1. Don’t fight new things. Nothing will keep you in mental form like alertness and curiosity.
2. Go every day( in different ways). Walking is often talked about. But repetition is the mother of wisdom, so: it keeps you in shape, ensures that the weight does not move, oxygenates the brain cells, puts you in a good mood and gives you more energy. The very signs of youth. Man is a comfortable creature and likes a stereotype, but that needs to be resisted at least a little. Go to work another way, if possible.
3. Meet new people. Some are stubbornly reluctant to meet someone new, and it has several advantages: it keeps a person fresh, gives him new things to think about, and inspires him. Don’t hesitate to go to dinner with friends when you know there will be another couple you don’t know.
4. Maintain relationships with existing people. Call your friends, talk to your family often, meet for coffee and wine, invite friends to dinner once in a while, write emails and letters to people who have lived far away for a long time, but are still important.
5. Train your memory. Solve crossword puzzles, learn songs, poems, play the game or memory game, learn phone numbers and emails, do anything to keep your brain moving.
6. Take care of yourself. Don’t resign. Keep an eye on what’s going on around you, take care of yourself, try not to get fat, don’t neglect, always look to the world. There are people who, even after seventy, are sparkling, funny, inquisitive, vital, have bright eyes and it damn well cut them. Do not rest on your laurels and constantly try to improve, get rid of bad habits, character traits that you do not like about yourself, train your will.
7. Actively run hobbies. Whether you are an avid mushroom picker, interested in wine or enjoy horse riding, keep your interests for as long as possible. And if you stop having fun, replace them.
8. Practice. At least a quarter of an hour every day. Or less than half an hour every other day. A little stretching, a few squats, a few exercises for the back. Even in the winter of life, one should be able to lean forward and put one’s hands on the ground.
9. Travel. If possible, travel. It is one of the most enriching things one can do.
10. Accept that things are changing and do not reject changes. This avoids bile and bitterness. In short, still be a little child.
11. Eat foods that prolong human life. Needless to say, we all know why.

Are you afraid of Alzheimer’s? Learn how to avoid it!
Alzheimer’s belongs to the group of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc., which are growing very fast. We are all exposed to an increased supply of toxins in polluted environments, water, and food. In sick or elderly individuals, “excitotoxins” accumulate in the brain tissue, which cannot flush out these harmful substances. It is caused by pathologically increased immune activity (autoimmune) in brain tissues, which activates “excitotoxicity” causing brain damage.
2024 NIH Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias Research Progress Report: Advances and Achievements
Alzheimer’s disease develops for up to twenty-five years without an individual having symptoms. Changes in the brain and loss of brain mass begin in people without risk factors around 40 to 50 years of age. It then takes about 20 to 25 years for the brain to become so damaged that clinical signs appear. The main risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease is a aging; a significantly higher risk of the disease exists in people who have one specific gene, APOE4. These people then also have a reduced ability to clear their brains. A regular Detoxification of organism is therefore essential.
Lifestyle also has a huge impact on the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. The body’s functioning and ability to cleanse the brain of toxins depends on how good the blood vessels are, so doctors recommend targeting a lifestyle and a healthy diet (fruits, vegetables, fish, canola and olive oil). It is also important to have enough sleep and exercise.
Alzheimer’s disease belongs to the group of neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). More than 50 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.
Is it possible to tell in a person that Alzheimer’s disease is coming? Yes. There are imaging techniques where we see the first stage of the disease, the accumulation of a particular toxin and the loss of brain mass long before the onset of clinical symptoms. We can also read signals from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid that show the degree of brain damage.
What about drugs? Many large pharmaceutical companies have the ambition to bring a cure for Alzheimer’s disease to humanity. So far, they have failed, or the new drugs are ineffective or have side effects and brain loss. But there is hope. A drug is being developed that slows the disease, helps eliminate toxins from the brain and supports the brain’s natural defense system. The results should be known in 4 years.
The Alzheimer’s. Lifestyle has a huge impact on the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. The functioning of the body and the ability to cleanse the brain of toxins depends on how well the blood vessels are, so doctors recommend paying for a healthy diet (organic local fruits, vegetables, cold-pressed rapeseed oil, virgin olive oil, etc.) and lifestyle, plenty of sleep and regular exercise. Although the aging is a major risk factor, genetics plays a large role, a significantly higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease exists in people who have one specific gene, APOE4. These people then have a reduced ability to cleanse the brain. “Our brains produce a huge amount of fumes, a kilo and a half a year. When you’re older, you’re not able to cleanse your brain so effectively. And when the brain is not cleaned, a toxin then accumulates in it, which causes damage. So do not forget to regularly detoxify the body ( Intra can be great solution) and “soul”, avoid toxic substances, the environment and read the composition of food carefully.Quality is better than quantity.
Question: Hello. My mother has a new diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Can she start taking Intra? Katrin Would
Answer: Thank you for your question. Our products are dietary supplements, not medicine. Please consult with the mother’s doctor.

Source: www.google.com, pixbay.com