How to remove heavy metals from our body? Part I.

Many people try to cleanse, remove heavy metals or detoxify their bodies, perform various cleansing or detoxification systems. The question is if the specific detoxification and cleansing process works and if people know what they are getting rid of and why they actually do detoxification. And it does not matter if they drink water, eat vegetable juices, olive oil with lemon juice, food supplements, or just some light meals.

It is very important to know “why we do it”,  “what we want to achieve”, and what heavy metal we really want to get rid of.

How to remove heavy metals from our body?

By analyzing the elements in the hair we can also detect the toxic heavy metals if we have them in our body. Consequently, heavy metals from our organism can be extruded by providing trace elements, which are heavy metal antagonists.

An antagonistic relationship means that elements together fight, compete for a place in our body, are capable of pushing each other out of our body.

If we supply the right trace elements in sufficient quantity, they will extrude heavy metals from their bodies – their antagonists.

How it does work?

An aluminum antagonist is an iron.

Lead antagonists are calcium, magnesium, and iron.

An antagonist of cadmium is zinc.

The certain universal heavy metal antagonist is selective. For example, with more mercury or arsenic in the body, we serve selenium. This means that on the basis of a biochemical examination, we can deliberately administer dietary supplements containing heavy metal antagonists to purify the body from heavy metals.

During the heavy metal antagonist supplementation, we should eat enough fiber or supply the fiber in the dietary supplements so that heavy metals can build on it in the intestine and we can easily remove it from the body.

However, this is not a one-time cleansing, but we need supplements for several months to a year. Then we can perform a control analysis of the elements in our hair to see if we still have to continue with the supplementation.
