Around the age of 25, men’s prostate begins to enlarge. This natural growth is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and it is the common cause of prostate enlargement. Although 50% of men with BPH may never develop any symptoms, others find that BPH can make men’s life miserable.
If You have an enlarged prostate, Reduce the amount of fluids you drink in the evening. Urinate as soon as you get the urge. When you visit the bathroom, take your time to empty your bladder completely. Drink less energy drinks, fizzy drinks, less alcohol, caffeine and artificial sweeteners. In the evening, after 19:00, try to drink less liquid.Eat more Fiber. You should also limit your consumption of meat, dairy products and sugar. The diet should be rich in fresh vegetables and fiber, vitamin E, B, selenium, zinc, Omega 3 essential fatty acids and flaxseed.
Prevention TIPS:
1/Choose a healthy diet (fresh fruits and vegetables). Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins, minerals that can contribute to your overall health. Preventing prostate cancer through diet is not conclusively proven. Either way, eating a healthy diet can improve your overall health. Add antioxidants and adaptogenic herbs to your diet regularly, detoxify yourself properly.
A diet suitable for prostate health should contain vitamins minerals, for example zinc, selenium, Soy-leguminous soybean, Green Tea, African plum tree or Just.
2/Exercise regularly at least 5 times a week, apply regular walks. Regular exercise improves your overall health, helps you maintain balance and improves your mood. If you are new to exercise, start slowly. Walk, jog, play tennis or jump rope.
3/Add food supplements, if you do not have a rich and balanced diet. No studies have shown that supplements play a role in reducing your risk of prostate cancer. Instead, choose foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals so that you can maintain healthy levels of vitamins in your body. Don’t forget about regular detoxification of the body. Choose safe and proven herbal preparations. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is not proven. They often act like a placebo, but even this has a positive effect on the patient’s psyche.
4/Maintain a healthy weight. If your current weight is healthy, work to maintain it by choosing a healthy diet and exercising most days of the week. If you need to lose weight, add more exercise and reduce the number of calories you eat each day. Ask your doctor for help creating a plan for healthy weight loss. try to walk and exercise (there are special exercises to strengthen the prostate) – it won’t work without movement and exercise.
5/If you have an enlarged prostate, visit your urologist regularly and order a PSA blood level test. What are acceptable values? For men between 40 and 49, the upper limit is 2.5 ng/ml, men from 50 to 59 have the upper limit at 3.5 ng/ml, for men from 60 to 69 it is 4.5 ng/ml . and for men over 70, the limit value is 6.5 ng/ml.
Talk to your doctor about your increased risk of prostate cancer. If you have a very high risk of prostate cancer in your family, you and your doctor may consider medications or other treatments to reduce your risk.
6/Urine should be colorless. If you have dark urine, increase your fluid intake, 1.5 litres a day. If you are prone to the formation of kidney stones up to 2.5 liters of fluids a day – unsweetened drinks.
7/Regular and frequent love making is very beneficial for the male prostate. But even men without a partner do not have to be afraid of a malignant tumor of the prostate gland, it is enough if they regularly ejaculate daily during masturbation. And above all, exercise daily. Regular exercise doubles the chance of surviving prostate cancer.
8/ Advice for children and adolescent patients. Limit sugary and energy drinks. You are at risk of obesity, which is a risk factor. Another risk is infection. In young people around puberty, urological problems are associated with a promiscuous sex life. Not only is there a risk of infection, but there is also the risk of STDs, chaldemia and mycoplasma. Girls are at risk of cervical cancer and boys of the penis. Think carefully. Prevention is key.
Have you been recommended prostate surgery due to its enlargement (hyperplasia)? There is a Unique hot steam treatment – Prostate reduction without surgery. Mini-invasive, gentle procedure performed on an outpatient basis. You can leave immediately after the procedure.
Prostate cancer. How You can reduce your risk of prostate cancer?
Visit your urologist regularly and check your PSA blood level.
Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, stress, smoking, overeating and prolonged stress.
Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the prostate. The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland in males that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Many prostate cancers grow slowly and are confined to the prostate gland, where they may not cause serious harm. However, while some types of prostate cancer grow slowly and may need minimal or even no treatment, other types are aggressive and can spread quickly. Prostate cancer that’s detected early with PSA Blood Test ( Prostate-specific antigen (PSA))— when it’s still confined to the prostate gland — has the best chance for successful treatment.
Signs and symptoms
Trouble urinating, decreased force in the stream of urine, blood in the urine, blood in the semen, erectile dysfunction, losing weight without trying and Bone pain. Prostate cancer may cause no signs or symptoms in its early stages.
Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any persistent signs or symptoms that worry you. Surgery is one option in the treatment of prostate cancer.
It’s not clear what causes prostate cancer.
Doctors know that prostate cancer begins when cells in the prostate develop changes in their DNA. A cell’s DNA contains the instructions that tell a cell what to do. The changes tell the cells to grow and divide more rapidly than normal cells do. The abnormal cells continue living, when other cells would die.
The accumulating abnormal cells form a tumor that can grow to invade nearby tissue. In time, some abnormal cells can break away and spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body.
Risk factors
Please read the factors that can increase your risk of prostate cancer:
Older age. Your risk of prostate cancer increases as you age. It’s most common after age 50. Cancer of the prostate and kidney occurs most often from the age of 60.
An enlarged prostate is individual and not decisive. The normal size of the prostate is about 20ml, it can be larger. The deformation of the urethra, which passes through the prostate, is especially important. Bladder performance is also important (the bladder is a pump).
Family history. If a blood relative, such as a parent, sibling or child, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, your risk may be increased. Also, if you have a family history of genes that increase the risk of breast cancer (BRCA1 or BRCA2) or a very strong family history of breast cancer, your risk of prostate cancer may be higher.
Obesity. People who are obese may have a higher risk of prostate cancer compared with people considered to have a healthy weight, though studies have had mixed results. In obese people, the cancer is more likely to be more aggressive and more likely to return after initial treatment.
Incontinence. Both prostate cancer and its treatment can cause urinary incontinence. Treatment for incontinence depends on the type you have, how severe it is and the likelihood it will improve over time. Treatment options may include medications, catheters and surgery.
Erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can result from prostate cancer or its treatment, including surgery, radiation or hormone treatments. Medications, vacuum devices that assist in achieving erection and surgery are available to treat erectile dysfunction.
Cancer that spreads (metastasizes). Prostate cancer can spread to nearby organs, such as your bladder, or travel through your bloodstream or lymphatic system to your bones or other organs. Prostate cancer that spreads to the bones can cause pain and broken bones. Once prostate cancer has spread to other areas of the body, it may still respond to treatment and may be controlled, but it’s unlikely to be cured.
Source: Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Clinik, Wikipedia
Next time we will deal with kidney stones and bladder disorders.