Foods for better sex life

Before reaching for an erection-enhancing pill or a libido-enhancing aphrodisiac, open the fridge and examine its contents. Maybe food is the reason why nothing interesting happens in your bedroom. Foods can affect your sex life!

As strange as it may seem, sex depends on good blood circulation and a properly functioning blood circulation. This applies to both sexes and has an effect not only on good functioning, but also on satisfaction itself. Commonly known aphrodisiacs often only affect our mind, and the pills or drops themselves do not cause excitement (the so-called placebo effect), they often only work to improve blood circulation, for which we can also use more frequent consumption of certain foods.

The most important thing is to stop loading the body with a large amount of bad fats before sex and replace them with the necessary fats, which are part of the foods listed below. Getting the right balance of fats in your diet can improve your heart health too.

Foods affecting sexual function in men and women.

Vitamins, minerals and especially omega 3 fatty acids have a very positive effect on erection in men, as do foods containing L-arginine. And since women also have an erection, if we mention the swelling around the vagina and the clitoris itself during excitement, the menu is the same for the more tender half.

In case of erectile dysfunction, include in the menu:

– nuts (peanuts, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts)

-marine fish with a higher amount of fat

-fattier dairy products and yogurts with live cultures

-vegetables (e.g. celery, leafy greens, carrots, garlic etc.)

-soy (yogurts, tofu, soy milk and others)


-pumpkin, squash, sesame and other seeds

-olive oil

-seafood and oysters

-vitamin B, minerals, especially zinc, and omega 3 fatty acids

What is good for our heart is also good for our genitals. For example, more frequent consumption of soy affects the production of estrogen. In addition to the health effects of improving the course of menopause, it has a positive effect on the production of “natural lubricants” in the vagina, and in men it has a positive effect on the prostate. However, women who have experienced breast cancer should be careful, significant consumption of soy could cause its recurrence.

From spices, it is recommended to incorporate curry and ginger into dishes, spicy spices such as chilli, pepper and hotter paprika act as a natural aphrodisiac and, according to research, improve love making.

Drinks affecting the desire for sex.

Perhaps you know from your own experience, that a glass of alcohol loosens the tongue and later also other tastes. However, more alcohol can inhibit sexual appetite and make you or your partner sleepy and reduce performance (if not outright prevent an erection). For starters, white wine or a glass of sparkling wine is recommended. We’ll skip the beer, this juice quells all cravings.

A sex dessert! Give it a try.

Of the sweet spices, cinnamon is an aphrodisiac. Its aroma and effects can be served to your partner on any dessert or sprinkled on coffee or ice cream decorated with whipped cream. Chocolate also works wonders, especially bitter and best warmed to a creamy consistency.

Other factors affecting sexual performance:

-Obesity results in low testosterone levels in men and prevents the ability to have an erection.

-Hormonal imbalance and psychological factors reduce the desire for sex in women.

-Stress, certain medications, and fatigue are general sex drive killers.

-Overeating – if we want to experience a passionate night, let’s remember that we mustn’t overeat. After such a meal, we want to sleep and not perform.

Tip A.

Cook and bake from ingredients that affect your sexual appetite, like craving pineapple juice and bananas. Or do you love chocolate? Chocolate has always been associated with a feeling of happiness and love.

Tip B.

-Include in the menu cinnamon.

-Try “Flakes” with raisins, plums and cinnamon

-Herbal tonic INTRA with 23 herbs. Try a peel that contains at least 5 packs in a row. 

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Source:, Lifestyles Canada, Twitter, Facebook, Meta, Free Pictures






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