remove heavy metals or detoxify their bodies, perform various cleansing or detoxification systems. The question is if the specific detoxification and cleansing process works and if people know what they are getting rid of and why they actually do detoxification. And it does not matter if they drink water, eat vegetable juices, olive oil with lemon juice, food supplements, or just some light meals.

It is very important to know “why we do it”,  “what we want to achieve”, and what heavy metal we really want to get rid of.

How to remove heavy metals from our body?

By analyzing the elements in the hair we can also detect the toxic heavy metals if we have them in our body. Consequently, heavy metals from our organism can be extruded by providing trace elements, which are heavy metal antagonists.

An antagonistic relationship means that elements together fight, compete for a place in our body, are capable of pushing each other out of our body.

If we supply the right trace elements in sufficient quantity, they will extrude heavy metals from their bodies – their antagonists.

How it does work?

An aluminum antagonist is an iron.

Lead antagonists are calcium, magnesium, and iron.

An antagonist of cadmium is zinc.

The certain universal heavy metal antagonist is selective. For example, with more mercury or arsenic in the body, we serve selenium. This means that on the basis of a biochemical examination, we can deliberately administer dietary supplements containing heavy metal antagonists to purify the body from heavy metals.

During the heavy metal antagonist supplementation, we should eat enough fiber or supply the fiber in the dietary supplements so that heavy metals can build on it in the intestine and we can easily remove it from the body.

However, this is not a one-time cleansing, but we need supplements for several months to a year. Then we can perform a control analysis of the elements in our hair to see if we still have to continue with the supplementation.
